Okay, wake up and smell the energy drink?


New member
How many of you need that cup of coffee in the morning? I don’t drink coffee. I used to drink vanilla coffee creamer and added some coffee to it. :rolleyes: But now I’m hooked on the energy drinks. There so *** **** expensive but they work. I feel so much better after I've had one in the morning. I’ve tried them all. I liked the Cola Rock Star but they quit making it. I was bummed. But the best one I’ve come across is Full Throttle.

What’s your morning poison?



New member
I drink about 10 pots of coffee a day, not decaf. My favorite drink right now is a Chai Latte with 4 shots of espresso. MMmmmmmmm.

I also drink about 6 Coke Zero's a day.

(And you wonder why I don't eat :D )



New member
I drink about 10 pots of coffee a day, not decaf. My favorite drink right now is a Chai Latte with 4 shots of espresso. MMmmmmmmm.
I also drink about 6 Coke Zero's a day.

(And you wonder why I don't eat :D )
Yeah and now we know why you don't sleep too. :rolleyes:



New member
I used to drink a Dr Pepper every morning, I never cared for coffee. The smell of it makes me sick to my stomach actually.

Now, I drink bottled water. Aqua Fina.

From time to time I drink juice or milk but mostly just WATER...AND yes it gets on my nerve not drinking soda.



New member
You guys are way more sophisticated than I. Chai Lattes? Cappuccino? Not for me. Just plain old coffee with cancer-causing chemical sugar and powdered cream.


New member
I drink V, expresso, long blacks and cappacino. I don't do instant.

Do you know what I don't get? Those that ask for a decafe latte with skinny soya - yuk!


Feckless Wench

New member
I don't drink any of that stuff...coffee, tea, Dr Pepper, Coke etc. I've never drunk tea or coffee and I had to give up all carbonated stuff for a couple of years due to health issues.

After 2 years OFF Coke etc I tried some....Jesus Christ! I was shaking, my heart was racing and I was jittery as **** and that was on just two mouthfuls!

I haven't gone back to drinking the stuff, if that's what it does to your body then I don't want anything to do with it. I tend to stick to plain mineral water or fruit juice now and I feel a whole lot better for it.



New member
I gave up carbonated drinks for health reasons...I miss the good old days when I could drink all the caffiene I wanted...

I have a similar reaction when I cheat and have some now.

If I cheat I have some caffiene free root beer but maybe only once a month.



New member
Used to have a Redbull and a Samosa everyday before work. Cost me $5.67 after tax thereby nullifying an hour's work. But when your reason for being up late every night is a good one wink wink than you don't much care about that hour. :D


New member
I don't drink any of that stuff. I used to work at 5 am and would drink about 2 pots of coffee but it started to tear the **** out of my stomach. I like ice tea and sometimes in the winter I like to get a vanilla chi tea at a local drive up coffee stand but nothing very regular. I will have to say I drink diet cola too much but that's just because it has spiced rum in it.


New member
Aside from the cheap convenience store cappuccino that I drink almost every morning, I also have fruit juice with 100% vitamin C through most of the day. Soda gives me heartburn.





New member
There used to be a drink called "Upper E" for energy. The label carried a warning to limit yourself to two bottles a day. If I drank one bottle too quickly, I got heart palpitations and cold sweats.

I have a bottle of red bull if I need a heartstarter nowadays. Or a V if I'm being a cheapskate. A bottle of red bull costs nearly five bucks here.

I've just started drinking coffee for the first time in years, but when my heavy workload tapers off again, I'll give it a miss.



New member
I drink 2-4 cups of tea in the morning. No caffeine after 2, or I'd never sleep.

My H loves those energy drinks, but I'm not a big fan of them.

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