O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 9/11 Truth - Says America is great because of "freedom to speak and

  • Thread starter YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!
  • Start date

YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!

After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's
intimidation tactics, Rosie O'Donnell has now pledged allegiance to
9/11 truth, writing on her blog that the reaction of those who have
savaged her for simply asking questions proves freedom of speech and
the country itself is under severe threat.

Earlier today it was revealed that ABC had gagged O'Donnell from
talking about Bill O'Reilly's sex scandal after O'Reilly threatened to
"go after" O'Donnell and her colleagues.

O'Donnell has faced fierce criticism from Neo-Con talking heads
following her comments Thursday in which she discussed WTC 7 on The
View , a show that averages 30 million viewers.

In her latest blog entry , O'Donnell announces her continued intention
to investigate questions surrounding 9/11 and arrive at the truth,
though she stated that at present she had come to no firm conclusions.

O'Donnell heralds America as a great country because it still provides
a forum to "speak and....think freely."

Here's O'Donnell's blog entry in full.

"9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The
falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the
assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false
feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing
exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire.
Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the
freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun
exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I
value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an
inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the
dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me
to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and,
given the scope of the subject, will not for some time."

"If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I
have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so
raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking
is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which
our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand
over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth."

O'Donnell should be applauded for refusing to shut up amidst a climate
that has seen many call for her to be fired by ABC simply for
questioning official pronouncements regarding both 9/11 and the Iran
hostage crisis, with one talking head, failed actor Danny Bonaduce,
even calling for her execution.

The events of the past two weeks have underscored that fact that the
real extremists are the feverish Neo-Cons that have called for
retribution against O'Donnell simply for exercising her first
amendment rights and asking questions that are shared by a sizable
majority of the American public.

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet | April 2, 2007


Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin Want To Destroy Rosie O'Donnell
BY: News Hounds, April 3, 2007

Bill O'Reilly clearly made a decision to do whatever it takes to try
to destroy Rosie O'Donnell's reputation and career. He and Michelle
Malkin ganged up for a hateful attack on O'Donnell adding threats for
ABC and insults to Barbara Walters. Yet after his ruthless hatefest,
O'Reilly said that O'Donnell had " crossed the line into hate"
predicting she would never recover.
With Video

Malkin's face was twisted in rage as she spoke of O'Donnell claiming
ABC had " dug itself a deep deep hole". She and O'Reilly made sure to
say ABC/Disney throughout the segment so viewers would know who to
blame and perhaps boycott. Malkin even mentioned Excedrin as one of
the sponsors of The View. quipping that " Everytime Rosie opens her
mouth" she needs to take one.

O'Reilly kept predicting O'Donnells ruin claiming "the folks" won't
take it and she had crossed the line proclaiming " Not coming back."
When he mentioned that O'Donnell was on Easter break, he chuckled
nastily adding " Easter break or whatever break she's on".

Malkin was in a frenzy about O'Donnell's 9/11 comment daring Rosie and
Barbara Walters to have the editors of Popular Mechanics on The View
the theories about the WTC collapse. BOR claimed Malkin was giving
O'Donnell too much credit.
"It's like discussing dining with Jeffrey Dahmer and " I don't think
Barbara Walters has any control!"

Kirsten Powers was on hand but she essentially agreed with everything
they said about O'Donnell. When O'Reilly gave her the last word,
Powers said" I don't know what to say."

Rosie O'Donnell had her own response to O'Reilly which she posted on
her website yesterday.
Her poem offers an additional reason for O'Reilly's fury.

when joy and i
alluded to bill oreillys

sex scandal
on the view

we were told the following day
that we couldn't bring it up anymore
or else bill o
would "go after" all the hosts of the view


i saw his friday rosie spin
on you tube
where he edited my statements
to make it seem
as he wanted

like 1984
molding the facts
2 suit the needs
of big brother rupert

comment: Bill O'Reilly has made hating his life's work. Every show is
a lesson in hate, intolerance and anger. Tonight he spewed hate during
his talking points at Sunsara Taylor and Mayor Anderson. After the
Rosie segment, he went after a Vermont Judge saying, " I told you he
was a bad man." Then he called for more brutality in Iraq and blamed
the press for influencing the military rules of engagement. During his
interview with Senator and Mrs. Kerry, he was cordial but zinged them
quite harshly. O'Reilly has crossed the line not Rosie O'Donnell.

