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How fast they turn on their own, in this reguard Obama is right, to many it is either all or nothing. To the true die hard socialist progressives, the only success is the complete takeover of all things by the Government, anything that falls short is utter failure. Progressives wanted socialist healthcare so bad that nothing else Obama has done will ever measure up.Obama is nothing but a *** **** sell out and I hope Democrats primary his *** out.
But Obama is also right about something else, social security was not designed to be the out of control spending machine it is today, it "GREW" into what we see today and this was Obama's plan all along. Get "SOMETHING" passed and let it grow just like every other entitlement program ever created. If allowed to survive, Obamacare will slowly tranform into a full blown single payer system just like Canada has.
Cry a river guys but Obama simply did not have the votes to pass anything more than what he did pass. That is not being a traitor, that is being realistic.
As far as the Bush tax cuts are concerned, try to consider "WHO" creates jobs. Why would a rich guy spend millions of dollars to create a new business, or expand an existing business if he was going to be taxed so high he will end up losing money instead of making money? Without changing any tax code right now, around 50% of Americans already pay no Federal taxes.
The biggest problem with Progressives is they believe every penny made should belong to the Government and the Government then issues out money back to the people as they see fit. I don't want that vision of America to come true.