No, not John Stewart too....


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(CNN) – Count Jon Stewart among the legion of frustrated supporters of President Obama.

Appearing on Fox News' The Bill O'Reilly show Wednesday, the liberal comedian said he thought Obama would do a better job when he voted for him in the 2008 presidential election.

"I think people feel a disappointment in that there was a sense that Jesus will walk on water and now you are looking at it like, 'Oh look at that, he's just treading water' … I thought he'd do a better job," said Stewart.

Stewart, who maintains he ultimately does not regret his vote for Obama, said he is "saddened" the president hasn't done more to change the structure of Washington.

"I thought we were in such a place [in 2008], much like the Tea Party feels now, that the country … needed a more drastic reconstruction – I have been saddened to see that someone who ran on the idea that you can't expect to get different results with the same people and the same system has kept in place so much of the same system and same people," he said.

I think this represents most of the every day people who voted for Obama, they saw what they 'thought' was a moderate who was going to go "CHANGE" Washington for the better, get away from the partisan bickering, and restore some dignity to the political process there.

To be honest, I wanted that too, my mind told me that Obama was a pure Progressive wacko who did not have the management skills to run a McDonald's but in my heart I hoped for him, or someone like him to come along and really find some way to fix the mess.

But unfortunately Obama was not the guy he pretended to be.



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Obama is a *****, he listens to too many right wingers and gives in to their whining, and the REAL people who represent the majority of Americans, are sick of it. Sick of the tea party bullshit, sick of the division tactics, sick of the hatred.

P.S. Obama is NOT a ******* progressive, he doesn't even come close. That's just a lame *** label you wanna give to his ideals.

It gives you a self justification to think Liberal=Progressive=Democrat.

Progressives bailed on Obama over a year ago for pussing out on health care, wake the **** up idiot, and get out of your freeper world.

Obama was not the guy he pretended to be
Nobody but right wingers ever said he was... I.E. "MESSIAH"...
But at least he wasn't another Bush spin off. Yeah, McCain had the plan and a great VP pick to back him up didn't he?

Looking back, would YOU vote for Sarah ******* Palin? If you say yes, you are an IDIOT.



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Obama is a cat, he listens to too many right wingers and gives in to their whining, and the REAL people who represent the majority of Americans, are sick of it. Sick of the tea party bullshit, sick of the division tactics, sick of the hatred.
What are you smoking Bender?

Obama told all of the Republicans to **** off and he wanted to go it alone being as he had the power to disreguard them. Obama got everything he wanted and only now that all of Obama's ideas are failing is he again trying to blame Republicans for his own failures.

From day one Obama was a purely partisan progressive hack.

P.S. Obama is NOT a ******* progressive, he doesn't even come close. That's just a lame *** label you wanna give to his ideals.

It gives you a self justification to think Liberal=Progressive=Democrat.

Progressives bailed on Obama over a year ago for pussing out on health care, wake the f up idiot, and get out of your freeper world.
Do you assign who can and cannot be a progressive Bender? Are you the top leader of all Progressives and can decide who is and is not a Progressive?

Why don't we just go to Obama himself and ask him what he is:

I am someone who is no doubt progressive
In the same speach:

I believe in a whole lot of things that make me progressive and put me squarely in the Democratic camp
Oh yes, Obama is definately a Progressive, he says so himself, and we know Obama would never lie......right, lol.

Nobody but right wingers ever said he was... I.E. "MESSIAH"...

But at least he wasn't another Bush spin off. Yeah, McCain had the plan and a great VP pick to back him up didn't he?

Looking back, would YOU vote for Sarah ******* Palin? If you say yes, you are an IDIOT.


Stupid was believing Obama was a moderate, his voting record and history showed him to be a pure Progressive, even his own words he said he was a progressive, progressives are not moderates and far from meeting in the middle, they only want one thing, the Government to run everything.

And yes, I would vote for Palin over any Progressive running for office because all Progressives do is kill private sector jobs. We need jobs, not more and bigger Government.



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He, like any politician, said he was allegedly progressive to suck *** with progressives. He's about as progressive as Bush was conservative. Quote him all you want. His word doesn't mean ****.

