NFL Playoffs


New member
well it should be, we smartasses, we bust our ***** 24/7 just be smartasses! we shoudl get freiking medals!


New member
lol I don't think it should be able to go that far...sooner or later, you'll be wanting medals for taking a **** =.=


New member
lol that would be totally ridiculous...imagine the smell in that competition ive been so random lately


New member
lol but its a competition...what about the other people...

and what? you **** flower scented ****? come on now lol



New member
ok you know what? let's get back on topic...i feel like we're gonna get someone mad >.> uhhh...SAINTS ALL THE WAY BABY :D


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New Orleans Saints

Coming of a catastrophic season, they are the surprise of the season. Drafted Reggie Bush...Is my favorite right now, and should be yours too :p

Also, Saints are the Number 1 offense



New member
I had no idea...the Saints began to turn into one of my favorite teams after I saw how the fans reacted in their stadium. After such a tragedy happened in that's good to see how life just flourished back.


Active Members
I have been to two game (we have season tickets) and even though they lost both, the atmosphere was amazing..Everyone was excited and having a good time.. Win or Lose, it have been an awesome season for the Saints.

Oh, and this belongs in General, so I gunna move it there.



New member
damnit the Eagles lost. ****.

they're my favorite team and always have been even though I'm from Atlanta. oh well, it's ok, they'll be back next year LOL like always ^____^

since the Saints beat them, I've gotta go for the Saints now. It's basically a rule.

Go New Orleans :p



New member
ahh thanx...I was sorta thinking the same after I posted this on here.

The crowd just seems so lively on's somewhere I would definitely would like to go to. The crowd over here is too pessimistic. They don;t understand that without fan support, the team fails to function well. Im hoping that my Texans have an awesome season like the Saints have been having.



New member
lol the NFL is so lame... sometimes i see it on ESPN, if they fall with the ball the game stops.... WTF

watch rugby, its a much bigger, better and cooler sport



New member
lol the NFL is so lame... sometimes i see it on ESPN, if they fall with the ball the game stops.... WTFwatch rugby, its a much bigger, better and cooler sport
do you even know how the game is played?

and rugby is boring!



New member
just cause australia sux at it :)

an ya i have a idea how it works. Just keep the ball and run forward over that lines. then when they tackle you and you keep the ball its your ball. then they do that "HUT HUT 23" thang where everybody just jump on the ball but the guy was smart and he allready made a long throw to the dude who is running.. then that dude takes the ball and runs over the final line and it a touch down.. thats what i know ><

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