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tizz said:
Gin is AWESOME so you better be nice or I will have to slap you all around a bit :p

Im nice to everyone tizzy

cept your threat of a few slaps arent a good enough deterrant.....i may like it
tizz said:
When did I state I was out for respect? Besides my words alone are capable of that, BUT my words alone cannot sentence you to a time out. I like this site, I certainly suck enough bandwidth to give just a little back to help cover costs, PLUS I get a little power in return. I was a regular for a while (till I had the extra bux) You can still get respect here (if you stop acting like such a whiny little bitch) but you get no power. Like everywhere else in the damn world it takes money to get that (what a ****ing numbnuts). So..... moral is? You want power pay up, you want respect? Dude you need to change your name and start over because I don't see you living down the whiny bitch status anytime soon.

Son, I know about respect. If I wanted respect, I wouldn't be in this backwash of banality.

Its odd, that whenever an interloper arrives and challenges the status quo, or stands up to the petty little despots who think they're BAAAAD, the same peurile and utterly impotent taunts fly. "Wah wah, you're a whiny bitch...wah wah, you are dumb....wah dont impress me..."

If I want power, I sure as **** wont get it for 12 ****ing dollars, stumpy. I prefer to get it my way.

Humbling devolved neanderthals such as you and Bernito is far more rewarding. I'll spend the 12 bux on beer.
OO stumpy, are you referring to the size of my clit here or do you just not pay attention.

I could give a **** (if I hadn't just) what you think. You opinions without value as is your insight (or lack there of) Go have a drink, talk about the good old days when perhaps you had a brain with your little poodle Perky, and stay out of the deep end until you learn to swim. Respect is earned Dumb ass, no one buys that around here. We just buy the power to put dumb asses like yourself in the idiot box (and an email account) You are not challenging ANYTHING. To challenge something you at least have to know what you are challenging. You have been here all of ten seconds (and in the ten seconds proved to be no more than a mindless dolt) And considering neanderthal man was the first to show enough intelligence to bandage a wound or care about their dead I would gladly take that over your australopithecus like brain capacity.
tizz said:
YAY Gin gin!!!!! A great mind here kids! Hey gin keep in mind this place gets hhmmm interesting but be careful not to think it like LU. SOOOOOOOOO different!!!!!!!! Have fun and I hope you can bring in some new topics of discussion
Thanks for the welcome Tizzie!!!! Nice to see you. Thanks for the heads up.
Vortex said:
Gingin... Welcome.....

Keep in mind WYPO isnt a dry heat....

GinGin...i sure hope that names is about something you mix with tonic, and not a cutsey nickname a lover would call you..

i dont want my gag reflex tested!

but welcome all the same!
Thank you for the welcome, Vortex. Nice to meet you. GinGin's a nick, given to me by my father, and I don't have (nor have I ever had) an electra complex. LOL My lover calls me zlato, and my drinks are all doubles. As far as a dry heat, that ended about a month ago here in AZ. wink
tizz said:
OO stumpy, are you referring to the size of my clit here or do you just not pay attention.

I could give a **** (if I hadn't just) what you think. You opinions without value as is your insight (or lack there of) Go have a drink, talk about the good old days when perhaps you had a brain with your little poodle Perky, and stay out of the deep end until you learn to swim. Respect is earned Dumb ass, no one buys that around here. We just buy the power to put dumb asses like yourself in the idiot box (and an email account) You are not challenging ANYTHING. To challenge something you at least have to know what you are challenging. You have been here all of ten seconds (and in the ten seconds proved to be no more than a mindless dolt) And considering neanderthal man was the first to show enough intelligence to bandage a wound or care about their dead I would gladly take that over your australopithecus like brain capacity.

It was a reference to my intellectual capacity, or lack thereof. It seems it could equally apply to my lack of imagination.

However, as you seem hell bent on personal slurs, please point your audience to any evidence that I am anything but a mindless dolt. Show me where that allegation is substantiated. I Embarrass me. I Humiliate myself. Prove my point, instead of mouthing cliches from the safety of my dingy den in Outer Nowhere. It's easy being a Keyboard Kommando. I can't show you what I got by myself, I need the safety of Brawl Hall.

