New mods.

Its alright. I'm hardly on anymore anyway, so I could flaming purple for all I care. :p
that would be awesome, flaming purple. but its better to be green, you get more respect, and it seperates you from the n00bs
ok i dunno whether this goes here but i really dont get what all the diferent colours and that mean so if someone could explain it i would then probably understand. lol.
ok heres what i want to know:
what diferent 'levels'(?) are there here at LPF and what colours are they?
how do you get to be these things?
umm yeah thats really all that i awnt to know. :D

oh and congrats to Clogz and UnhingedMouse0 as wel. :thumbsup:
green: elete, you get it once you have proven yourself to be a member of good quality, and the admins will make you green, and you can hold more pms, and change yoru user title

yellow: mod(moderator) they like keep the peace, you ge thtat by proving alot of maturity and leadership

orange: newscasters, like mods, but only for two forums "link park central" and "lp news"

admin: admins the forums. you cant even get it

light blue: owner, youd have to buy the forum to get it

blue(lie you): everyone thats not one fo the above has this
Which doesn't really matter that much, everyone of course wants to be green lol

But if we could change our usernames, that would just be trouble and confusing
yup... cuz i if you could change it... i would have a new name like everday! lol... wonder when the next round of elite's are gunna rollout...