O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 9/11 Truth - Says America is great because of "freedom to speak and

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"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
> "seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
>>> "seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
>>>>> "seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>>"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
>>>>>>> "seon ferguson" <seon@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>>"Fredric L. Rice" <frice@skeptictank.org> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> orionca@earthlink.net wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On 4 Apr 2007 13:56:29 -0700, "me" <dgodawg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Rosie is a fat lunatic. ABC/Disney will lose advertisers as well
>>>>>>>>>>>respect. Hmmm, maybe Rosie should question other obvious
>>>>>>>>>>>truths like Pearl Harbor... maybe that was a false flag op too.
>>>>>>>>>>>ugly retards don't make good TV.
>>>>>>>>>>My guess is that the next day some suit at ABC drew the short
>>>>>>>>>>and had to go tell Rosie to can the crazy talk or be kicked off
>>>>>>>>>>the View.
>>>>>>>>> She's as insane as Tom Cruise.
>>>>>>>>So does that mean she should be censored?
>>>>>>> She should be _treated_.
>>>>>>Ah because anyone who dares has a different view of reality then you
>>>>>>should be locked up.
>>>>> Er, anyone who exhibits marked and profound insanity should be
>>>>> _treated_,
>>>>> ya frothing insane kook.
>>>>So does that mean Dick head Cheney and his legions of worshipers should
>>>>locked up for his 911 delusions (the "Saddam did it" conspiracy theory)?
>>>>Or o you only want to lock up people if you don't like what there
>>> Er, Richard, Bush, Rice, Powell, and the rest of the Christanic
>>> terrorists need to be tried and executed for their crimes against
>>> humanity and their treason against America.
>>> Trying to play pretend by contriving elaborate, unevidenced,
>>> scientifically debunked flying saucer kook conspiracies is not
>>> needed when the crimes of this fascist regime are bad enough
>>> as they are.
>>> As for the rest, the "911 Truth" insane ****s need to be treated.

>>Oh good at least you're not a hypocrite.

> LOL! You ****ing moron.

The only "morons" are those who dont like free speech.