And yes, I would vote for Palin


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He, like any politician, said he was allegedly progressive to suck *** with progressives. He's about as progressive as Bush was conservative. Quote him all you want. His word doesn't mean ****.
Every new policy he has put into place and every big new law, like the healthcare reform, was purely progressive. Maybe not as much progressive as the more radical elements like you wanted, but he got as progressive as he could with the available votes he had. The few conservative Democrats who were not pure progressives were holding him up and he had to stop where he stopped.

But what Obama did do is set up the private insurance companies to fail and the stage is set for the Government to step in later and do what they "must" to pick up the pieces should this law be allowed to fully impliment.

Look at everything Obama says he wants to do right down to treating the "rich" like they are the enemy, that is 100% progressive.

And yes, I would vote for Palin
Who here voted for Obama? Not me, you now say you were deceived and progressives like you have stopped supporting him and yet your still blindly defending everything he does.

How can you say you bailed on him when your still blindly defending him?

If being an idiot in your eyes means we stop treating business like the bad guys then find, call me an idiot, at least I don't have to hide my head when the hard questions are asked of me Bender. You still cannot answer my question as to why Obama gave the Unions that pass on the higher taxes on insurance and how that was good for all Americans.



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And I'm calling you an idiot if you think Sarah Palin has any idea of what the **** she's even talking about. 70% of Conservatives agree.. she's a stupid *****.

No need to politicize it, she is what she is. A leader she ain't. An idol for tea bag morons to follow, sure, but a leader NEVER.



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More than half the nation - 55% - see Sarah Palin unfavorably, and 71% believe the "Going Rogue" author is not qualified to be President, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll Thursday.

The former Alaska governor and Tea Party darling said recently she will consider running for the White House, but both those numbers are new lows for her and don't augur well for a national political run.

"More problematic for Palin is that even in her own party 52% think she's not qualified for the presidency - up by 16 points from an ABC/Post poll in November," writes ABC News pollster Gary Langer.

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I'd be supportive of a Republican President (like I was Bush & Bob Dole), if they actually had ideas. Fact of the matter is, none of them do... All any of them have is a stupid talking point about lower taxes, smaller government... when confronted with "HOW WILL YOU LOWER TAXES, WHAT WILL YOU DO" all you get from these morons is the run around.
Vote for THAT? **** no. The Republican party needs to straighten it's **** out before I would decide to ever vote for them again.

It doesn't mean I'm a ******* socialist just because I support the Democrat, it just means the guy I voted for has a clear proposal.

Whether he is able to follow through depends in part on the actions of congress, and in part in his willingness to follow through.

The beef Democrats have with obama is NOT the same beef the Republicans have. The issue with Obama Democrats have, is something that won't sway them to vote for Republicans, who, of course have NO ideas what so ever, just hot air ********.

Yeah, I'd like to see that Republican plan of creating million and millions of jobs in just a couple years like TJ and other morons have expected the President to do in this last year and 1/2 he's been in office.

All they can ever fire back with, is cut taxes, and smaller government... Yeah, and in 2 years with cut taxes and smaller government, everything will be peachy? Get out of your ******* dream world.



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Don't get me wrong, I have many true Conservatives in mind who I would rather see as President of the United States Bender, you offered me a choice of Palin over Obama and in that choice yes, I would take Palin in a heartbeat because she does not want progressive/socialist ideas to be put into place like 95% of all Democrats.

Everything the Progressives have done has ended in failure, they had a super majority, told all the Republicans to **** off and did whatever they wanted to do. All the claims of how much smarter Obama and in general progressives are and when they had the power to do anything they dreamed of doing what happened? They failed, and not just a little bit, they failed big time.

The biggest problem with progressives like you and Obama is you see business as the enemy, you see someone with money as evil and you can't imagine a world where the "rich" gained their wealth honestly. The only thing you see as good is punishing those with more money then you with higher taxes. You see no other way to move foward but to have a bigger government handing out success instead of individuals earning their own success.

Believe me, that is not a new idea, and in every society where your kind of Government was in power, the people suffered more than under a system like we use. I have pointed out before that even our poor have many creature comforts, where in the world is there a system of government that gives more freedom and more things to their poor than America? Canada? Their poor do get a lot of Government handouts, but you won't see even their children running around with cellphones. Cuba? Their poor don't even have cable television. You can't find a place where the poor can transofrm their life into prosperity through hard work as easily as they can right here in America.



