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Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Truly amazing.

I am 43 and I respect any elder who acts the part;

A predictably inane reply.

When YOU reach 54, you MAY then offer an opinion as to how a 54 year old should behave.

In the meantime, get in the back and sit in your kiddie seat.

YOU played the age card and were trumped, chump.
Chairman Mao said:
blah blah blah...Are you now going to try and regain your dignity or are you going to be smart about it a leave it at this?

Hey Loser!

Nice to see you are still around. Things must be boring over at Brawl Hall, The Internets Premier Flame Community. (What the **** is that anyway..."Hey Bitch, my trash talk is better than your trash talk"?) Funny, I meet people like you all the time in the online Poker Rooms. You know, the ones who only gamble at the PLAY tables with PLAY money but are always telling you how ****ING GREAT they are. LMFAOROTF.

**** Simon Simpleton, the local crack pipe smoking ******s played that game in my home town all the time. Tell me, do you have to stick the comb in the back of your hair, wear your hat on sideways, and have 10x oversized pants dangling off of your dope hairy ass crack in order to be one of the "mean mean people"? I'm sure there is the obligatory crack pipe involved in there somewhere.

What a ****ing dope time that must be. Bet you fit right in there; don't you ******?

You seem to be seriously confused, so let me help you out.

Here at GF, we write about things that bug us and often times, we end up in debates which for the most part, involve rational people stating and defending their positions with gusto and integrity.

In case you haven't noticed, although it has it's time and place, we're not that big on trash talk. Any fool, just like you, can do it.

I know, I know...It's a foreign concept to you, but you might be able to grasp it with 4 or 5 years of diligent practice.

So, unless you have anything of intelligence to say...But, by all means, keep making a complete fool of yourself. Long after you have departed back to your cyber world pubescent nonsensical bitch-slap fest, I'll still be here enjoying myself.
Rotwang said:
A predictably inane reply.

When YOU reach 54, you MAY then offer an opinion as to how a 54 year old should behave.

In the meantime, get in the back and sit in your kiddie seat.

YOU played the age card and were trumped, chump.

Obviously your mental faculties have deteriorated so I'll put it in terms you can understand.

Rotwang came to GF. He wrote stuff that was ****. He thought he was a flaming queen, or was that a flame queen. (Same thing anyway isn't it?) He got called on the carpet by CES. As predictable as the sun rising, poor Rotwang barfed his mighty flame juice all over the place and then claimed that he should be respected because of his age of 54.

You are an amazing individual for sure. Any fully grown man of 54, who thinks that being a resident asshole at BH and being able to talk trash, makes you somebody, needs professional help.

The only age card played was the Skip-Bo level cards you played as a 54 year old man! Probably thought you were cute I'm sure.

Fool, go get your oversized pants, Jordan Nike's, sideways hat, crack pipe and hair comb and be the real ****** you always thought you were!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Hey Loser!

Nice to see you are still around. Things must be boring over at Brawl Hall, The Internets Premier Flame Community. (What the **** is that anyway..."Hey Bitch, my trash talk is better than your trash talk"?) Funny, I meet people like you all the time in the online Poker Rooms. You know, the ones who only gamble at the PLAY tables with PLAY money but are always telling you how ****ING GREAT they are. LMFAOROTF.

**** Simon Simpleton, the local crack pipe smoking ******s played that game in my home town all the time. Tell me, do you have to stick the comb in the back of your hair, wear your hat on sideways, and have 10x oversized pants dangling off of your dope hairy ass crack in order to be one of the "mean mean people"? I'm sure there is the obligatory crack pipe involved in there somewhere.

What a ****ing dope time that must be. Bet you fit right in there; don't you ******?

You seem to be seriously confused, so let me help you out.

Here at GF, we write about things that bug us and often times, we end up in debates which for the most part, involve rational people stating and defending their positions with gusto and integrity.

In case you haven't noticed, although it has it's time and place, we're not that big on trash talk. Any fool, just like you, can do it.

I know, I know...It's a foreign concept to you, but you might be able to grasp it with 4 or 5 years of diligent practice.

