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Well kids, it's been really shitty around here being in the Idiot Box and not being able to post like Chairman Mao claims. WTF??? I'm pretty sure that I've posted more in the last 6 hours than in the last day or two...It's bedtime for me.

So you see good people, the next time you see somebody huff and puff and whine about the idiot box, it's because it's 100x more an affront to their EGO than a hindrance to their ability to post here on GF.

Granted you cannot start a thread, cannot email or instant message, cannot give good or bad reputation, and a few other little tidbits which are just as unimportant in the grand scheme.

I've never seen ANYONE not have the right of FREE SPEECH here at GF - EVER - and I mean EVER, even when you get tossed into the Idiot Box for...BEING AN IDIOT of which I have been here before because of just that. Most everybody who is here long enough lands there at least once in their career. It's a good thing.

I like to view people here like wines and the IDIOT BOX as the wine cellar; ageing in there sours the bad, and improves the good! :)
Who said you HAD to pay to post numbnuts!!! If that's all you got you ARE an idiot!!!

What a dipshit.

You maY kick up the posts but GF has ME for that takes bow and we don't need anymore idiots bringing DOWN the mean IQ

We're sendin ya back kid you are NOT ready to play with the big kids

angie said:
The only owning I saw was YOU being owned by CES.

Then open your eyes a little wider kitten...unless you suffer from myopia to go along with that parochialism. This chump has been feeding out of my hand since I arrived.

But by all means, feel free to take a nibble.

Oh, and Tizz...your moronic sidekick invited me to pay $12 to join. If thats not to post, what the **** is it for?? Entertainment Tax?

I'd ask for my money back in that case.
Dude you are posting right now! How dumb are you hoping to look here? The $12 bucks is to be the sponsor and get POWER. HHMM Not in teh idiot box yet? I think we can fix that for ya because WE CARED ENOUGH TO HELP KEEP THE PLACE GOING? What oyu can't handle posting without a picture next to your name? You have full privelages in teh general forums **** head!!!!!! I paid up to have the power to send those lacking normal brain capacity, like yourself, to the idiot box. What part of the fact that oyu ARE posting right now do you not get? The $12 is voluntary. You don't want to pay fine, a lot of people have made the choice not to, or hadn't you noticed everyone NOT in orange. Really, if you bothered to check teh site out and read teh announcements (they DO have they're own forum) you might actually know what oyu are getting into. You can't handle it?


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya :p
Since he seems to think he has to PAY for free speech, maybe he'll enjoy a nice trip to the idiot box himself.

Enjoy dickwad.

C.E.S. took his voluntary trip to the box (AND I THANK HIM FOR BEING A SPORT ABOUT IT), and was still posting all over GF, so YOUR trip should be no different. C.E.S. is now released, Rotwang will take his place.
Wow thanks phreak, you saved me the trouble of asking or setting up a poll (I hate doing that)
Oh I'll free him just as soon as his buddy Chairman Mao admits that she flat out LIED on Brawl Hall when she said we banned her. Rotwang has the same status she does, and HE seems to ALSO be posting in our forums. Compare the time of THIS POST to the time of the image that is coming up soon, I show ROTWANG responding right now as we speak to a topic.

I'll post a screen capture when he finishes.

Keep in mind, being in the box DISABLES his ability to RE EDIT his post, so the time on the post will reflect the time he MADE the post.

I never really paid attention to the times (come on now it took you telling me I was in teh box the first time before I knew LOL) I miss ALOT ;)
It take a lot to amaze me, but you chimps have succeeded.

What a ****ing vacuous, remarkably infantile system.

You pay $12 a month for POWER!!!! To put a member in an "Idiot Box"?? And you want to be respected as the forums premier what?

And you regard this is good forum management and practice.

What a tragically absurd and peurile notion. Who owns this ****, the Olsen Twins?

No wonder you attract emotional cripples and socially underdeveloped misfits.
"Here, give me $12, and I'll give you POWER!!!"

I'll give you a tip, and its free. Save your money and buy a pet rat. Its cheaper, and you can dominate it all you want.
Rotwang said:
It take a lot to amaze me, but you chimps have succeeded.

