Newest Moderator

I'm Yellow because I'm full of Pee Pee? No, that's not it....

I'm Yellow because I toilet papered Phreakwars trailer and trailer park? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because R/O pissed on my parade? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because I groped Tizz in the Premium Members Forum? No, that's not it, but it should have been! :p

I'm Yellow because all of the negative Brownie Points I've earned finally caught up with me? No, that's not it...

I know...I VOLUNTEERED to be Yellow (i.e. In the Idiot Box) for 24 hours so that Phreak could prove a point to Chairman Mao the Bitch and the other lame asses over at Brawl Hall. Our Idiot Box is a great tool, but it hardly bans a person from participating. It just dewclaws them for a little bit!