[VIDEO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht6PCWexY2o

you must be very proud to have Rosie O'Donnell AND Charlie Sheen on
your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)
On 3 Apr 2007 10:28:08 -0700, "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!"
<joyce@hackermail.com> wrote:

>After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's
>intimidation tactics, Rosie O'Donnell has now pledged allegiance to
>9/11 truth,

Thus proving what we already know: Rosie is a lunatic w/o a clue.

"RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on Thursday
that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date than most of us
realized. It was, in her words, "the first time in history that fire
has ever melted steel."

"This, of course, came as news to steelworkers, blacksmiths,
firefighters, manufacturers of samurai swords and other fools who
hadn't realized that steel is forged in magic furnaces using dragon
breath and pixie dust. "

- Jonah Goldberg.
I'm on a journey in search of myself.
If I get back first, let me know that I'm
looking for myself and don't let me leave.
On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 21:25:48 -0700, Karma Ghia <georgek@aol.com>

>In article <1175638129.051659.130570@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> "SwampMidget" <webmaster@101click.com> wrote:
>> you must be very proud to have Rosie O'Donnell AND Charlie Sheen on
>> your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)

>well, some want to change the subject. It's great someone risks their
>star-status to examine the truth.
>And a lot of questions still haven't been answered.

Oprah would never risk her fortune although it is considerably larger.
They both pulled themselves from nothing. Would that Oprah could wake
In article <1175638129.051659.130570@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
"SwampMidget" <webmaster@101click.com> wrote:

> you must be very proud to have Rosie O'Donnell AND Charlie Sheen on
> your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)

well, some want to change the subject. It's great someone risks their
star-status to examine the truth.
And a lot of questions still haven't been answered.


Money: What a concept?
In article <1175638129.051659.130570@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>
"SwampMidget" <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:
> you must be very proud to have Rosie O'Donnell AND Charlie Sheen on
> your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)

Don't forget billionaire, Mark Cuban.

