Old School Roll Call

lol. damn back in the day when i was a noob and.
lol good times.
i was real immature back then.
i wrote a good few fanfics too.
pretty popular. lol i fought with treeves, mk, clogz, yackiestinger, and a good few others. God lol. and the 3 day ban. good times.
I miss them. Even tho me & SniperVirus never got along tooooo well. (lol) He was still an interesting person to argue with here & there.

Vero... It sounds really familiar. A girl right? I think I remember her... yea. ... 4everLP_Shinoda. Is that her? right?

I recognize all the names except Spud.

LPP was old school. I still talk to her on AIM. She isn't a fan of LP anymore, but she isn't how she used to be either (lol) she's calmed down a little. and when I say "a little" I mean only just a little.

SS1 is awesome.

Tack, I think his name was, was cool too.

Clogz was another one that I always that was cool.

Then Azem's old name, I don't even remember what it was. I just know that it wasn't always Azemkamikaze.

Brkng_th_hbt was freaking awesome. He was really cool.

and then Stenners aka Matty who I don't think liked me when I first joined (lol) but now we're cool

We had a lot of fun on here in the older days. With Peanut Butter & Pickles in one of the first Insane People forums or something like that. And then the super powers and all that. I miss it a lot. and also not feeding Vero, I think it was her or someone like that. It was great. More like a family back then.
haha awesome thread! I am still here. I am trying to bring back some old school to this forum.

Also, glad to see you are a good member now!! Haha BANNED!
I miss them. Even tho me & SniperVirus never got along tooooo well. (lol) He was still an interesting person to argue with here & there.

Vero... It sounds really familiar. A girl right? I think I remember her... yea. ... 4everLP_Shinoda. Is that her? right?

I recognize all the names except Spud.

LPP was old school. I still talk to her on AIM. She isn't a fan of LP anymore, but she isn't how she used to be either (lol) she's calmed down a little. and when I say "a little" I mean only just a little.

SS1 is awesome.

Tack, I think his name was, was cool too.

Clogz was another one that I always that was cool.

Then Azem's old name, I don't even remember what it was. I just know that it wasn't always Azemkamikaze.

Brkng_th_hbt was freaking awesome. He was really cool.

and then Stenners aka Matty who I don't think liked me when I first joined (lol) but now we're cool

We had a lot of fun on here in the older days. With Peanut Butter & Pickles in one of the first Insane People forums or something like that. And then the super powers and all that. I miss it a lot. and also not feeding Vero, I think it was her or someone like that. It was great. More like a family back then.

twas always azem lady :D
lol people called me Azk
Jeez, exactly 1 month from now will be 3 years for me, I remember a lot of the names of the old peoples and definitely cant forget the small community atmosphere. Ah, good times. This was the first forum I ever joined and didnt really know what I was doing back then... thus I dont really KNOW the old members, just remember asking them questions and stuff, haha. LP was my favorite band and all that, but I hadnt quite established the uber-obsession that I have now. heh

Hmmm, people who arent really around anymore who I remember...
spud, lpb, vero, allied, clogz, mad4lp, SK, snipervirus, treeves, spike91232004, HS, killmeimirish...
I miss them. Even tho me & SniperVirus never got along tooooo well. (lol) He was still an interesting person to argue with here & there.

Vero... It sounds really familiar. A girl right? I think I remember her... yea. ... 4everLP_Shinoda. Is that her? right?

I recognize all the names except Spud.

LPP was old school. I still talk to her on AIM. She isn't a fan of LP anymore, but she isn't how she used to be either (lol) she's calmed down a little. and when I say "a little" I mean only just a little.

SS1 is awesome.

Tack, I think his name was, was cool too.

Clogz was another one that I always that was cool.

Then Azem's old name, I don't even remember what it was. I just know that it wasn't always Azemkamikaze.

