OK *****, your time is coming


New member
She has just been busted by her husband.

Her sister told on her.

Says she might be getting a divorce :rolleyes:

Ugly husband is kissing *** with her still, but is now trying to get on the neighbor girl, who wants NOTHING to do with his toothless ugly ***..

Boy this just keeps getting interesting. :D
Wow, they sound like a bunch of classy people, the both of them.



New member
"Husband has bleeding out of his ***** and they still have ***" My sandwich almost came back up with that one.


New member
She has just been busted by her husband.

Her sister told on her.
**** it! I wanted to see if she would fess up that she was married with three children or if she would lie about it. Oh well, back to televised soap operas.

"Husband has bleeding out of his ***** and they still have ***" My sandwich almost came back up with that one.
Yes, I forsee Phantom losing 5 lbs over that one. Should resume eating in about 3 days.



New member
"Husband has bleeding out of his ***** and they still have ***" My sandwich almost came back up with that one.
Yes, I forsee Phantom losing 5 lbs over that one. Should resume eating in about 3 days.
mental note- apparently this is bad. stop immediately.



New member
Ohh goody, looks like the saga still continues.

When we last left our *****, it was discovered that her husband had found out about her infidelity's. Told about it, by none other then the *****'s sister.

They argued a bit, but are still together. Proving once again, desperation loves company, even bad company.

Now look back and note what I had written about *****'s background.

Looks like she is still up to her same whorish ways, even after being caught.

She finally responded back, after I thought the fun would have been over.

This one's a hoot, she say's:

well i was born in columbus moved to oregon with my family in '86 meet my ex husband there in oregon spent 2 yrs with him and had two children by him i have a older daughter by a previous relationship so i have 3 girls my two youngest daughters live with their dad i moved to arizona in '98 got a divorce in '99 then was single until 01 then meet my recent ex hubsand in '01 got married to him after 11 months but now divorced from him it has been a yr now since our divorce and now single for that long wanting to get back in the dating subject i work at ( company witheld, for now ) here in columbus i work (work hours witheld, for now ) monday thur friday if you want to know more just ask
( first name witheld, for now )
That was actually quite painful to read. Painful, because it was so pathetic.

Comments, before we proceed with project "MESS WITH A *****" ?



New member
Ohh goody, looks like the saga still continues.
When we last left our *****, it was discovered that her husband had found out about her infidelity's. Told about it, by none other then the *****'s sister.

They argued a bit, but are still together. Proving once again, desperation loves company, even bad company.

Now look back and note what I had written about *****'s background.

Looks like she is still up to her same whorish ways, even after being caught.

She finally responded back, after I thought the fun would have been over.

This one's a hoot, she say's:

That was actually quite painful to read. Painful, because it was so pathetic.

Comments, before we proceed with project "MESS WITH A *****" ?
I feel sorry for her, more like pity. That is a depressing way to live. What is the point? She is self destroying herself obviously. And her husband sounds just as bad as her. They both deserve eachother if they are willing to put up with eachother and eachother's behavior. What a life. I only hope they stop bringing more children into the world and this garbage they are creating. The kids is what she should be focusing on, not who she's going to let screw her next- yuck!



New member
Uhm, I was referring to her spelling, grammar and punctuation. Not the content of the post. :rolleyes: But now that you mention it, that was pathetic too. :p


New member
So she is actually lying about being divorced? I can't wait for you to tell her who you really are or at least pretend to recognize her from around town. I don't know how people can say they are divorced when they are not- or even worse- that their spouse is dead (like what Scott Peterson did). Geesh. Get a REAL divorce if you are so ******* miserable.


New member
I want the blanks filled in.....what a ******* ***** loser. **** she makes me look like a saint....hope she in just in front of me on judgement day.


New member
Man, did I tell you she was obsessive or what ?? I have not responded back yet to that OTHER message I just posted from her, and already she has sent me another message.

hey do you have yahoo yet if so i am online right now my id on yahoo messager is ( NAME WITHELD ) come chat with me

(***** NAME)
Well of course I have yahoo, you silly *****, I wouldn't go into showing people how sad you are without logging INSTANT MESSAGES too.
Sigh... :(

The life of a truck driver is lonely... I'll wait before switching to yahoo messages though. Live chat is harder to pull off then messages on a board.

But anyways, I added her to my "Ricks" friends list, and like 2 seconds later, the ***** is all over that writing me a message, simply saying

I quickly switched to invisible mode so that she doesn't know when "RICK" is online.. Ugh.. don't need that ****, Rick is a busy guy.

Oh ***, here's an offline message :

Sad I tell you, sad.



