Hm. An idiotic, bullshit response where you parrot your previous posts as if they're actual talking points.
You mean like you saying Stewart is a big person on the same level as the President when he is not?
All I can do is keep telling the truth and keeping things in the realm of reality kid, if that means the truth must be spoken over and over to keep the conversation in reality...then so be it.
Oh, and according to you, everybody else in the country is small time. So Obama should just cocoon himself in his office since even his advisors are so beneath him, to converse with them would soil his great office. Again, Obama went on HIS show. Obviously he's not that small time.
Where did I say "everyone" kid? Another lie by you inserted into the conversation to give you an excuse to flame? This style of yours to lie is very childish kid.
Obama should not avoid anyone kid, I never said he should avoid people, just that as President of the United States he has to take control of these things. I guess you don't know but it is common practice for strong public personalities to set limits and restrictions on these little guys before they will appear on their shows to prevent these kinds of things from happening. They will actually have an appearance contract. Obama went on this idiots show and didn't even bother to put him in his place with the same kind of appearance contract even Oprah requires before she will allow an interview.
The fact that Stewart took advantage of Obama's lack of planning and went so far to even be completely disrespectful shows just how small Stewart really is.
I don't worship Stewart. I'm defending his interview against your puritanical vision of "respect".
Bull, any idiot can see that when measured side by side, the respect level between comedian on a barely watched comedy show and the President of the United States "SHOULD" be a world apart. Stewart treated Obama as beneath him, that was the disrespect.
He was saying "You haven't actually done what you've promised. You passed healthcare reform on top of the same corrupt system you promised to change." If you actually took time to read this, you'd understand. But the guy who talks trash behind others backs (while still claiming to respect them) can't possibly be bothered to do anything more than trash talk. Classic.
And being so immature you missed the point in your desperation to defend your little entertainment *** Stewart. Stewart twists the truth in politics just enough to make it funny, well funny to the immature crowd who watches his show. What "corrupt system" did Stewart think needed to be removed? The only thing Obama did not do is put the private healthcare companies out of that what Stewart was complaining about? And if so, show me the direct quote from Obama saying he would put them out of business for Stewart to hold him accountable for?
And someone probably will.
Oh, and Stewart calling him "dude" like a nobody, that would really hurt Obama's campaign when even a nobody comedian stuck on the cartoon channel does not have any respect for Obama as the President either. Just loop him calling Obama dude and timid over and over, who wants a "timid dude" as President?