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There's the problem right there. Your trying to make a comparison to different types (stereotype) government.. Who said anything about giving handouts? What handouts, I want mine. And what the **** are you talking about business is the enemy?

Nevermind, your talking out your *** with parroted Hannity **** just like you were programmed. Like you always do.

You make bullshit claims and can't back them up with evidence of any sort. So where's that socialism at were all doomed to be under?

Everything the progressives have done has ended in failure?

Again, since your a complete ******* MORON. There are NO progressives except Kucinich and Grayson and a couple others. Obama is NOT a ******* progressive Glen... oh excuse me... ALEX.

Get AT LEAST one ******* fact straight for once in your life.



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There's the problem right there. Your trying to make a comparison to different types (stereotype) government.. Who said anything about giving handouts? What handouts, I want mine.
You want Government run healthcare, that is a handout.

Yes, I do compare types of Governments, your type wants bigger and more intrusive Government, my type is smaller Government and more personal responsibility for our own lives.

And what the f are you talking about business is the enemy?
That is the way you progressives treat business people. Business are run by those "evil rich" your always taliing about stealing their money. They are the victim of the Unions you support.

Nevermind, your talking out your *** with parroted Hannity sh t just like you were programmed. Like you always do.
I know who he is definately and I like some of what he says but I think for myself and see the harms of the progressives with my own eyes. Your the guy who can't answer a question you don't have a predefined reply given to you from the Daily Kos, lol.

You make bullshit claims and can't back them up with evidence of any sort. So where's that socialism at were all doomed to be under?
The Government runs car dealerships, all the big banks, and is about to take over all healthcare in America, I don't know Bender, the better question might be where is the freedom?

Everything the progressives have done has ended in failure?

Again, since your a complete ******* MORON. There are NO progressives except Kucinich and Grayson and a couple others. Obama is NOT a ******* progressive Glen... oh excuse me... ALEX.

Get AT LEAST one ******* fact straight for once in your life.


Bull Bender, just because these Progressives are making you look bad, that does not mean they are not Progressives, you don't get to disown them just to try and save face Bender.

Obama and 95% of all Democrats are Progressives and their progressive policies have driven our economy into the ground. You promised to fix our problems, that you had all the answers and after everything you have doen has failed, suddenly it is all Bush's fault again. When will you Progressives ever take responsibility for your failures?



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So where is it TJ?

Where is that great Republican alternative solution that would have fixed us starting on Jan 20 2009?

You promised to fix our problems, that you had all the answers
What was the timeline on that promise? That's a pathetic excuse. The economy hasn't recovered in 18 months after 8 years of Republican abuse, so it's a total failure? What kind of crock of **** is that?
Keep dreaming.



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So where is it TJ?

Where is that great Republican alternative solution that would have fixed us starting on Jan 20 2009?
The solution is in the hands of private business and individuals, not in the hands of the Government or either political party.

Where the Republicans are different, they are willing to let the people find their solutions while the Progressives want the Government to fix their lives for them.

What was the timeline on that promise? That's a pathetic excuse. The economy hasn't recovered in 18 months after 8 years of Republican abuse, so it's a total failure? What kind of crock of sh t is that?
Obama's Progressive promise and timeline was well defined:

View attachment 3027

When Obama ran for office, he said he knew all about our problems and how to fix them, when the Stimulus was offered to America, it was the result of the best Progressive minds and long experienced Progressives like Pelosi and Reid who all contributed to this monster and they all promised America that this would keep our unemployment below 8% and speed our way to recovery, that was the promise Bender and the Progressives failed miserably.

Nobody forced Obama and the progressive Controlled Congress to make these promised Bender, they thought they knew what to do and they were willing to gamble almost a trillion taxpayer dollars on it. Taxpayer dollars we did not have by the way.

Again, the solutions ar with the people and the free market, not with the Federal Government.




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Generic answer that you always dodge, yet accuse me of the same ****.

HOW would they do it? They sure haven't done it in the last 8 years, why should ANYBODY expect change with Right wingers in control?

What services are Republicans gonna cut? What big sacrifices and boot strap pulling are Republicans gonna do?