Don't you know people with money like Mark, have major influence in this world?
"YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!" <joyce@hackermail.com> wrote in message
> After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's
> intimidation tactics, Rosie O'Donnell has now pledged allegiance to
> 9/11 truth, writing on her blog that the reaction of those who have
> savaged her for simply asking questions proves freedom of speech and
> the country itself is under severe threat.
> Earlier today it was revealed that ABC had gagged O'Donnell from
> talking about Bill O'Reilly's sex scandal after O'Reilly threatened to
> "go after" O'Donnell and her colleagues.
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/020407oreillymafia.htm
> O'Donnell has faced fierce criticism from Neo-Con talking heads
> following her comments Thursday in which she discussed WTC 7 on The
> View , a show that averages 30 million viewers.
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/290307odonnellrant.htm
> In her latest blog entry , O'Donnell announces her continued intention
> to investigate questions surrounding 9/11 and arrive at the truth,
> though she stated that at present she had come to no firm conclusions.
> http://www.rosie.com/blog/2007/04/02/2-whole-paragraphs-2/
> O'Donnell heralds America as a great country because it still provides
> a forum to "speak and....think freely."
> Here's O'Donnell's blog entry in full.
> "9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The
> falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the
> assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false
> feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing
> exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire.
> Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the
> freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun
> exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I
> value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an
> inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the
> dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me
> to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and,
> given the scope of the subject, will not for some time."
> "If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I
> have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so
> raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking
> is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which
> our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand
> over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth."
> O'Donnell should be applauded for refusing to shut up amidst a climate
> that has seen many call for her to be fired by ABC simply for
> questioning official pronouncements regarding both 9/11 and the Iran
> hostage crisis, with one talking head, failed actor Danny Bonaduce,
> even calling for her execution.
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/300307executerosie.htm
> The events of the past two weeks have underscored that fact that the
> real extremists are the feverish Neo-Cons that have called for
> retribution against O'Donnell simply for exercising her first
> amendment rights and asking questions that are shared by a sizable
> majority of the American public.
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/October2006/141006poll.htm
> Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet | April 2, 2007
> http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/odonnell_pledges_allegiance_to_911_truth.htm
> ===
> Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin Want To Destroy Rosie O'Donnell
> BY: News Hounds, April 3, 2007
> http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02...lle_malkin_want_to_destroy_rosie_odonnell.php
> Bill O'Reilly clearly made a decision to do whatever it takes to try
> to destroy Rosie O'Donnell's reputation and career. He and Michelle
> Malkin ganged up for a hateful attack on O'Donnell adding threats for
> ABC and insults to Barbara Walters. Yet after his ruthless hatefest,
> O'Reilly said that O'Donnell had " crossed the line into hate"
> predicting she would never recover.
> With Video
> Malkin's face was twisted in rage as she spoke of O'Donnell claiming
> ABC had " dug itself a deep deep hole". She and O'Reilly made sure to
> say ABC/Disney throughout the segment so viewers would know who to
> blame and perhaps boycott. Malkin even mentioned Excedrin as one of
> the sponsors of The View. quipping that " Everytime Rosie opens her
> mouth" she needs to take one.
> O'Reilly kept predicting O'Donnells ruin claiming "the folks" won't
> take it and she had crossed the line proclaiming " Not coming back."
> When he mentioned that O'Donnell was on Easter break, he chuckled
> nastily adding " Easter break or whatever break she's on".
> Malkin was in a frenzy about O'Donnell's 9/11 comment daring Rosie and
> Barbara Walters to have the editors of Popular Mechanics on The View
> the theories about the WTC collapse. BOR claimed Malkin was giving
> O'Donnell too much credit.
> "It's like discussing dining with Jeffrey Dahmer and " I don't think
> Barbara Walters has any control!"
> Kirsten Powers was on hand but she essentially agreed with everything
> they said about O'Donnell. When O'Reilly gave her the last word,
> Powers said" I don't know what to say."
> Rosie O'Donnell had her own response to O'Reilly which she posted on
> her website yesterday.
> Her poem offers an additional reason for O'Reilly's fury.
> when joy and i
> alluded to bill oreillys
> sex scandal
> on the view
> we were told the following day
> that we couldn't bring it up anymore
> or else bill o
> would "go after" all the hosts of the view
> hmmmmmmm
> i saw his friday rosie spin
> on you tube
> where he edited my statements
> to make it seem
> as he wanted
> like 1984
> molding the facts
> 2 suit the needs
> of big brother rupert
> comment: Bill O'Reilly has made hating his life's work. Every show is
> a lesson in hate, intolerance and anger. Tonight he spewed hate during
> his talking points at Sunsara Taylor and Mayor Anderson. After the
> Rosie segment, he went after a Vermont Judge saying, " I told you he
> was a bad man." Then he called for more brutality in Iraq and blamed
> the press for influencing the military rules of engagement. During his
> interview with Senator and Mrs. Kerry, he was cordial but zinged them
> quite harshly. O'Reilly has crossed the line not Rosie O'Donnell.
> [VIDEO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht6PCWexY2o
> http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02...lle_malkin_want_to_destroy_rosie_odonnell.php
On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 21:25:48 -0700, Karma Ghia <georgek@aol.com>

>In article <1175638129.051659.130570@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> "SwampMidget" <webmaster@101click.com> wrote:
>> you must be very proud to have Rosie O'Donnell AND Charlie Sheen on
>> your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)

>well, some want to change the subject. It's great someone risks their
>star-status to examine the truth.
>And a lot of questions still haven't been answered.

