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is the interviews a good idea?

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I like the idea. You're the perfect person to do these interviews. My only suggestion is to not do them so often. Maybe only do one once a week at most. Therefore, every week we are excited to see who you interview next. Make the audience want to come back for more. If you did one every day it would eventually get dull.

Hence why LPF Awards are once a year. And hopefully everyone is excited about LPF Island II (tentative title) later this year. I was very happy about how the first one turned out.
I think it's a great idea lol. It was fun doing it and wow, once he does it with everyone, we'll know a lot more about the people.

Thanks Fribby for the info :)
This is a good idea, it gives people a chance to see who people are, well if the person is being honest. Grand idea..