On day of Bush Iraq speech Bush conservatives Cut Benefits for Vets

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8 mecos

Active Member
May 19, 2005
Bush administration had claimed on multiple occassions that the current budget was enough to provide full care . And Yet today on the day of Bush's Iraq pep session the House voted to underfund the veterns health care by $1 Billion
Bush uses the soldiers at Fort Bragg as a backdrop for his speech. We have a President who cannot give a simple speech anywhere except at a military base where the attendees are under orders to applaud when told to . If those soldiers knew at that moment about the betrayal of their interests...well it would be amusing to say the least

add another log on the fire , Congress and the "W", Rove & co. are also about to produce a BIG windfall to their cronies in the energy Biz..

So let see How to **** over the American people.=
1. Cut welfare to poor ...Check
2.Cut benefits to Vets...Check
3.. Use current GI's as a backdrop to flog a flagging War and for possible political gain...Check
4.Screw the middle & poorest tax payer and stick them with the bill for the War in Iraq ignighted under false pretenses and manufactured [?] intelligence ...Check :mad: :mad:
Its the ole slide of hand routine that magicians use.. Look over "HERE" while I'm moving things over "THERE".. They never saw it coming.

And whats with that ****ing fake ass cry towards the end, looked like he was gonna sob..... maybe he was holding in a Fart....
Instate inclusion of church and state...Check

I watched CNN after his little "speech"...didnt even know it was happening till i saw the shoutbox here..(may God/Allah/Zeus/Shiva/the green man/little green men/{hell insert your belief here} bless america!)

Some total ****wad on CNN actually said.. (and this was a Dubya quote) "We have to prevent Iraq from being a terrorist state"....AND THEN HE SAID "Meaning they werent to begin with"... THEN The dumbass stated "...Bush was actually starting to level with the american public about the war on Iraq and the goals, and because of that the American people will give him more time to finish his goals"...

Granted im paraphrasing but that was hours ago...and im still pissed off..(a word or two is mess up..but still all the same)

JUST NOW LEVELING WITH US?!?!?!? Oh, My, Damn! ...In other words...He's letting us know the truth...oh wait...the "truth" about the war.

Giving him more time to get the war finiished???

Um..NO.. all i want now is his head on a platter....(figuratively speaking, of course). Bush has to go. Why doesnt the UN and the FAR more civilized union of Europe get in committee and have George W Bush charged for war crimes??!?!?!?!? Why cant they just quit bitching about how stupid americans are and get to the bottom of the problem....

Since we cant get rid of the biggest disgrace of our ENTIRE history (ok second disgrace...slavery is the first...but we werent the only country to have it)....Then let them CALL for it!?!?!? What are we going to do? Go to war with europe?!?! Please...

Off with his head.....UGh I think im just as pissed as i was when the election was finished...perhaps more. What kind of moron actually clicked "yes" to that total pupet of corporate evil??!?!?!


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Excellent speech! Thought the points were clearly stated. The reality is the reality and he clearly stated the reality.

Soldiers will always rally to the CIC or hold protocol according to the command directive. Applause was scripted and outburst of patriotism were quelled. This was done so the points could be presented with a neutral background sound track.
Phreak, where the hell do you find all of these images??? That was a hell of a one to see first thing in the morning LOL.

I had to answer "he was holding a fart" just because that seems as good a reason as any for what he had to say.

But EWE a naked Bush????? A naked Bin laden?? shudders
By the way VA funding is up 40% since Bush took office and a republican backed additional funding increase of 2 billion dollars is on the floor of congress.
Crispy Critter said:
Excellent speech! Thought the points were clearly stated. The reality is the reality and he clearly stated the reality.
too little too late.... He has been lying to us for too long for him to make nice now...sorry...He just graduated from "scum of the earth" to "the fungus that eats away at **** lying in the woods". What a total sleaze bag!

Crispy Critter said:
Soldiers will always rally to the CIC or hold protocol according to the command directive. Applause was scripted and outburst of patriotism were quelled. This was done so the points could be presented with a neutral background sound track.

Much like the sitcoms of today...Phony... I want a REAL president...not a puppet. I want someone who isnt perfect, yet has a kind heart (bush is NOT perfect but is a total idiot..and totaly devoid of a heart) I cannot believe people actually buy his crap......ARGH
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