Brkng_th_hbt was freaking awesome. He was really cool.

and then Stenners aka Matty who I don't think liked me when I first joined (lol) but now we're cool

We had a lot of fun on here in the older days. With Peanut Butter & Pickles in one of the first Insane People forums or something like that. And then the super powers and all that. I miss it a lot. and also not feeding Vero, I think it was her or someone like that. It was great. More like a family back then.

yep that's me :p hehhehe

I'll try to be in here from time to time :)
Jeez, exactly 1 month from now will be 3 years for me, I remember a lot of the names of the old peoples and definitely cant forget the small community atmosphere. Ah, good times. This was the first forum I ever joined and didnt really know what I was doing back then... thus I dont really KNOW the old members, just remember asking them questions and stuff, haha. LP was my favorite band and all that, but I hadnt quite established the uber-obsession that I have now. heh

Hmmm, people who arent really around anymore who I remember...
spud, lpb, vero, allied, clogz, mad4lp, SK, snipervirus, treeves, spike91232004, HS, killmeimirish...

Honestly, I always wanted to kick KMII in the face. She was a complete BTCH to me at first and then she was all of sudden cool with me.

I remember all of them except spud & lpb o.0

Its hard to believe I've been here for over 2 years . . . o.0 crazy. I think I joined December 17th, 2004. . . .
I remember all of that. Treeves was pretty cool.. Snipervirus was way too ****y for him and I to get along, so I kind of stayed away from him.

The huge arguments were pretty ridiculous though. Apart from that.. I miss the old days. The forum was so much more active and I could relate to the other members a lot better.
I remember all of that. Treeves was pretty cool.. Snipervirus was way too ****y for him and I to get along, so I kind of stayed away from him.

The huge arguments were pretty ridiculous though. Apart from that.. I miss the old days. The forum was so much more active and I could relate to the other members a lot better.

I felt the same way, but then I went to college.
Lol I know that sounds like a jerk thing to say - and it is. Because I am.

Seriously though, I've had no time for LPF...now that the sememster is about over (two more days!) I can actually give it a little attention.

But LPF is not really on my priorities list, if you know what i mean. I have alot of things to do that come before checking up on the forums.
Jeez, exactly 1 month from now will be 3 years for me, I remember a lot of the names of the old peoples and definitely cant forget the small community atmosphere. Ah, good times. This was the first forum I ever joined and didnt really know what I was doing back then... thus I dont really KNOW the old members, just remember asking them questions and stuff, haha. LP was my favorite band and all that, but I hadnt quite established the uber-obsession that I have now. heh

Hmmm, people who arent really around anymore who I remember...
spud, lpb, vero, allied, clogz, mad4lp, SK, snipervirus, treeves, spike91232004, HS, killmeimirish...
im assuming hs means me, and im around pleanty, but all of those people....dang. and SB, and opal, cuorruptedauthorityluke, and all of those cool people.
I have no idea when I signed up. Somewhere around 2003/2004. I went through a couple of usernames in that time, PsychoTeddy was my original, then SocioTeddy, and I believe my final one was 'Orange'. For some odd reason... I haven't been around for a year or so as I was struggling to complete high school. Neesha just reminded me of this place today, and with the new album out and all, I figured I may as well come back. For those of you who may remember me, I used to go by the real name Jas. That has changed... :p
What with mod bashing, LPF awards being political, people voicing opinions that other members did not appreciate, people abusing the whole freedom of speech thingy we all got constituted to us and such. Very intense. I was in the middle most of the time trying to shut the uppity kids up and calm the old fogies down. I say that humourously now, but I know a lot of real people who got hurt over some of the things that were said.

I miss Jas and Vero and SV and Treeves most.

I see Azem and SS1 are still around. Which is good. Funny story - Azem and I got into once over his girlfriend. I wrote a fanfic for SS1 once. Vash is still around somewhere too. That kid was always here.

Come back Jas and Vero. :(

I have no clue whatsoever who you are, but back in 04/05, my username was 'PsychoTeddy', but I went by my real name Jas in the chat. Haha, weird.

I rejoined cause Neesha made me. ^^

EDIT -- There seems to be no way of deleting one's posts, no sorry for the double.