

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
who here is also numb?

hi i am shadow but most people call me lpp

but i have been numb for 5 years

it all started when i turned 12 i just lost all my emotions

and don't know how to bring them back

so now i remain numb i guess forever

and then this year but i don't anymore but turned to cutting and figured out why i would cut was cause i was always numb and just now figured it out

so who here can relate?
I was that way a few years ago. Then one fateful day, I burrowed somebody's copy of Hybrid Theory to bide my time on a field trip. That CD changed my life in ways I can't express in the amount of space given to a post.
i used to feel that way sometimes.. just not as much anymore... its just something you gotta deal w/.... my way out was cutting but i dont do that anymore... cuz it just made things worse.... its kinda like death.. when someone you love dies.. you never get over it... you just learn to live as freely as you can w/ it... when you feel NUMB.. just... look in the mirror and know that you are so much more than that.. and that you aren't just numb.. tell yourself that your strong.. and you can get win anything.. cuz what doesnt kill you... makes you stronger.. so for anyone that feels numb...... i hope you come out of this stage.. and just know that..... your loved...
i feel that way on and off. i think that if something happens that you can't coupe with then your body just kinda shuts off, thats the way i feel about it anyways :(
Uh yeah thats me. People think im "depressed" or suffreing form "depression" ecause im a bit of a loner, but im not depressed. The other day my dad was beating my brother and I wasnt screaming stop or crying. A week ago the guys in my class were trowing pins at me durring home ec and the pointy part didnt bither me. Than durring science the asked if they could try a test to see if i felt pain, and "stabed" a nail in my skin. Im rambling here but yea i guess you can say im numb. I might act like i have emotion (i.e lol) but thats just the brain talking.
I have been numb, when I was younger. I guess I've been numb 'till, maybe, 10th grade. I didn't show emotions because I was afraid that would make me vulnerable. I didn't want to have too many friends because I was afraid they'd disapoint me. I only had a couple of friends that I talked to about certain things, and not even to them I'd display much emotion. I just thought it was safer that way and then I got used to it and like I said I was like that until 10th grade. No one really knew me 'till then. 10th grade I met 2 of my current best friends, and that probably triggered something in me, I started changing and letting go of the numbness. I started opening up more, being more sociable, I wasn't that afraid of emotion anymore. It was a good change for me, but now I'm a little bit too controlled by emotion lol I haven't really achieved a proper balance :\ Sometimes when I'm sad or when I've been hurt I think it would be better to go back to the numb times, where nothing could hurt me, but deep down I know I like it better like this. Let the emotions roll ^_^
I was numb on a cold winter day..Just Kidding!

I feel that way sometimes..
Not anymore though. Maybe once in a while.
Its not a good feeling..
KillMeImIrish said:
wow. i'm anything but numb. every emotion in the book is alive in kicking in my body. and it's difficult to know how to turn which ones on and off at certain times.
Same thing here, pretty much. Except I'm pretty numb around my friends, since I tend to keep everything bottled up, which I'm okay with. I just mostly let it all out here :)
shirakawa_otori said:
I have been numb, when I was younger. I guess I've been numb 'till, maybe, 10th grade. I didn't show emotions because I was afraid that would make me vulnerable. I didn't want to have too many friends because I was afraid they'd disapoint me. I only had a couple of friends that I talked to about certain things, and not even to them I'd display much emotion. I just thought it was safer that way and then I got used to it and like I said I was like that until 10th grade. No one really knew me 'till then. 10th grade I met 2 of my current best friends, and that probably triggered something in me, I started changing and letting go of the numbness. I started opening up more, being more sociable, I wasn't that afraid of emotion anymore. It was a good change for me, but now I'm a little bit too controlled by emotion lol I haven't really achieved a proper balance :\ Sometimes when I'm sad or when I've been hurt I think it would be better to go back to the numb times, where nothing could hurt me, but deep down I know I like it better like this. Let the emotions roll ^_^

whoa!! that kinda sounds like me...but i am in the 10th grade