New Track by Track Reviews (With Ratings)

I can pretty much sum up that review.

"This song is great, even though it actually kind of sucks. But even though it sucks some may like it because it's kind of great in a way."

Repeat that twelve times and that's pretty much it.

What a joke.
Poorly written reviews, im pretty sure he pre decicded what each track would sound like and based his opinion entirley around that. The lyrics he praised are harldy strong and the fact he said it doesnt mark a scratch on Hybrid Theory which was pretty repetetive then im kinda worried. + the fact he rated so many songs sooo low and still gave it an 8? Not to mention never talked about the flow of the album, are they just a collection of songs or do they fit together?

yeah i was like wtf he is rating them all like 2 or 3 then its an 8 at the end
Yeah, whoever did the ratings seriously needs to re-evaluate their skills. :shakes heads: I didn't really pay attention at first but in retrospection, I agree with what misery said. The descriptions are alright, but the actual ratings are basically:

"This song is great, even though it actually kind of sucks. But even though it sucks some may like it because it's kind of great in a way."