The REAL answer

Borrow 700 billion from the ******* chinese to give tax cuts to the wealthy, then accuse the rest of us of being ******* socialist class war players when we ***** about it.

Where's that deficit reducing plan? Borrowing 700 billion ain't reducing deficits, no matter how much you wanna spin it.





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Generic answer that you always dodge, yet accuse me of the same sh t.
You asked me what timeline, I give you the timeline Obama set, and your still not happy, I give you facts provided not by Republicans but instead by the Progressives themselves and still your making excuses.

Obama and all the Democrats did make the promise, they had their own experts and passed exactly what they wanted to pass, so the horrible failure of the program was 100% the fault of the progressives, not the Republicans.

HOW would they do it? They sure haven't done it in the last 8 years, why should ANYBODY expect change with Right wingers in control?
After 9/11 we lost a massive amount of jobs and money, we also lost a lot of momentum with that setback, but even with that the Republicans broung back enough jobs after the first term to get us back to even and even with 9/11 aftereffects, two wars, floods, hurricains, wild fires, all these events, still Bush ended up with a net gain in jobs.

Obama is about to end the reign of Progressives with a massive negative job growth and any positives that come after this mid term election will be because Republicans are back to holding the purse strings and business owners are no longer scared to invest.

What services are Republicans gonna cut? What big sacrifices and boot strap pulling are Republicans gonna do?
New independent estimates put the cost of the new healthcare law at arounf three trillion over ten years, one great start would be to eliminate or defund that law ans save that money.

Other things they could do is eliminate the IRS by going to the fair tax, that will save a lot of money too. Welfare should be taken out of the Federal Government's hands and placed back to the States to fund or not fund as they see fit, actually almost all of the departments of the Federal Government can be operated at the State level and there is no real need for 95% of what the Federal Government does.

The REAL answer

Borrow 700 billion from the ******* chinese to give tax cuts to the wealthy, then accuse the rest of us of being ******* socialist class war players when we ***** about it.

Where's that deficit reducing plan? Borrowing 700 billion ain't reducing deficits, no matter how much you wanna spin it.


Borrow 700 Billion? No, the Progressives already tried that with almost a trillion for their pet project spending called a "Stimulus", blind spending hurts the economy, it does not help it, in fact it will make it worse.

The tax cut does not cost the Government any money at all, that is a myth.

The Progressives lie to you and try to say they will collect more tax revenue with a higher tax but that "ASSUMES" current spending and collecting based on a higher tax leval but what happens if the "rich" invest less money? Well if there is less to tax, then you collect less tax revenue. Higher taxes do not result in more revenue, look at California, they have been trying, and failing at that game a very long time.

All you do is change the behaviors of the "rich" to protect their money. They simply stop investing, at least not in America until the rediclious taxes are reduced back to a reasonable level.

Oh, and while they are waiting, your not getting job growth and people back to work because that requires the private sector (the rich) to invest and your telling them if they do invest, your going to punish them.

Typical progressive video, you equate letting people keep more of their own money with not wanting cancer research, but guess what, cancer research is done by companies who want to make money from the new drugs and treatments, but it is Progressives who say making money is bad so they punish companies and people who make new money, Republicans on the other hand want to let the companies develop and sell their new ideas because that is the American way.

Oh, let me get you with an even better one, the first claim on that video is Republicans only want to shop at the big stores selling **** from China but go to a wal-mart and what do you see there? Mostly poor people buying the least expensive item they can find because they are on a budget. It is rare for me to shop at a wal-mart because I don't like the crowds. When I have shopped there I remember seeing a lot of those Government american flag cards issued by welfare used by a large percentage of the customers so it is better to say it is the big Government that has helped the monster stores more than anyone else because that is where the government money is spent.

It is the lowers price that has people shopping at wal-mart, and how do you think progressives can fix that Bender? Price fixing to let the smaller companies compete? Block imoprts from China? It was the progressives and Unions that drove the manufacturing jobs to China. Eliminate Unions and most of the red tape we force on local companies and maybe they can compete. Companies in China do not have to absorb the cost of running a factory in America.



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The tax cut does not cost the Government any money at all, that is a myth.
The neo-conservative myth is that you can cut taxes without cutting spending. The liberal myth is that you can spend into prosperity. The Barry Goldwater classical conservative reality is that low taxes are only possible with small government.

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