This was one of the key reasons for the **** POT. I personally didn't wanna see a bunch of **** spewing into our other forums, but I knew **** well the people that this site draws just by it's suggestive name alone, would be more of the wilder type bunch. My reasoning is, that letting them flame someone in a totally separate forum any way they like, will prevent people from taking it into the more serious topics.
Personally, I agree with Tori, but then I'm not one to let my personal feelings dictate how the site is run. That is why I created this poll/topic, so that ALL MEMBERS could openly discuss it.
The position I take on it, is the same as Bob's. I know how it will affect our site host, but as long as they're not complaining, I ain't gonna tell anybody otherwise. But yes, we DO need to tame it down a bit here people, and it's NOT because of how any of the ADMIN/MOD team feel, it's just for the sake of keeping the site AT LEAST at a level where schools are not blocking us because of suggestive pictures containing nudity.
I'm sure almost all of you know how to use a photo editor, and you can always do like I do, and instead of linking to another site, upload your pic to one of the free pic hosting sites like
photobucket , edit your image content with a black bar or pixelation, then link to it so that it can be seen .
Less then a minute of your time, and nobody is gonna ***** about it being blocked out.
You can see by the photo I posted here, that the pixel job still keeps it kid friendly, but we as adults still get the idea of what the picture is showing.
I'm all for the fun and carnage of the **** pot, I'd just hate to see the site get a bad rep and be known as an adult site, when truly, that is NOT what we push for here.
So keep the slamming up, but try to think of others who may view the site, and who it may affect.
I know I am guilty of it too, so I won't ***** at ANYBODY in general, nor will I openly say YOU CAN'T DO THIS, or you HAVE TO pixelate/black box your pictures, but I do ask sincerely that people use a bit of discretion and not let things get TOOO far out of hand..
And, as a side note, since Tori feels I am running the board into the ground the way I moderate it, I no longer wish to moderate this board, and have sent a request to Bob to De-Mod me. Best wishes to the other 5 Mods we now have.