But I do have a list of complaints:

Spelling errors, grammar, punctuation, and the Moderators tendency to actually NOT Moderate... ALL pet peeves of mine !!

I also believe it is a waste of $12 just for my own private forum, an E-mail address, and the ability to have Semi-Mod type privileges.

The Mods should be doing there job and BANNING ME so I have something else to bitch about.

It's bad enough they stoop so low as to EDIT my original post, but geesh, I have better FLAME MATERIAL... I am God like in my own imagination, and I expect to be treated that way... IF YOU DON'T.... THEN SO HELP ME, I will go back to Brawl hall with my finger in my ass YET AGAIN, and BITCH SOME MORE to my alleged friends.


I'll sleep better at night playing a bitch slap flame game. It makes me feel important.

I just have yet to realize that people just want me to BE MYSELF here instead of making an effort to be an asshole. But since I have no way of making idle chit chat without talking **** about someone, I guess I'll never make any REAL friends, but I do appreciate your efforts to make me feel welcome, I'm just to hard headed to see that quality at this point in time.

Pathetic obfuscation and evasion.

I'll give you credit for being the best collective of cut and run twats on the web.

I've laid out a challenge, and some remarkably clever chimp with mod status tries to be all clever and funny with the edit facility.

Does that suggest that this forum has the collective fortitude of a goldfish, and the wit and intellect of a donut?

See, while I am inviting you clowns without a circus to come and play in BH, I am still here playing your game in YOUR backyard. Do you see ME whining, crying and bleating like a sheep? Do you see me ducking and weaving.

I'm here. I aint going anywhere. Your silly **** has as much impact as a feather on a bulldozer, and merely serves to expose your total lack of maturity and responsibility. Using mod status to try and "humiliate" me and modify my details and posts says a great deal more about the chumps that ride this train that it does about me.

Take your best shot ladies. Wont change a thing. I'm OK, and you look like fools.
Rotwang said:
But I do have a list of complaints:

Spelling errors, grammar, punctuation,
Pardon me your majesty....but not all your subjects are perfect.......and the arrogance is noted...

Rotwang said:
and the Moderators tendency to actually NOT Moderate... ALL pet peeves of mine !!
What is there to moderate when there is free speech? You whined, moaned, and bitched about the cost of free speech being 12 bux.. If the moderators deleted posts like a brawl hall reject then that wouldnt be free speech now would it........

Rotwang said:
I also believe it is a waste of $12 just for my own private forum, an E-mail address, and the ability to have Semi-Mod type privileges.
But its okay that you are breathing my air and wasting it?

Rotwang said:
The Mods should be doing there job and BANNING ME so I have something else to bitch about.
silly ****...banning is for pussies......

Rotwang said:
It's bad enough they stoop so low as to EDIT my original post, but geesh, I have better FLAME MATERIAL...
Apparently have no callout points to your name....Either you actually dont have the flame material to back your words up..or you are a second rate brawl haller........

Rotwang said:
I am God like in my own imagination, and I expect to be treated that way... IF YOU DON'T.... THEN SO HELP ME, I will go back to Brawl hall with my finger in my ass YET AGAIN, and BITCH SOME MORE to my alleged friends.
exactly...they apparently arent your friends...BH has its purpose..but it looks like it lacks togetherness, and that is what a community is about.....and togetherness needs some sort of mutual respect........

Rotwang said:
Do you have that written on a big foam finger like you find at sports events...because that totaly would rock!

why do you need us to come there to give you freebie callout points? I am sorry that one of our good standing members went there to put you down...its not our fault...but its still funny!

Rotwang said:
I just have yet to realize that people just want me to BE MYSELF here instead of making an effort to be an asshole. But since I have no way of making idle chit chat without talking **** about someone, I guess I'll never make any REAL friends, but I do appreciate your efforts to make me feel welcome, I'm just to hard headed to see that quality at this point in time.
Well you make some sort of human i feel guilty about being nasty.......

well only sortof
Rotwang said:
Yeah, it can be tiring. If you take it on board and try and work it out.

Rotwang said:
Pathetic obfuscation and evasion.

Are you receiving treatment for that? Sounds kinda serious.

Rotwang said:
I'll give you credit for being the best collective of cut and run twats on the web.