So, unless you have anything of intelligence to say...But, by all means, keep making a complete fool of yourself. Long after you have departed back to your cyber world pubescent nonsensical bitch-slap fest, I'll still be here enjoying myself.
Hey Loser :rolleyes:

In case you didn't notice, you
How many times do you say 'lol' and arent actually laughing out loud? What about "roflmao"? I have never actually rolled on the floor and laughed, but to each his own.

Anyways, here is where I prove you wrong...

That one almost cracked me up.
Keyword here: ALMOST

I smell Mod material... I like that BH attitude !!
Don't see anything that refers to laughing...

OK he definately has a GF attitude! LMAO I am gonna watch this kid for sure LOL

Jizz says lol too much, and is a forum whore, so she posts everywhere. Therefore, this is null and void.

Snot-nosed gerbil? Wow, I gotta rememebr that!

Waits to say lol, indicating that he did not have the intention of laughing out loud when he first read it. Outlaws a pretty sharp guy, so I am sure that he is not LOLing, merely typing it to convey his like for it.
HEHE ya I post everywhere and ya I am usually gettin a good giggle when I say LOL if I say ROFLMAO that means I may just have peed myself a bit so poop on your head!
tizz said:
HEHE ya I post everywhere and ya I am usually gettin a good giggle when I say LOL if I say ROFLMAO that means I may just have peed myself a bit so poop on your head!

With damn near 1300 sure do piss all over the place! LOL! :D
True, but my mission is to replace the 12k YIKE I have a LOT more work to do. At least I had the forsight to cop to my big mouth from my first post
OMG someone TELLING to post MORE??? That's a first HEHE I will take that as a go ahead for the next 1200?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Obviously your mental faculties have deteriorated so I'll put it in terms you can understand.

Rotwang came to GF. He wrote stuff that was ****. He thought he was a flaming queen, or was that a flame queen. (Same thing anyway isn't it?) He got called on the carpet by CES. As predictable as the sun rising, poor Rotwang barfed his mighty flame juice all over the place and then claimed that he should be respected because of his age of 54.

You are an amazing individual for sure. Any fully grown man of 54, who thinks that being a resident asshole at BH and being able to talk trash, makes you somebody, needs professional help.

The only age card played was the Skip-Bo level cards you played as a 54 year old man! Probably thought you were cute I'm sure.

Fool, go get your oversized pants, Jordan Nike's, sideways hat, crack pipe and hair comb and be the real ****** you always thought you were!

What we got here is your classic meltdown.

Racist taunts and suggestions of cowardice, with a faglame for good measure.

Not real bright are ya, slappie?

Let us be clear here, slapnuts. YOU suggested that you were my senior, and came on with the patronising bullshit and YOU fell in your ****.

Now, if you have a problem with my age take it up with someone who gives a toss, cos I sure as hell dont. I'm actually quite proud of the fact that I can integrate with a whole heap of youngsters and earn their respect and acceptance.

You could learn something from that.

Now, you also imply that we only "play" at being hard. Presumably, you're suggesting that in real life we are computer geeks and sociophobes living vicariously through web forums.

Once again, you demonstrate you complete stupidity by making stereotyped assumptions that are as erroneous as they are entirely unsupported by any fact or evidence.

However, there is a GREAT deal of evidence to support the contrary. So, be a good boy and TRY to restrain your inanity to matters over which you have some knowledge or competence. I realise that this may lead to your total silence and withdrawal from intelligent company, but can't bake a cake without breaking eggs.
Rotwang said:
What we got here is your classic meltdown.

Racist taunts and suggestions of cowardice, with a faglame for good measure.

Not real bright are ya, slappie?

Let us be clear here, slapnuts. YOU suggested that you were my senior, and came on with the patronising bullshit and YOU fell in your ****.

Now, if you have a problem with my age take it up with someone who gives a toss, cos I sure as hell dont. I'm actually quite proud of the fact that I can integrate with a whole heap of youngsters and earn their respect and acceptance.

You could learn something from that.

Now, you also imply that we only "play" at being hard. Presumably, you're suggesting that in real life we are computer geeks and sociophobes living vicariously through web forums.

Once again, you demonstrate you complete stupidity by making stereotyped assumptions that are as erroneous as they are entirely unsupported by any fact or evidence.

However, there is a GREAT deal of evidence to support the contrary. So, be a good boy and TRY to restrain your inanity to matters over which you have some knowledge or competence. I realise that this may lead to your total silence and withdrawal from intelligent company, but can't bake a cake without breaking eggs.

