NRA Board Member and Senate Point Man for Gun Industry, Craig, Arrested for Solicitation of Gay Sex

On Aug 28, 2:16 pm, "David Moffitt" <>
> "Taylor" <> wrote in message
> news:46d42259$0$32490$
> > "David Moffitt" <> wrote in message
> >

> >> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> >>

> >>>

> >>> August 27, 2007

> >>> NRA Board Member and Senate Point Man for Gun Industry, Larry Craig,
> >>> Arrested for Solicitation of Gay Sex in Twin Cities Airport Washroom

> >>> When it rains NRA Board Member perverts, it pours.

> >>> We posted a commentary about the obscene, death-threatening rant of
> >>> NRA Board member and troubled rock star Ted Nugent on Friday.
> >>>

> >>> After just a guitar lick of time, word comes that NRA Board Member and
> >>> United States Senator Larry Craig (a Republican from Idaho and NRA
> >>> Board Member since 1983) pleaded guilty to charges of "lewd" behavior
> >>> in a Twin Cities airport washroom.
> >>>

> >>> Craig's arrest and legal admission to signaling to an airport police
> >>> officer his interest in a little washroom stall gay tryst occurred on
> >>> June 11th at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

> >>> Craig copped a plea, paid $500 and was given a 10-day suspended
> >>> sentence. As of August 8th, he is on a year's probation.

> >>> Long a nemesis against preventing gun violence in America, Craig has
> >>> been a lead supporter of all the Republican demagogic calls to "family
> >>> values," not to mention being the NRA's point man on Capitol Hill and
> >>> a vocal Board Member.

> >>> According to his biographical information, "Craig is married and has
> >>> adopted the three children that his wife, Suzanne, had from her
> >>> previous marriage - her two sons Mike and Jay, and her daughter, Shae.
> >>> Through his adopted children, Craig has nine grandchildren."

> >>> Wikipedia notes that "The American Conservative Union gave Craig's
> >>> 2005 voting record 96 points out of 100. The liberal Americans for
> >>> Democratic Action gave him 15."
> >>>

> >>> "After he was arrested," according to Roll Call, Craig, who is
> >>> married, was taken to the Airport Police Operations Center to be
> >>> interviewed about the lewd conduct incident, according to the police
> >>> report.

> >>> At one point during the interview, Craig handed the plainclothes
> >>> sergeant who arrested him a business card that identified him as a
> >>> U.S. Senator and said, 'What do you think about that?' the report
> >>> states."

> >>> Yes Sir Senator!

> >>> Nothing like gay sex in airport washroom stalls for a staunch anti-gay
> >>> "family man" hypocrite!

> >>> Maybe, Senator Craig should hang out with Republican Florida State
> >>> Representative Bob Allen, who recently twice received the
> >>> GOP Hypocrite of the Week Award for soliciting an
> >>> undercover police officer to provide the cop with fellatio for $20.00!
> >>>

> >>> But the real travesty and hypocrisy in Craig's action (and you can bet
> >>> the bank that this wasn't his first such encounter) is that he
> >>> represents all those gay-bashing he-men gun guys, while he helps run
> >>> the NRA and prevents life-saving gun control bills from being passed
> >>> up on Capitol Hill.

> >>> Little did we know that he was trolling men's washrooms for a little
> >>> bit of sex between flights and gun lobby fundraising dinners target
> >>> shoots.

> >>> Senator Larry Craig certainly gives a new meaning to the cry of so
> >>> many enthusiasts, "happiness is a warm gun."

> >>> For his part, Craig claimed, once that Roll Call -- more than a month
> >>> later -- "exposed" the June guilty plea, that it was all a
> >>> misunderstanding and -- oh those wily anti-attorney Republicans --
> >>> that he should have gotten a lawyer before he pleaded guilty.

> >>> Say what?

> >>> So if you are a homophobe NRA member (which we suspect is about 99% of
> >>> the group), make sure that you aren't in a bathroom stall next to
> >>> Larry Craig at the next "red meat" association convention.

> >>> Because apparently Larry Craig is more interested in shooting off your
> >>> gun than you think.

> >>> Craig is up for re-election in 2008.

> >> %%%% Did Craig have sex with the man? Remember according to the Clinton
> >> excuse a blowjob is not sex.

> > Barney Frank admits he's gay! I thought the liberals liked this kind of
> > thing...

> %%%% Gay Demoncrat good ---- Gay Republican bad. Can you say double
> standards?

Has nothing to do with being Gay or not. Has everything to do with
engaging in the same practice you condemn in others. It's called

> GILLETTE'S PRINCIPLE: "If you want to make people angry, lie. If you want to
> make them absolutely livid with rage, tell the truth."
> "Actually, what I have is more properly termed "Closet Gaydar" ---- Kyle
> Daulton 11/17/2005
> >>> _____________________________________________________

> >>> Harry- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:12:18 -0400, Harry Hope <>

>August 27, 2007
>NRA Board Member and Senate Point Man for Gun Industry, Larry Craig,
>Arrested for Solicitation of Gay Sex in Twin Cities Airport Washroom

Remember the old army saying - This is your rifle, this is your gun?
I guess the poor guy got confused about which one he was shooting.

WB Yeats
On Aug 28, 8:42 am, "David Moffitt" <>

> %%%% Did Craig have sex with the man? Remember according to the Clinton
> excuse a blowjob is not sex.

"In 2006, a gay activist said he had spoken with men who had sexual
encounters with Craig, including in the restrooms at Union Station.
Craig's office told the Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wash., that the
allegations were "completely ridiculous."

from the Washington post:
