New Years Resolution?

Dark Rain

New member
shed afew pounds...

do my homework b4 i get to class the day it's due

do some serious college searchin

do some serious job seaarchin...

practice my faith more often (its hard to find time to do too much spell work when you're preping for college)

eat better...

graduate (though i'm not doing too badly in school)

and last but not least...



New member
I really would like to make a resolution this year, cuz i never do. But i cant think of a really good one right now, but once i do. I'll post it.

Yeah, Black_THought, i know what you mean about not wanting a disappointment. It reminds me of the thing they said in dodgeball "If you dont make goals, then atleast you know you wont be possibly disappointed" That DOES make sense, but then someone else goes on and says "That has a point... in a sad way"

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