Not to your satisfaction, no. However out here in the real world
those questions are irrelevant to the truth.
I'm on a journey in search of myself.
If I get back first, let me know that I'm
looking for myself and don't let me leave.
Well their is the problem. Your asking Republicans to THINK for
"What Me Worry?" <__@____.___> wrote in message
> "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!" <joyce@hackermail.com> wrote in message
> news:1175621288.006592.327550@o5g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
>> After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's
>> intimidation tactics, Rosie O'Donnell has now pledged allegiance to
>> 9/11 truth, writing on her blog that the reaction of those who have
>> savaged her for simply asking questions proves freedom of speech and
>> the country itself is under severe threat.
>> Earlier today it was revealed that ABC had gagged O'Donnell from
>> talking about Bill O'Reilly's sex scandal after O'Reilly threatened to
>> "go after" O'Donnell and her colleagues.
>> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/020407oreillymafia.htm
>> O'Donnell has faced fierce criticism from Neo-Con talking heads
>> following her comments Thursday in which she discussed WTC 7 on The
>> View , a show that averages 30 million viewers.
>> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/290307odonnellrant.htm
>> In her latest blog entry , O'Donnell announces her continued intention
>> to investigate questions surrounding 9/11 and arrive at the truth,
>> though she stated that at present she had come to no firm conclusions.
>> http://www.rosie.com/blog/2007/04/02/2-whole-paragraphs-2/
>> O'Donnell heralds America as a great country because it still provides
>> a forum to "speak and....think freely."
>> Here's O'Donnell's blog entry in full.
>> "9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The
>> falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the
>> assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false
>> feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing
>> exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire.
>> Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the
>> freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun
>> exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I
>> value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an
>> inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the
>> dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me
>> to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and,
>> given the scope of the subject, will not for some time."
>> "If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I
>> have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so
>> raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking
>> is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which
>> our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand
>> over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth."
>> O'Donnell should be applauded for refusing to shut up amidst a climate
>> that has seen many call for her to be fired by ABC simply for
>> questioning official pronouncements regarding both 9/11 and the Iran
>> hostage crisis, with one talking head, failed actor Danny Bonaduce,
>> even calling for her execution.
>> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/300307executerosie.htm
>> The events of the past two weeks have underscored that fact that the
>> real extremists are the feverish Neo-Cons that have called for
>> retribution against O'Donnell simply for exercising her first
>> amendment rights and asking questions that are shared by a sizable
>> majority of the American public.
>> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/October2006/141006poll.htm
>> Paul Joseph Watson
>> Prison Planet | April 2, 2007
>> http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/odonnell_pledges_allegiance_to_911_truth.htm
>> ===
>> Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin Want To Destroy Rosie O'Donnell
>> BY: News Hounds, April 3, 2007
>> http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02...lle_malkin_want_to_destroy_rosie_odonnell.php
>> Bill O'Reilly clearly made a decision to do whatever it takes to try
>> to destroy Rosie O'Donnell's reputation and career. He and Michelle
>> Malkin ganged up for a hateful attack on O'Donnell adding threats for
>> ABC and insults to Barbara Walters. Yet after his ruthless hatefest,
>> O'Reilly said that O'Donnell had " crossed the line into hate"
>> predicting she would never recover.
>> With Video
>> Malkin's face was twisted in rage as she spoke of O'Donnell claiming
>> ABC had " dug itself a deep deep hole". She and O'Reilly made sure to
>> say ABC/Disney throughout the segment so viewers would know who to
>> blame and perhaps boycott. Malkin even mentioned Excedrin as one of
>> the sponsors of The View. quipping that " Everytime Rosie opens her
>> mouth" she needs to take one.
>> O'Reilly kept predicting O'Donnells ruin claiming "the folks" won't
>> take it and she had crossed the line proclaiming " Not coming back."
>> When he mentioned that O'Donnell was on Easter break, he chuckled
>> nastily adding " Easter break or whatever break she's on".
>> Malkin was in a frenzy about O'Donnell's 9/11 comment daring Rosie and
>> Barbara Walters to have the editors of Popular Mechanics on The View
>> the theories about the WTC collapse. BOR claimed Malkin was giving
>> O'Donnell too much credit.
>> "It's like discussing dining with Jeffrey Dahmer and " I don't think
>> Barbara Walters has any control!"
>> Kirsten Powers was on hand but she essentially agreed with everything
>> they said about O'Donnell. When O'Reilly gave her the last word,
>> Powers said" I don't know what to say."
>> Rosie O'Donnell had her own response to O'Reilly which she posted on
>> her website yesterday.
>> Her poem offers an additional reason for O'Reilly's fury.
>> when joy and i
>> alluded to bill oreillys
>> sex scandal
>> on the view
>> we were told the following day
>> that we couldn't bring it up anymore
>> or else bill o
>> would "go after" all the hosts of the view
>> hmmmmmmm
>> i saw his friday rosie spin
>> on you tube
>> where he edited my statements
>> to make it seem
>> as he wanted
>> like 1984
>> molding the facts
>> 2 suit the needs
>> of big brother rupert
>> comment: Bill O'Reilly has made hating his life's work. Every show is
>> a lesson in hate, intolerance and anger. Tonight he spewed hate during
>> his talking points at Sunsara Taylor and Mayor Anderson. After the
>> Rosie segment, he went after a Vermont Judge saying, " I told you he
>> was a bad man." Then he called for more brutality in Iraq and blamed
>> the press for influencing the military rules of engagement. During his
>> interview with Senator and Mrs. Kerry, he was cordial but zinged them
>> quite harshly. O'Reilly has crossed the line not Rosie O'Donnell.
>> [VIDEO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht6PCWexY2o
>> http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02...lle_malkin_want_to_destroy_rosie_odonnell.php

On Apr 3, 1:28 pm, "YES to Freedom - NO to CFR!" <j...@hackermail.com>
> After quoting George Orwell in response to Bill O'Reilly's
> intimidation tactics,RosieO'Donnellhas now pledged allegiance to
> 9/11 truth, writing on her blog that the reaction of those who have
> savaged her for simply asking questions proves freedom of speech and
> the country itself is under severe threat.
> Earlier today it was revealed that ABC had gaggedO'Donnellfrom
> talking about Bill O'Reilly's sex scandal after O'Reilly threatened to
> "go after"O'Donnelland her colleagues.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/020407oreillymafia.htm
> O'Donnellhas faced fierce criticism from Neo-Con talking heads
> following her comments Thursday in which she discussed WTC 7 on The
> View , a show that averages 30 million viewers.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/290307odonnellrant.htm
> In her latest blog entry ,O'Donnellannounces her continued intention
> to investigate questions surrounding 9/11 and arrive at the truth,
> though she stated that at present she had come to no firm conclusions.http://www.rosie.com/blog/2007/04/02/2-whole-paragraphs-2/
> O'Donnellheralds America as a great country because it still provides
> a forum to "speak and....think freely."
> Here'sO'Donnell'sblog entry in full.
> "9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The
> falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the
> assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false
> feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing
> exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire.
> Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the
> freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun
> exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I
> value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an
> inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the
> dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me
> to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and,
> given the scope of the subject, will not for some time."
> "If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I
> have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so
> raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking
> is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which
> our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand
> over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth."
> O'Donnellshould be applauded for refusing to shut up amidst a climate
> that has seen many call for her to be fired by ABC simply for
> questioning official pronouncements regarding both 9/11 and the Iran
> hostage crisis, with one talking head, failed actor Danny Bonaduce,
> even calling for her execution.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/300307executerosie.htm
> The events of the past two weeks have underscored that fact that the
> real extremists are the feverish Neo-Cons that have called for
> retribution againstO'Donnellsimply for exercising her first
> amendment rights and asking questions that are shared by a sizable
> majority of the American public.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/October2006/141006poll.htm
> Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet | April 2, 2007http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/odonnell_pledges_allegiance_t...
> ===
> Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin Want To DestroyRosieO'Donnell
> BY: News Hounds, April 3, 2007http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02/bill_oreilly_and_michelle_malkin_...
> Bill O'Reilly clearly made a decision to do whatever it takes to try
> to destroyRosieO'Donnell'sreputation and career. He and Michelle
> Malkin ganged up for a hateful attack onO'Donnelladding threats for
> ABC and insults to Barbara Walters. Yet after his ruthless hatefest,
> O'Reilly said thatO'Donnellhad " crossed the line into hate"
> predicting she would never recover.
> With Video
> Malkin's face was twisted in rage as she spoke ofO'Donnellclaiming
> ABC had " dug itself a deep deep hole". She and O'Reilly made sure to
> say ABC/Disney throughout the segment so viewers would know who to
> blame and perhaps boycott. Malkin even mentioned Excedrin as one of
> the sponsors of The View. quipping that " EverytimeRosieopens her
> mouth" she needs to take one.
> O'Reilly kept predicting O'Donnells ruin claiming "the folks" won't
> take it and she had crossed the line proclaiming " Not coming back."
> When he mentioned thatO'Donnellwas on Easter break, he chuckled
> nastily adding " Easter break or whatever break she's on".
> Malkin was in a frenzy aboutO'Donnell's9/11 comment daringRosieand
> Barbara Walters to have the editors of Popular Mechanics on The View
> the theories about the WTC collapse. BOR claimed Malkin was givingO'Donnelltoo much credit.
> "It's like discussing dining with Jeffrey Dahmer and " I don't think
> Barbara Walters has any control!"
> Kirsten Powers was on hand but she essentially agreed with everything
> they said aboutO'Donnell. When O'Reilly gave her the last word,
> Powers said" I don't know what to say."
> RosieO'Donnellhad her own response to O'Reilly which she posted on
> her website yesterday.
> Her poem offers an additional reason for O'Reilly's fury.
> when joy and i
> alluded to bill oreillys
> sex scandal
> on the view
> we were told the following day
> that we couldn't bring it up anymore
> or else bill o
> would "go after" all the hosts of the view
> hmmmmmmm
> i saw his fridayrosiespin
> on you tube
> where he edited my statements
> to make it seem
> as he wanted
> like 1984
> molding the facts
> 2 suit the needs
> of big brother rupert
> comment: Bill O'Reilly has made hating his life's work. Every show is
> a lesson in hate, intolerance and anger. Tonight he spewed hate during
> his talking points at Sunsara Taylor and Mayor Anderson. After theRosiesegment, he went after a Vermont Judge saying, " I told you he
> was a bad man." Then he called for more brutality in Iraq and blamed
> the press for influencing the military rules of engagement. During his
> interview with Senator and Mrs. Kerry, he was cordial but zinged them
> quite harshly. O'Reilly has crossed the line notRosieO'Donnell.
> [VIDEO]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht6PCWexY2o
> http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/02/bill_oreilly_and_michelle_malkin_...

Propaganda! Prison Planet is nothing but a propaganda website that
lies and spins everything to the left. You liars should get your own
propaganda TV channel....oh wait, you have MSNBC.

Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
ugly retards don't make good TV.

On Apr 4, 12:22 am, wbu...@bak.rr.com wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 21:25:48 -0700, Karma Ghia <geor...@aol.com>
> wrote:
> >In article <1175638129.051659.130...@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> > "SwampMidget" <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> >> LMAO
> >> you must be very proud to haveRosieO'DonnellAND Charlie Sheen on
> >> your team! That's quite the think tank ;-)

> >well, some want to change the subject. It's great someone risks their
> >star-status to examine the truth.
> >And a lot of questions still haven't been answered.

> Oprah would never risk her fortune although it is considerably larger.
> They both pulled themselves from nothing. Would that Oprah could wake
> up.

Oprah is awake, and not a looney. Propaganda has a shitty smell, and
you loons keep stepping in it.

End your lies and kill some Jihadists.

On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
>ugly retards don't make good TV.

My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the
View. She''l cool it rather than lose her prime gig and that will be
the end of it there.
I'm on a journey in search of myself.
If I get back first, let me know that I'm
looking for myself and don't let me leave.
On Apr 5, 3:26 am, orio...@earthlink.net wrote:
> On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgod...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
> >respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
> >truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
> >ugly retards don't make good TV.

> My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
> and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the
> View. She''l cool it rather than lose her prime gig and that will be
> the end of it there.
> --
> I'm on a journey in search of myself.
> If I get back first, let me know that I'm
> looking for myself and don't let me leave.

Someone had to, and I'm sure you're real sad that a mainstream
propagandist is silenced.

If only the looney liberal globalist neo-hippie anarchy bloggers could
be silenced as well.

orionca@earthlink.net wrote:
>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
>>ugly retards don't make good TV.

>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the View.

She's as insane as Tom Cruise.

What Republicans say after having sex: "Tell anybody about
this and I'll kill your Mommy." -- The Lone Ranger (a.i.b)
"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
> orionca@earthlink.net wrote:
>>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
>>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
>>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
>>>ugly retards don't make good TV.

>>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
>>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the View.

> She's as insane as Tom Cruise.

So does that mean she should be censored?
"seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote in message
> "Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
> news:131ba5is0cha14c@corp.supernews.com...
>> orionca@earthlink.net wrote:
>>>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
>>>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
>>>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
>>>>ugly retards don't make good TV.
>>>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
>>>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the View.

>> She's as insane as Tom Cruise.

> So does that mean she should be censored?

Damn right she should be censored, she's going against the US president!
The US president as Commander-In-Chief is next to God! AAMOF he's better
than God, ask his favorite ****sucker Tony Blair <LOL>
"ctyguy" <ctyguy@hotcoolmail.com> wrote in message
> "seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote in message
> news:4615d0ab$0$17254$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
>> "Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
>> news:131ba5is0cha14c@corp.supernews.com...
>>> orionca@earthlink.net wrote:
>>>>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
>>>>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
>>>>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
>>>>>ugly retards don't make good TV.
>>>>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
>>>>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the
>>> She's as insane as Tom Cruise.

>> So does that mean she should be censored?

> Damn right she should be censored, she's going against the US president!
> The US president as Commander-In-Chief is next to God! AAMOF he's better
> than God, ask his favorite ****sucker Tony Blair <LOL>

We wouldn't want anyone to go up against his worshipfulness Lord Bush and
dare question our Lord and saviour.
On Apr 5, 10:51 pm, n...@isp.com (Dersu Uzala) wrote:
> >>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgod...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
> >>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
> >>>truths like Pearl Harbor...

> Questions are good. Let the sunshine in. History is written by the victors.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Harbor_advance-knowledge_debate

You mean let the propaganda shine. All these twisted lies are
screwing up people's minds and their patriotism. The left-wing smear
and propaganda campaigns are not just to get a Democrat in office, but
they are to weaken America by turning the people into anarchists.
Thank George Soros for getting this movement rolling. I'll thank him
with a kick in his junk.

On Apr 6, 12:46 am, "seon ferguson" <s...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> "Fredric L. Rice" <f...@skeptictank.org> wrote in messagenews:131ba5is0cha14c@corp.supernews.com...
> > orio...@earthlink.net wrote:
> >>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgod...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well as
> >>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious historical
> >>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too. Fat
> >>>ugly retards don't make good TV.
> >>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short straw
> >>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off the View.

> > She's as insane as Tom Cruise.

> So does that mean she should be censored?

She should not only be censored, she should be imprisoned for treason,
or deported to somewhere she sticks up for, like Iran. They know what
to do with fat ugly lesbians...cut off their heads!
