New Years Resolution?


New member
I was just wondering if anyone had any new years resolutions?

I can't think of one but it's not like I keep them anyway...



New member
stopp hurting myself.

be nicer to my friends

join LPU

Keep my good grades

Be nicer to family

strengthen my min, body, soul and heart

continue my story

eat healthier




New member
stopp hurting myself. be nicer to my friends

join LPU

Keep my good grades

Be nicer to family

strengthen my min, body, soul and heart

continue my story

eat healthier

You read my mind! AH! lol, i dont wanna eat healthier though,i love candy..mwaha :D


Amy Shinoda

New member
stopp hurting myself. be nicer to my friends

join LPU

Keep my good grades

Be nicer to family

strengthen my min, body, soul and heart

continue my story

eat healthier

yep... those would be mine... plus:

--> clean my room (it's been a mess since i moved)

--> visit my grandma more often

--> find the courage to tell this guy i like about my feelings for him

--> figure out what i want with my life

but it's kinda useless to make these resolutions... cuz i never stick to them anyway... ¬¬

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