As If I'm gonna hang here waiting for you to arrive. I've responded to all of your replies to me, and some where I wasn't even invited. Just to make your welcome here more complete.

Rotwang said:
I've laid out a challenge, and some remarkably clever chimp with mod status tries to be all clever and funny with the edit facility.

That **** happened to me for a while. You know what I did? I edited some of their posts and pasted 'em into a few topics. It's easy. Oh, when you get out of that intellectually challenged receptacle you're in, it will be easy. Try it. It's fun. ;)

Rotwang said:
Does that suggest that this forum has the collective fortitude of a goldfish, and the wit and intellect of a donut?

No, it just suggests that Off Topic Forum and bh are not one and the same. I can tell that you're warming to the concept, because your insults have become, shall we say, less insulting?

Rotwang said:
See, while I am inviting you clowns without a circus to come and play in BH, I am still here playing your game in YOUR backyard.

Uh-huh. Your point was? You like it here; I can tell; just admit it.
I too, came here with an agenda, and mouthed off at anyone that listened. Still do, when it's required, but I like it here too. Now that I've settled in. Sorta. :D

Rotwang said:
Do you see ME whining, crying and bleating like a sheep?

No, but I'd like to hear that last one. Mmmmbaaaaaaaaah.

Rotwang said:
Do you see me ducking and weaving.

Not at all. I've enjoyed our jousts a whole damn lot. Still miss mao san.

Rotwang said:
I'm here. I aint going anywhere.

That's the ****. Hang tough. I was told by all and sundry to **** off, and called a whinging Aussie ****, and all the rest. Just part of the welcome. We both know how up 'emselves some yanks can be. Some Aussies too. Just like yours truly. Builder sucks, according to many here. I'll get around to them sooner or later. Meanwhile, I enjoy the mates I've made here.

Rotwang said:
Your silly **** has as much impact as a feather on a bulldozer, and merely serves to expose your total lack of maturity and responsibility.

Agreed. I took on a coupla people here, and the jackals gathered for the kill. It was the funniest ****ing thing I'd done for ages. Near pissed myself at the grovelling hordes. Mates with a few of them jackals now.

Rotwang said:
Using mod status to try and "humiliate" me and modify my details and posts says a great deal more about the chumps that ride this train that it does about me.

It is kinda lame. I found it to be a minor annoyance, so I made some assumptions, and went ahunting. Grist for the mill. This is a good game.

If it gets you down, don't play.

Rotwang said:
Take your best shot ladies. Wont change a thing.

Exactly. If it ain't putting a smile on your dial, and a bee in your bonnet, and a glint of thoughtful evil in your eyes, then maybe you're not holding your mouth right, or somethin'.

Rotwang said:
I'm OK, and you look like fools.

Back to it then. So you're from Adelaide?

I hear that because most of the rivers west of the Great Divide drain into the Murray river, which empties into the ocean at Adelaide, many Aussies consider your town to be the arsehole of country, because all the **** gets washed downstream. :cool:
builder said:
I hear that because most of the rivers west of the Great Divide drain into the Murray river, which empties into the ocean at Adelaide, many Aussies consider your town to be the arsehole of country, because all the **** gets washed downstream. :cool:

Is that why Billy Connelly stated that if ever Australia needed an enema, they would insert it in Brisbane?

I'd be careful with the parochial jibes, Bob. You rednecks dont have anywhere to run, but you've got a lot to hide.
Vortex, you are a gullible drone. Thats your devious little admin having fun abusing his privileges.

Nice going, Phrick. The only people you catch in your asinine chicanery are you own peons.
Rotwang said:
Is that why Billy Connelly stated that if ever Australia needed an enema, they would insert it in Brisbane?

I'd be careful with the parochial jibes, Bob. You rednecks dont have anywhere to run, but you've got a lot to hide.

Yeah, we mostly hide our detritus in your desert. Such a wide turd-coloured expanse of.......well, ****-all really.

I haven't been called bob since my time in the NT. How's it cuz? ;)

Oh, and Billy Connolley is the ****. If he don't know enemas, no-one does. Trouble with inserting it in Brisbane, however, is our river runs east. You'd have to go to Toowoomba, and send it over the range. Nice try.