Nuke Iran, or just invade and subjugate them?

The opporunity to deal with Iran ended when Ronald Reagan took power and the Iyatolla Khomeini released 50 american hostages.A democratic president named Carter let the iranians play with them for almost a year. After getting them back there was a few, especially in the military, that could hold their head up again. This new pres was no sheep, but still did not have enough backing to put a boot in thier ass. Nothing followed up.
Islam extremist, radical, blow-up in your face, infidel haters is what the country has bred since the 80s. Not enough back bone then to deal with them, theres zero now. Accept defeat, when it comes to them having nukes, this has been a house devided since Viet Nam. By the time this country unites and regains as much say as the frenchys, youll be see-in a mushroom cloud in your yard. Our nukes are only to be used in defense. We dont fire the first shot. They are a detterent. They used to be "the big stick" that gave us a say. I dont think were that scary anymore, nukes or no nukes. To use them now would spell anhialation of the races. Everybodys got em. The idea of nuking another country is laughable, this country cant even ........
No we should not nuke Iran. It may be useful for something, say, growing potatoes in. We should not iradiate the entire area. Lets try out some of those biological weapons instead.
slip_knot said:
No we should not nuke Iran. It may be useful for something, say, growing potatoes in. We should not iradiate the entire area. Lets try out some of those biological weapons instead.

You mean depleted uranium?

By all rational accounts, DU irradiates a country for millions of years, causing horrific birth defects in the next generation. Iraq is now ****ed forever.
As long as Islam exists there will always be problem with their stupid radicals. As long as the quran and islamic scripture say it's ok to kill disbelievers there will always be problems with islam.

The solution- get rid of islam
hopeUslide said:
The opporunity to deal with Iran ended when Ronald Reagan took power and the Iyatolla Khomeini released 50 american hostages.A democratic president named Carter let the iranians play with them for almost a year. After getting them back there was a few, especially in the military, that could hold their head up again. This new pres was no sheep, but still did not have enough backing to put a boot in thier ass. Nothing followed up.
Islam extremist, radical, blow-up in your face, infidel haters is what the country has bred since the 80s. Not enough back bone then to deal with them, theres zero now. Accept defeat, when it comes to them having nukes, this has been a house devided since Viet Nam. By the time this country unites and regains as much say as the frenchys, youll be see-in a mushroom cloud in your yard. Our nukes are only to be used in defense. We dont fire the first shot. They are a detterent. They used to be "the big stick" that gave us a say. I dont think were that scary anymore, nukes or no nukes. To use them now would spell anhialation of the races. Everybodys got em. The idea of nuking another country is laughable, this country cant even ........

In fact I was in Washington DC the day the hostages were released, that was on THE day that Ronald Reagen was inaugrated. He had nothing to do with their release. Check your dates.
His hawkish stance on the hostage issue, was credited for the release of hostages. Jimmy Carter tried to sneak in and grab them, then just forgot them. Ronals Reagan was going to recover them by any means necessary.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Depleted Uranium is NOT a biological weapon... DUH!

Bash that **** right up where the sun don't shine. Would you be calling it a tactical weapon then?

Hundreds of thousands of years of radioactivity ring any ****ing bells, retard?

View attachment 654

View attachment 655

Latest info here.

Late Edit:
The Pentagon has admitted that 320 metric tons of DU were left on the battlefield after the first Gulf war, although Russian military experts say 1000 metric tons is a more accurate figure.

In 1991, the Allies fired 944,000 DU rounds or some 2700 tons of DU tipped bombs. A UK Atomic Energy Authority report said that some 500,000 people would die before the end of this century, due to radioactive debris left in the desert.


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Now the **** has well and truly hit the ****ing fan.

The Sunday Times Online, February 19, 2006, reported on a shocking scientific study authored by British scientists Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan: "Did the use of Uranium weapons in Gulf War 2 result in contamination of Europe? Evidence from the measurements of the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Aldermaston, Berkshire, UK". The highest levels of depleted uranium ever measured in the atmosphere in Britain, were transported on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia; of special significance were those from the Tora Bora bombing in Afghanistan in 2001, and the "Shock & Awe" bombing during Gulf War II in Iraq in 2003. Out of concern for the public, the official British government air monitoring facility, known as the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), at Aldermaston was established years ago, to measure radioactive emissions from British nuclear power plants and atomic weapons facilities.

