Nomination: Pierre Sallinger HL&S: Russ Allberry & The Big 8 Management Board

On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
> Cat Noodle Soup?

Possibly. I fear, though, that such obscure allusions are out of place
in a board like this. I mean, isn't the Interweb and such forums and
blogs like this intended for the masses? Should not we, of the
vanguard, the keepers of the way, dumb down everything so as to make
these Google groups welcoming for even the terminally stupid, the
brain-dead quadriplegic hoi polloi?

Aatu Koskensilta (

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
> Cat Noodle Soup?

Possibly. I fear, though, that such obscure allusions are out of place
in a board like this. I mean, isn't the Interweb and such forums and
blogs like this intended for the masses? Should not we, of the
vanguard, the keepers of the way, dumb down everything so as to make
these Google groups welcoming for even the terminally stupid, the
brain-dead quadriplegic hoi polloi?

Aatu Koskensilta (

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 20:32:45 GMT, in the land of alt.aratzio, Aatu
Koskensilta <> got double secret probation
for writing:

>On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
>> Cat Noodle Soup?

>Possibly. I fear, though, that such obscure allusions are out of place
>in a board like this. I mean, isn't the Interweb and such forums and
>blogs like this intended for the masses? Should not we, of the
>vanguard, the keepers of the way, dumb down everything so as to make
>these Google groups welcoming for even the terminally stupid, the
>brain-dead quadriplegic hoi polloi?



Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 20:32:45 GMT, in the land of alt.aratzio, Aatu
Koskensilta <> got double secret probation
for writing:

>On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
>> Cat Noodle Soup?

>Possibly. I fear, though, that such obscure allusions are out of place
>in a board like this. I mean, isn't the Interweb and such forums and
>blogs like this intended for the masses? Should not we, of the
>vanguard, the keepers of the way, dumb down everything so as to make
>these Google groups welcoming for even the terminally stupid, the
>brain-dead quadriplegic hoi polloi?



Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 20:32:45 GMT, in the land of alt.aratzio, Aatu
Koskensilta <> got double secret probation
for writing:

>On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
>> Cat Noodle Soup?

>Possibly. I fear, though, that such obscure allusions are out of place
>in a board like this. I mean, isn't the Interweb and such forums and
>blogs like this intended for the masses? Should not we, of the
>vanguard, the keepers of the way, dumb down everything so as to make
>these Google groups welcoming for even the terminally stupid, the
>brain-dead quadriplegic hoi polloi?



Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
> Yes

It is a sight to behold! Even evil trolls and misguided sycophants of
the B8MB can reach agreement, their eyes watering -- not of ether
fumes, no, but of good-will among all mankind. A moving testimony, it
is, to the inherent goodness of man -- and of some lesser species,
which share certain of the characteristics of the homo sapiens,
characteristics that truly make us what we are, in good and bad: such
characteristics including aversion to incest and refraining from
poking oneself in the eye with a sharp stick.

Oh, this all puts me in mind of a poem I once read:

Sentences of the form (10) are said to be in Sigma-1-1-form. Walkoe
(1970) and Enderton (1970) showed how to associate with every
Sigma-1-1 sentence a prenex IF-sentence to whose Skolem form it is
equivalent, in the sense that they are true in the same models.
When the Skolem form of an IF-sentence S is satisfied, the
realization of the function quantifiers encodes the winning strategy
for Verifier in the (possibly) imperfect information game for
S. Such semantics is seemingly /top-down/ or /from the outside in/,
in contrast to usual model-theoretic Tarskian style semantics which
is /bottom up/ or /from the inside out/, i.e. is compositional. On
the face of it--as Hintikka repeatedly stresses (and argues as a
virtue)--compositional semantics is not in general available for
IF-sentences built up from IF-formulas. For, without the universal
quantification of the variables in x preceding a slashed existential
quantifier Ey/Ax, no explanation of the semantics for the latter can
be given by a recursive definition of satisfaction in the usual
way. However, as has been shown by Hodges (1997), (1997a) there is a
perfectly reasonable compositional semantics for IF-formulas; this
is obtained by taking the satisfying objects to be sets of sequences
of individuals, rather than sequences of individuals in the ordinary
way following Tarski. Hodges. work has been extended by Vaannen
(2002) to show that the semantics of IF-formulas can be treated in
terms of suitable games of perfect information..


"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
> Yes

It is a sight to behold! Even evil trolls and misguided sycophants of
the B8MB can reach agreement, their eyes watering -- not of ether
fumes, no, but of good-will among all mankind. A moving testimony, it
is, to the inherent goodness of man -- and of some lesser species,
which share certain of the characteristics of the homo sapiens,
characteristics that truly make us what we are, in good and bad: such
characteristics including aversion to incest and refraining from
poking oneself in the eye with a sharp stick.

Oh, this all puts me in mind of a poem I once read:

Sentences of the form (10) are said to be in Sigma-1-1-form. Walkoe
(1970) and Enderton (1970) showed how to associate with every
Sigma-1-1 sentence a prenex IF-sentence to whose Skolem form it is
equivalent, in the sense that they are true in the same models.
When the Skolem form of an IF-sentence S is satisfied, the
realization of the function quantifiers encodes the winning strategy
for Verifier in the (possibly) imperfect information game for
S. Such semantics is seemingly /top-down/ or /from the outside in/,
in contrast to usual model-theoretic Tarskian style semantics which
is /bottom up/ or /from the inside out/, i.e. is compositional. On
the face of it--as Hintikka repeatedly stresses (and argues as a
virtue)--compositional semantics is not in general available for
IF-sentences built up from IF-formulas. For, without the universal
quantification of the variables in x preceding a slashed existential
quantifier Ey/Ax, no explanation of the semantics for the latter can
be given by a recursive definition of satisfaction in the usual
way. However, as has been shown by Hodges (1997), (1997a) there is a
perfectly reasonable compositional semantics for IF-formulas; this
is obtained by taking the satisfying objects to be sets of sequences
of individuals, rather than sequences of individuals in the ordinary
way following Tarski. Hodges. work has been extended by Vaannen
(2002) to show that the semantics of IF-formulas can be treated in
terms of suitable games of perfect information..


"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
On 2008-02-24, in alt.config, Aratzio wrote:
> Yes

It is a sight to behold! Even evil trolls and misguided sycophants of
the B8MB can reach agreement, their eyes watering -- not of ether
fumes, no, but of good-will among all mankind. A moving testimony, it
is, to the inherent goodness of man -- and of some lesser species,
which share certain of the characteristics of the homo sapiens,
characteristics that truly make us what we are, in good and bad: such
characteristics including aversion to incest and refraining from
poking oneself in the eye with a sharp stick.

Oh, this all puts me in mind of a poem I once read:

Sentences of the form (10) are said to be in Sigma-1-1-form. Walkoe
(1970) and Enderton (1970) showed how to associate with every
Sigma-1-1 sentence a prenex IF-sentence to whose Skolem form it is
equivalent, in the sense that they are true in the same models.
When the Skolem form of an IF-sentence S is satisfied, the
realization of the function quantifiers encodes the winning strategy
for Verifier in the (possibly) imperfect information game for
S. Such semantics is seemingly /top-down/ or /from the outside in/,
in contrast to usual model-theoretic Tarskian style semantics which
is /bottom up/ or /from the inside out/, i.e. is compositional. On
the face of it--as Hintikka repeatedly stresses (and argues as a
virtue)--compositional semantics is not in general available for
IF-sentences built up from IF-formulas. For, without the universal
quantification of the variables in x preceding a slashed existential
quantifier Ey/Ax, no explanation of the semantics for the latter can
be given by a recursive definition of satisfaction in the usual
way. However, as has been shown by Hodges (1997), (1997a) there is a
perfectly reasonable compositional semantics for IF-formulas; this
is obtained by taking the satisfying objects to be sets of sequences
of individuals, rather than sequences of individuals in the ordinary
way following Tarski. Hodges. work has been extended by Vaannen
(2002) to show that the semantics of IF-formulas can be treated in
terms of suitable games of perfect information..


"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Aratzio <> wrote:

>I for one appreciate a good troll,

Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
Aratzio <> wrote:

>I for one appreciate a good troll,

Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
Aratzio <> wrote:

>I for one appreciate a good troll,

Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
Meat Plow <> wrote:
>Aratzio wrote:

[...] (guff)
>> Seconds:

>Seconded with Glee!

Still sniffing arses I see.

I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
Meat Plow <> wrote:
>Aratzio wrote:

[...] (guff)
>> Seconds:

>Seconded with Glee!

Still sniffing arses I see.

I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
Meat Plow <> wrote:
>Aratzio wrote:

[...] (guff)
>> Seconds:

>Seconded with Glee!

Still sniffing arses I see.

I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <>
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:25 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Meat Plow <> wrote:
>>Aratzio wrote:

>[...] (guff)
>>> Seconds:

>>Seconded with Glee!

>Still sniffing arses I see.
>I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?

That sentence screams "Tim Thorne Homoerotica".

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:25 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Meat Plow <> wrote:
>>Aratzio wrote:

>[...] (guff)
>>> Seconds:

>>Seconded with Glee!

>Still sniffing arses I see.
>I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?

That sentence screams "Tim Thorne Homoerotica".

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:25 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Meat Plow <> wrote:
>>Aratzio wrote:

>[...] (guff)
>>> Seconds:

>>Seconded with Glee!

>Still sniffing arses I see.
>I've got a nice juicy stick if you wanna play fetch?

That sentence screams "Tim Thorne Homoerotica".

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:17 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Aratzio <> wrote:
>>I for one appreciate a good troll,

>Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?

Yes....Way to go Timmay!! BSDM and Homoerotica!!

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:17 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Aratzio <> wrote:
>>I for one appreciate a good troll,

>Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?

Yes....Way to go Timmay!! BSDM and Homoerotica!!

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:48:17 +0000, Timmay!
<> wrote:

>Aratzio <> wrote:
>>I for one appreciate a good troll,

>Do you appreciate a good spank, oh pink bottomed one?

Yes....Way to go Timmay!! BSDM and Homoerotica!!

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine