Official WPYO race thread! Do all your hate here!


New member
gay = OK

Queen = **** OFF

Lesbian = OK

Dike = **** OFF !

If your gay and your a man, act like a man who likes men, not some pharsical idea of what the ******* Uber woman would act like if she was coked up and rich... Christ... women are hard enough to deal with, then they go and act women X 10 !

Dikes are a ******* Joke... Physically, you are a woman... that's fine if you want to dress is Osh Kosh and and with the boys, but please drop the ******* tough guy act.... your not a guy! :mad:



New member
Then define preference for me in such a way as it is exclusionary to one side. If somebody enjoys apples over steak does that make them a vegitarian? I certainly think not.

I never approch humans, or much at all really, with such black and white outlooks, its a terrible way of going about things wouldn't you agree? If you want to go in a clinic and fill out a form with this information then have fun, I'm sure it'll make things alot easier for the computer to process. I'm living and dealing with people and treat/judge them accordingly.



New member
I had a friend once whose Father was gay. She was in alot of therapy as a result.

She shared with me what (at the time) therapist thought being bisexual meant. She said that people who have *** with both men and women were thought to be sexually addicted and would take *** anywhere they could get it. But these same people still only had love relationships with one or the other of the sexs.

I of course can't say which one I believe to be true since I have never travled this road, thank ***.



New member
I can honestly say I don't take *** anywhere I can get it, I am by no means a ****. Guys or Gals, I won't even kiss somebody really unless I have feelings for them (Unless I'm drunk maybe). I know people who I think fall into that catagory though, not much a fan of it. Just more reason not to say "this or that". People are too **** unique for universal definitions, I say to **** with em.


New member
I never approch humans, or much at all really, with such black and white outlooks, its a terrible way of going about things wouldn't you agree? If you want to go in a clinic and fill out a form with this information then have fun, I'm sure it'll make things alot easier for the computer to process. I'm living and dealing with people and treat/judge them accordingly.
That's a great outlook to take, eisanbt. Judging and treating people is all part of being fair and diplomatic. In this society, especially within large metropolitan areas, one has to be open-minded or else one will become isolated. Eventually, developing anti-social disorders.

In my case, I do my best to judge folk on a case by case basis. My friends and neighbors are primarily Caucasian of Irish, Scottish, German, and English descent. My neighbor is Colombian and down the road a piece there is a gay couple. My only black friend was fostered and eventually adopted, but moved to New York sometime after my tour in Iraq. I made a few black acquaintence types while in the Corp, but never solid friends. I have a fetish for asian and south american women.

That being said, I am not completely without my prejudices. It's hard. Very hard not to generalize people. Near, Mid, and Far easterners are among my intolerances. As I stated on another page.



New member
Then define preference for me in such a way as it is exclusionary to one side. If somebody enjoys apples over steak does that make them a vegitarian? I certainly think not.
Ahh. I want to reach though the computer and smack you around. When did I ever say preference was exclusionary to one side? In fact, the point I am trying to make is that it is NOT exclusionary to one side. Try to stay with me here. If you, a man, experiment by sleeping with males and females, but you prefer to be with males, then you are homosexual, not bisexual. There are homosexual men who were married to women for many years. This does not make them bisexual if they prefer men. There are heterosexual men in prison who engage in *** with other men, but this does not make them bisexual if they prefer to be with women. Truly Bisexual individuals see the sexes as interchangeable. Do you get it now?

I never approch humans, or much at all really, with such black and white outlooks, its a terrible way of going about things wouldn't you agree? If you want to go in a clinic and fill out a form with this information then have fun, I'm sure it'll make things alot easier for the computer to process. I'm living and dealing with people and treat/judge them accordingly.
I'm confused. You are the one judging in black and white. In your mind, if you sleep with the opposite ***, you're hetero. If you sleep with the same ***, you're ****. If you sleep with both, you are bi. That is simply wrong according to the true definition. Being educated enough to know the true definition of something does not count as being judgmental.


smutt butt

New member
You can disagree all you want, but these terms are used by sexual psychologists. They have actual definitions that are not subject to opinion. The actual definition states that you are hetero or **** based on your preference. If you have a preference then you are not bisexual.
i just wanna say that you are a babydoll. ;)



New member
Well I can see that eisanbt definitely flip flops.

In my opinion, if you are not a doctor nor a woman, touching a man in any area that his bathing suit covers makes you a gayfer. Queerbait. A ***. A fruit. A mary. A homosexual.

Slapping another player on the ***, as in football or baseball, is something I never understood.



New member
Yea, it makes them gay.
No ****!! Whats the deal with that anyway? I could be in prison for 50 years and never once would it occur to me that **** ******* my cellmate would be an OK substitute. I would probably draw a face on my pillow, call it Tina, and **** it until its no longer recognizable as a pillow. But no **** for me please.



New member
No ****!! Whats the deal with that anyway? I could be in prison for 50 years and never once would it occur to me that **** ******* my cellmate would be an OK substitute. I would probably draw a face on my pillow, call it Tina, and **** it until its no longer recognizable as a pillow. But no **** for me please.
It isn't sexual. It is about power and control.



New member
No ****!! Whats the deal with that anyway? I could be in prison for 50 years and never once would it occur to me that **** ******* my cellmate would be an OK substitute. I would probably draw a face on my pillow, call it Tina, and **** it until its no longer recognizable as a pillow. But no **** for me please.
What if you were raped by some guy who looked like the Fridge or LT?



New member
What if you were raped by some guy who looked like the Fridge or LT?
Knock that **** off RO before you give me bad dreams.

It isn't sexual. It is about power and control.
I've heard that cop out excuse before and I ain't buying it. Kicking the **** out of a new fish and then urinating on him, thats power and control. Having 6 members of a prison gang hold me down while getting cornholed, well thats just gay.

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