New member
OK another day has gone by and truck driver Rick, has still not responded to the *****.

It's not his fault really... he's been battling the flu and his Semi truck was in a slight fender bender. :rolleyes:

But anyways, Rick is still resting a bit, but it seems the ***** is growing restless. Poor Rick is only looking for his cowgirl, and now he has to face yet another letter from the *****.

Jeesh.. Can I get the first one answered first ??

Well anyways, the married ***** starts to get more pathetic, she does everything except basically say... "HEY RICK, YOU SAID HI TO ME...WANNA **** ??"

Observe :

hey rick got a question for you lets chat on yahoo later so i can ask you k so you wanna meet sometime i would enjoy meeting you if you want to meet give me a hollar

( the ****'s name )
Will the ***** get EVEN MORE pathetic when Rick actually starts responding back ??

Well, I'll guess we'll have to wait till good ole' Rick is feeling better.


Mack the Knife

New member
You know, about 12 or so years back there was this skanky ***** I ******... OK, I took her virginity. The ***** has ******* obsessed over me for years...
This ***** is now one big huge *****... her husband is ******* nasty, so she spends her time surfing the net looking for more guys to ****...

She totally likes to talk **** about me... probably because she knows I want nothing to do with her ***** ***.

So, I decided she needs to be messed with. I created a fake account on one of the sites she goes to to pick up men.

I posted this anonymous because the ***** googles my name all the time to see what I am doing..I'm sure you guys know who I am, but please don't say my name in this post.


The first step involved creating a fake email account, the next step was to create a fake persona.

Here is my fake persona... just right up her alley.


Now I know she will contact me... she can't resist ****.. what I need from everyone is "INSPIRATIONAL WORDS" and "SWEET NOTHINGS" that I can write to this stupid *****.. I will post all her responses here.
You're pathetic. Obviously you still love her and apparently taking an active role in trying to win her back.


New member
But anyways, another day, another letter.. Still haven't responded to the first letter even... ****.

hey there handsome

give me a hollar if you want to meet one of this days i wouldnt mind meeting you in person you sound interesting to meet and getting to know

( ***** NAME )
Will it ever end ??
Didn't I just tell her I drove truck and that was it ??

I didn't realize that could be so interesting.

Maybe she likes the warmth of a Semi's cab and bed.

******* sad, sad *****.



New member
OK, so Rick has had time to pull into a truck stop with free wi=fi and can now respond back to our mystery ****.

I notice she has sent me yet another PM

(2/10/2007 4:26:00 AM): hey baby give me a hollar if you wanna meet one of these days i wouldnt mind to meet you in person and get to know you
Didn't she just say that exact same **** ?? Only a couple words changed... no originality.

Rick Longhung (2/12/2007 1:15:44 AM): Sorry, I'm on the road alot and don't get time to use the internet often
Place your bets how the ***** responds.

For an even better time, tell me what to say to her next.

You know what, I realize that being an undercover cop who busts the pervs who try to meet children would be a very rewarding job.. And, hours of endless fun..

Notice I have not addressed her on meeting her or anything, I have not insinuated NOTHING to this person.

I'm letting her lead this very very sad conversation.

More to come....

But I think, depending on how she responds to the PM I sent her, I might tell her I would be interested in meeting her AT HER HOME. Uhmm, my stuff isn't moved into the trailer (gotta be a trailor I live in for comedic value:D you'd be surprised how well it works) and gas isn't hooked up yet... yeah... that's it !!



New member
Look at this !

I have done nothing more then send the messages that I posted..

*****'s response:

TheWhore (2/13/2007 5:20:53 PM): hey if you get this call me my number is 402-***-xxxx lets hook up one of these days k
My response:

Rick Longhung (2/13/2007 9:45:58 PM): Yeah, I'll hook up at with ya, and bullshit with ya a while when I'm around town, where do you live ? I'll swing by sometime.
Insinuating that I would pop in unexpectedly... wonder if she gives me her home address or makes up an excuse... lets watch..


New member
I totally agree with Mack. This, and you for putting so much effort into it, is pretty pathetic.

Go have a picnic.

My thought exactly. They broke up why? Because they sound perfect for each other. They go together like herpes and gonorrhea.



New member
Broke up ?

****, we were never together.

I ****** the ***** a couple of times, never "DATED" her, never took her anywhere, just ****** her. She became obsessed for years about it.

Writing me letters, calling me, emails. It was terrible. I have never had a stalker before.

My whole point is to show how ******* pathetic this ***** is.

I wonder what her reaction will be when I finally out her and tell her I know she is married and picks up guys on the internet, and tell her what a worthless **** she is.

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