Why thank you sunshine. We were wondering when we'd finally get through to you.

Rotwang said:
What a ****ing vacuous, remarkably infantile system.

It sure beats listening to crying babies.

Rotwang said:
You pay $12 a month for POWER!!!! To put a member in an "Idiot Box"??

Atually phreakwars put me in the box shortly after arriving here too. Take it on the chin, or **** orrrrrrrf. I felt a bit weirded out too. It must be the smell in there.

Rotwang said:
And you want to be respected as the forums premier what?

Hey, many members here didn't pay jack ****. It means ****-all to me. If you wanna sponsor something, who am I to criticize? I paid jack-**** just like you.

Rotwang said:
And you regard this is good forum management and practice.

Who gives a toss? FFS. Your point is? Oh, I'll give you a week to think about that one.

Rotwang said:
What a tragically absurd and peurile notion. Who owns this ****, the Olsen Twins?

Hey, keep your paedophile **** outta this.

Rotwang said:
No wonder you attract emotional cripples and socially underdeveloped misfits.

Oh, no!! Don't cripple me, phreak. No!! Anything but the box. LOL. At least wait until Rotwang has had the chance to clean it up a bit. Sheesh.

Rotwang said:
"Here, give me $12, and I'll give you POWER!!!"

Power to do what? Do you know what the power is?

Rotwang said:
I'll give you a tip, and its free.

You don't think we'd pay you for anything, do you? Seriously?

Rotwang said:
Save your money and buy a pet rat.

We already got one. He's called Rotwang. He came for free.

Rotwang said:
Its cheaper, and you can dominate it all you want.

We will if you want us to. We aims to please. Specially our pets. :cool: :D
Rotwang said:
...I'll give you a tip, and its free. Save your money and buy a pet rat. Its cheaper, and you can dominate it all you want.

Hell, with baffoons like you around, who needs a pet rat for entertainment. I'll save my money to buy another years support for GF.

BRAIN FLASH Your the new GF Court Jester!

I hope that one of the MODS permanently changes your title as such because you REALLY deserve it you nescient parasite. :p
Rotwang said:
It take a lot to amaze me, but you chimps have succeeded.

What a ****ing vacuous, remarkably infantile system.

You pay $12 a month for POWER!!!! To put a member in an "Idiot Box"?? And you want to be respected as the forums premier what?

And you regard this is good forum management and practice.

What a tragically absurd and peurile notion. Who owns this ****, the Olsen Twins?

No wonder you attract emotional cripples and socially underdeveloped misfits.
"Here, give me $12, and I'll give you POWER!!!"

I'll give you a tip, and its free. Save your money and buy a pet rat. Its cheaper, and you can dominate it all you want.

When did I state I was out for respect? Besides my words alone are capable of that, BUT my words alone cannot sentence you to a time out. I like this site, I certainly suck enough bandwidth to give just a little back to help cover costs, PLUS I get a little power in return. I was a regular for a while (till I had the extra bux) You can still get respect here (if you stop acting like such a whiny little bitch) but you get no power. Like everywhere else in the damn world it takes money to get that (what a ****ing numbnuts). So..... moral is? You want power pay up, you want respect? Dude you need to change your name and start over because I don't see you living down the whiny bitch status anytime soon.
Hello, my name is GinGin. Looks like an interesting site you have here. I don't know how pissed I am, but I'm definitely very opinionated.
YAY Gin gin!!!!! A great mind here kids! Hey gin keep in mind this place gets hhmmm interesting but be careful not to think it like LU. SOOOOOOOOO different!!!!!!!! Have fun and I hope you can bring in some new topics of discussion
GinGin said:
Hello, my name is GinGin. Looks like an interesting site you have here. I don't know how pissed I am, but I'm definitely very opinionated.

Gingin... Welcome.....

Keep in mind WYPO isnt a dry heat....

GinGin...i sure hope that names is about something you mix with tonic, and not a cutsey nickname a lover would call you..

i dont want my gag reflex tested!

but welcome all the same!