Okay guys, this is how it's going to be...


New member
Guys I just wanted to point out that I've been running forums for over 4 years and frankly, ALL forums go through this. Most once a year.

As for banning users there are plenty of methods you can use with the forum software this site uses. IP Banning, Tachy coventry, etc. So yes I agree the letting members return needs to stop. Banning needs to become a permanent decision BUT... only when it's a permaban. Banning can be used as a warning as well. You see the mods have the ability to post a temp ban on members that automatically expires. So that's probably what's happening. If the temp ban expires then they return with the same problems then a perma-ban can be put in place along with an IP ban.

If you guys really like the idea of the news front page that's VERY easily doable and can be done by this Friday. What do you think?



New member
Guys I just wanted to point out that I've been running forums for over 4 years and frankly, ALL forums go through this. Most once a year.
As for banning users there are plenty of methods you can use with the forum software this site uses. IP Banning, Tachy coventry, etc. So yes I agree the letting members return needs to stop. Banning needs to become a permanent decision BUT... only when it's a permaban. Banning can be used as a warning as well. You see the mods have the ability to post a temp ban on members that automatically expires. So that's probably what's happening. If the temp ban expires then they return with the same problems then a perma-ban can be put in place along with an IP ban.

If you guys really like the idea of the news front page that's VERY easily doable and can be done by this Friday. What do you think?
I'm fine with it. Like I said, it's probably the most effective way for everyone else who usually doesn't have much of a clue what's going on in the site the heads-up. Good, yep, I agree. Also agree with the perma-ban thing, sounds more than reasonable. *nods*

BTW, Vash, I may sound dense but what's 'bots' mean in your last post? It's in reference to guests and so forth. I feel dumb for asking but *shrugs* Thanks.



Okay, first, I need to correct you(Qwest) on something, us mods can permaban people, we've done it.

Rav, When I said bots, I was talking about bots from places like google, who come here & get info about the site.



New member
We would need a few new News Posters to keep us all updated on LP news etc.

Any volunteers?



New member
We would need a few new News Posters to keep us all updated on LP news etc.
Any volunteers?

I could most likely contribute... But I'd basically be stealing info fom most of the other fansites. :p



New member
Not 'Stealing' date='' 'borrowing.'[/quote']
Meh. Everyone 'borrows' from everyone else anyways. There isn't too much exclusive news anymore... Once one person posts something, it tends to spread rather quickly.


Active Members
I am sorry but there is no way to completely ban someone. I my best to trace when banned people create new accounts.

Also as far as the reporting fights, spam, or other bad post to mods and admins. If you look right under the avatar of every post you will see [broken External Image]:http://www.linkinparkforums.com/images/LPF/buttons/report.gif this is a link to report individual post. Use it!



New member
I agree that perhaps we could do with another new mod or two. At the very least, it can't hurt to have a few more people keeping an eye on the place.

As other people have said, we need more topics and more people posting, but I understand that it can be very hard to encourage people to start new topics. I've heard a lot of members complaining that LPF has gone very quiet.

Perhaps people aren't sure what they may and may not post. I myself have on a few occasions not been sure if it's a good idea to start a topic I have in mind. Maybe it would be helpful to post up some clearer rules and guidelines? I don't know, and I'm not saying there's anything unclear about the old ones. I'm just trying to make suggestions.

Also, I notice that there are an awful lot of Elite members who do not post anymore, or who only visit us every couple of months. Should they really be green with such a low level of contribution to the website?

That is however just my personal opinions, although I hope it was of some use.


Hybrid Soldier

New member
Most of those guests are bots. Also, I noticed something about the LPF awards the other day(right when LPB came back coincidentaly)....well, look for yourself, in the members list.

As to suggestions, yes we need more mods, we need the promised main page, we need to automatically ban the people who have already been banned.....and all the other stuff people have said before. Well, besides the deleting accounts, we wont do that, there is no reason, ATLien has said it quite a few times.


Shadowed Heart

New member
IP banns are not a good idea. I know I'm not the only one that uses the same cpu. as a sibling. If mine were to be banned because of Bret I would be pretty ticked.

Hybrid Soldier

New member
^They are a good idea for that reason, if your bro got banned, and you were still here, he could possibly go on LPF through you.


Active Members
Ok, I am going to address these issues right now...

Inactive accounts: First off let me ask you this, would you be more likely to take the time to register a a forum that has 4000 members, or 400 member? Most forums recieve more registrations if they have a good bit of user accounts. I know alot are not active, but why stop someone who might want to come back to the forum in the future. Look at Vahs, he went like 9 months inactive. If I had deleted his account he might not have come back.

News/Portal: I would gladly add a portal to this site if I could find a group of respectful members that are willing to take the time to find news stories. If you would be willing ot then please PM me and I will put this together.

Banning: There is no possible way to keep someone from coming to this site. I try my best keep an eye out for banned users who recreate accounts. It is hard though. Anyone here is more then welcome to PM me if they suspect a member is someon who has been banned in the past.

Punishment: In the next few weeks, I will be entering a new punishment policy that is going to ban users for 1 week on there second warning/compalint. Then ban completely if they have a third warning/complaint.

Inactiveness of LPF: Ok, I know this is a major problem, but there are a few things that are causing this all of which are out of my hands. One, it is summer, people are taking trips, people are outside more. Second, LP is not doing anything. They have no tour, no album, no news. Nothing! It is hard for people to talk about LP when LP has nothing to talk about.

Adding mods: noted. I will add some in the near future. Some stuff is going on behind the scenses of LPF at the moment and they are delaying somethings I have wanted to do.

Fighting/Spaming/Flaming: Next to every post is a [broken External Image]:http://www.linkinparkforums.com/images/LPF/buttons/report.gif icon. Click this to report post to me and the mods. If a member is causing problems, report his post. It is hard for just a few people to read ever single post made on this site. We need our members to make us aware of bad post.

Keep them coming. I am always interested in what my members have to say. I am very much open to hearing what you all have to say.



New member
ummm.... maybe we could make the site look a bit flasher, cuz i've been a member for a while, and we have had the same design *shrugs* anywho, i'll think of sumthing else, i'll be back


New member
IP banns are not a good idea. I know I'm not the only one that uses the same cpu. as a sibling. If mine were to be banned because of Bret I would be pretty ticked.
what makes u think i will be baned? i think u will 1st.

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