The British government facility (AWE) was taken over 3 years ago by Halliburton, which refused at first to release air monitoring data, as required by law, to Dr. Busby. An international expert on low level radiation, Busby serves as an official advisor on several British government committees, and co-authored an independent report on low level radiation with 45 scientists, the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), for the European Parliament. He was able to get Aldermaston air monitoring data from Halliburton /AWE by filing a Freedom of Information request using a new British law which became effective January 1, 2005; but the data for 2003 was missing. He obtained the 2003 data from the Defence Procurement Agency.

The fact that the air monitoring data was circulated by Halliburton/AWE to the Defence Procurement Agency, implies that it was considered to be relevant, and that Dr. Busby was stonewalled because Halliburton/AWE clearly recognized that it was a serious enough matter to justify a government interpretation of the results, and official decisions had to be made about what the data would show and its political implications for the military.

When will you ****ing genocidal apologists wake up and smell the ****ing roses?

Try here for more.
Genocidal apologists?
Who the **** are you talking about? What the **** are you talking about? We want to subdue a rouge nation with the intent to exterminate a sect of people. Isn’t that genocide? Once again you throw out senseless ****.
its funny the us alone has tested over 1000 nuclear bombs since the 40's. aparently were all still here not dying off. all this hype about the deadly long term effects about nuclear weapons is mostly bullshit. and if it were true then hiroshima would show more effects then it actually does
Hamza123 said:
I wasn't implying what I said on you... MRIH... Ill say it again... What do you, an arubix cube, and a penis have in common.. The more you play with them (teling the truth in this case), the harder they get...

I love how these converstaions just go off into thier own little world.:rolleyes:
snafu said:
Genocidal apologists?
Who the **** are you talking about? What the **** are you talking about? We want to subdue a rouge nation with the intent to exterminate a sect of people. Isn’t that genocide? Once again you throw out senseless ****.

just ignor him untill he makes sense... he's due for some decent comments in about 3 days... I have a calender with his 'cycle' on it... three days...
Nuking them, although very tempting would ammount to screwing the west, we need the oil in the middle east and if we eradiate the entire middle east, which would be the result of nuking iran, we wouldn't be able to get it, let alone use it.

But then again with the rate that we are using the oil up, it will all be gone in 25 years or so, so problem solved, when that happens the religious control systems than exist in the middle east will collapse and the place will go to hell. After all, what else will they export SAND!!!!
Skaterdude409 said:
its funny the us alone has tested over 1000 nuclear bombs since the 40's. aparently were all still here not dying off. all this hype about the deadly long term effects about nuclear weapons is mostly bullshit. and if it were true then hiroshima would show more effects then it actually does

No matter how many times I hear this argument I just never get used it.

The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO BEING AS POWERFUL AS THE BOMBS OF TODAY. Second, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima were ATOMIC in nature. This is vastly different technology then the thermonuclear technology developed during the cold war. The radiation from the cold war-era bombs would be far more dangerous and much longer-lasting.

I hope that above assists you in understanding.

No matter how many times I hear this argument I just never get used it.

The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO BEING AS POWERFUL AS THE BOMBS OF TODAY. Second, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima were ATOMIC in nature. This is vastly different technology then the thermonuclear technology developed during the cold war. The radiation from the cold war-era bombs would be far more dangerous and much longer-lasting.

I hope that above assists you in understanding.

the most power full nuke the us tested was a 15 megaton bomb. I belive the test name was castle bravo. THIS IS THE BIGGEST BOMB WE EVER TESTED. THIS WAS A DRY FUEL THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE. we dont even have bombs that big any more. Most have a yield of under 1 megaton. This is do to the fact that accuracy in firing nuclear weapons has made it so that we dont need large weapons. Before when we had to drop them by plane, they were larger in case of missing the target but still being able to take it out. So do some research before you say this bullshit.