Octo-mom 911 Calls


New member
That is an amazing idea!!
It'd get my vote!
Sometimes I use my noggin for good instead of evil....though it's rare.

You know darn well the people who would take advantage of that offer are the people who shouldn't be producing like rabbits, anyway. Plus voluntary sterilization of said group would save the tax payers millions to billions in welfare and financial aid.

It's a simple solution with long term benefits.



New member
Sometimes I use my noggin for good instead of evil....though it's rare.
You know darn well the people who would take advantage of that offer are the people who shouldn't be producing like rabbits, anyway. Plus voluntary sterilization of said group would save the tax payers millions to billions in welfare and financial aid.

It's a simple solution with long term benefits.
Unfortunately, the lazy would not take advantage of that wonderful idea. sterilization doesn't offer food stamps, free housing ;)


New member
Unfortunately, the lazy would not take advantage of that wonderful idea. sterilization doesn't offer food stamps, free housing ;)
It's the stupid/desperate/impulsive lazy I'm banking on to take advangtage of the offer.

Now the intelligent lazy person...they are a force to be reckoned with. They'll find a way to work the system no matter what. And if the system has a bleeding heart administration backing it, they'll manage to squeeze that much more free money out of it at the expense of all of us....literally.



New member
Unfortunately this is what's probably going to happen...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-mJbMm8854]YouTube - How Idiocracy Happens[/ame]

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