You're funny Alice! Keep it up as you make me laugh, but you need to improve your reading comprehension.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Both of you are clearly adolescents either in mind, body or perhaps both.

I couldn't care less if I am older or younger than you and never did. Age is nothing so long as intelligence and good judgment control ones actions. But you quite clearly win "hands down", the childish behavior versus your age contest. Congratulations on your victory!

Obviously, you qualify as the adolescent mind and not the body, which for me makes you all the funnier. Imagine that...I've actually met a 54 year old who operates on a fool ****** slap playground mentality. LOL.

By the way

Rotwang said:
I've put some contributions into the Debate thread

I've been looking but haven't found anything of any substance in your last 17 posts which just happens to be all of your posts...My, what a magnificent contributor you are. Thanks a lot!

Racist? I'm anything but racist and you cannot even begin to understand the usage of the word but had I wished to be as you claim me to be, I'd have just called you a stupid "Abo" but I wouldn't degrade a noble people by relating them to you.

At to cowardice...yes, the word fits you nicely. All you are capable of is rhetoric, cheap childlike insults and nothing more. No? Prove me wrong then! Get to the topics and post good posts without all your ****** slap talk. Pick a topic and I'll argue the other side without any of your bullshit jive talk. I'll bet you can't even do it. Too bad they don't make an "intelligent poster" version of Viagra, because you need it badly to "get it up" so to speak.

Let's see. Of your 17 posts, 13 are nothing more than cheap insults at various people, the remaining 4 are of negligible worth.

For somebody who doesn't give a "toss", you've spent 6 of your 17 posts (more than a third!) just trying to insult me... Ha! Nice ratio. I'm honored and amazed at your amazing wit. :rolleyes:

To boot, you haven't even mustered any responses to my questions:

http://Off Topic

When you get down to it and look at the cold hard facts, you just suck around here. You're not even in the league yet. 17 posts of **** and dribble and nothing more. Yep. You
17 posts of dribble...but I've hooked you numbnuts!!!

You think I'm here for the aesthetics?

Oh, just so's ya know, winkydink, I dont answer anyone's questions. If you'd done your research you'd have known that. I'm not here to satisfy your quest for knowledge.

Hey, here's an idea. Wanna show me how a big brave boy acts?

Go and join Brawl Hall and run your mouth in there. I'm here, after all. C'mon big fella, lets see the fibre of your fabric. You can be a hero. I'll look forward to seeing you there.
Rotwang said:
17 posts of dribble...but I've hooked you numbnuts!!!

You think I'm here for the aesthetics?

Oh, just so's ya know, winkydink, I dont answer anyone's questions. If you'd done your research you'd have known that. I'm not here to satisfy your quest for knowledge.

Hey, here's an idea. Wanna show me how a big brave boy acts?

Go and join Brawl Hall and run your mouth in there. I'm here, after all. C'mon big fella, lets see the fibre of your fabric. You can be a hero. I'll look forward to seeing you there.

Hey that's 7 of 18 on me. You honor me sir.

Oh...I cannot debate anything at all. What a pity but oh so predictable.

All you are capable of is your ******'s fo' shizzle lingo and feeble bitch slaps. Congratulations again!

You are correct then. You belong at Brawl Hall, land of the never-ending bitch slap contests. How quaint.

Yes, you're here. Doing NOTHING at all, as usual. Well done.

Seeing as how I don't play your ****** slap playground games, there really is no need to go to Brawl Hall.

I already admit it.

You are much better at making an adolescent ass out of your 54 year old body, than I ever could.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
You are much better at making an adolescent ass out of your 54 year old body, than I ever could.

I would regard that as a compliment, chump.

Rather that, than growing old and ignorant before my time.

But in truth, I am probably better looking and smarter too. If the price of youthfulness is to have an asshole like you regard me with envy, it is indeed well worth the cost.
Rotwang said:
I would regard that as a compliment, chump.

Rather that, than growing old and ignorant before my time.

But in truth, I am probably better looking and smarter too. If the price of youthfulness is to have an asshole like you regard me with envy, it is indeed well worth the cost.

8 out of 22...Your ratios are improving slightly oh