Once A Crim Always A Crim


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
How many answers can there be to the question: "How much counseling is necessary to convert a Rottweiller into a poodle?" A seemingly facetious question, yet the central core of the lame excuses for today's apologists for the creatures who behave worse than any Rottweiller against the decent 'poodles' of our society. My biggest surprise was to discover there were some who actually believed the absurdity itself - that with enough 'Tee El Cee' and caring and sharing, your fang baring thug-dog could indeed be 'counseled' and 'educated' into lovable, squeezable and well behaved little obedient citizens. There seemed to be two camps of thought. The wishful thinkers - who fancy some kind of magical 'change' can be effected for the 'rehabilitation' of your average mindless psychopath - and the 'wilful' thinkers who know damned well that a Rottweiller is a Rottweiller is a Rottweiller and find it in their interests to make cynical use of such creatures for their own 'administrative ' purposes.

This argument is not a handwringing exercise to persuade the stringing of any and all convictees from the nearest lamp post, nor is it a licence for the other handwringers to outright lie about the 'loveless' tothood that your standard pack rapist had to suffer. This is the main platform for the "Nature Vs Nurture" argument. Clearly, I throw down the gauntlet into the "It's Nature!" camp - a leopard doesn't change its spots, you can track the animal (and consequently people) torturers and molesting thugs with the evil eye way back to the cradle. They are clearly different from the standard herd - the rest is a matter of degree. We all know there will be variations in the array of bastardry available and displayed by the average crim, and before we start up the 'show us yer statistics' mantra, just remember they are also very skilled actors in the bargain.

I have a pet fly that I've trained to carry a videocam. Henry (the fly) sits in courtrooms for me and he records the performances the animals put on for the Chardonnay swilling, Latte sipping, Herald reading, Big Fat 4wd driving judiciary warming the taxpayers' benches. He records the boxes of tissues that get emptied whilst his (but mostly 'her') Worship get their entertainment for the day. Then Henry goes into the cells and records the same crims laughing at and about their victims and especially the gullibillity of his (but mostly 'her') Worships who again and again fell for the same old tear-jerking rubbish before they sign yet another bail application (for the 55th time).

The habitual crims speak that way, act that way, think that way and behave that way because they are that way. They regard their victims as 'mugs', they always refer to police officers as 'pigs' and they're forever on the lookout to 'get away' with anything they can.

Since Australia started as a maximum security prison and seeded the first layers of Australian society with the worst pick of Irish scumbags and troublemakers, it's little wonder we were infected with an evil church which begat a corrupt judiciary which spawned and perpetuated a corruption driven jail population, who in turn keep us all in a state of commercially driven terror..

I recommend a new 'Devil's Island' - a more humane one sponsored by we the humane for them the inhumane. Make it a 'crim state' where they can do as they please to each other. I would make the penalty for leaving their crim 'heaven' instant execution. This would leave us decent white folk to pursue our own civilised lifestyle whilst the crims rip each other to bits because that is their natural wont. To each his own. Let nature have its way with each and every man Jack of us. Cheers! Flatearther.
NazzNegg wrote:
Lets split a hair or two (a favorite past time at GF)
I only ask these questions because my youth was spattered with many a run in with the law, yet I turned out pretty good. If my youthful endeavors would have been subject to “Barter Town” consequences perhaps I would have never had the chance to become anything else, except a criminal.
By all means. I have no qualm about admitting that inherently decent sods like yourself can go sideways and end up with the rough end of the pineapple. But unless I'm wrong, I'll bet the ranch on the notion that you are NOT a career crim, and do not break bones of the living for a living. There is a difference and I am going to use you to make my case. The essence of my argument is not about which poker or thumbscrew we're going to use in a corrupt inquisition. My argument is clearly between nature & 'nurture'. I am at odds with the 'nurture' crowd. You know yourself, that one of the best gimmicks used by the real nasties in the system, is to mass murder as often as you can and then "find Jesus" - it's the CHANGE that I'm hollerin' about - I just don't buy it.

We're also assuming that all the criminals are OUTSIDE the 'justice' system. Criminality is a state of mind (plumbing & wiring of the brain). I have but pity for the bank heist guy who terrifies some bank tellers & makes the manager pee in his pants. Not because he's a satanic figure, but because he's doing so much damage for PETTY CASH! The CEO of one of your largest energy companies would probably faint if he had a gun pointed at him but he screwed LOTS of nice people for LOTS of bucks and ruined god knows how many lives in the process, but he will never wear shackles and be branded as "that dangerous felon" although he really should be and he will always be 'rehabilitated & forgiven' for his sins (not crimes). I hope you can see where I'm pointing. A decent man is a decent man whatever the circumstances. I truly believe you are a decent man. Otherwise I'd ask you to take a chair - the elecrtric one. Cheers!
Lovely post mate, great stuff. You've got the knack of nailing the important bits & more power to thee.But let me go a bit deeper. I got just as many laughs out of the Hippies as any red blooded bloke could, and I certainly didn't go and live in Queensland or join a dope ring. The fulcrum of my point was that when little guys come up with something that's new and it becomes popular, the big (usually bad) guys sit up and take over the buck squeezing. We're singing off the same hymn page on that one. Little guys in private garages started modifying their rigs & created stunning hotrods that the Ford & GM monoliths suddenly noticed and a new species of rig was born. My point being, that if the big mobs find it in their interest to make a buck out of doing good things for people, (the longevity industry worth zillions being a striking example) then that's what they'll do.They'll have no qualms about squeezing blood out of the proverbial stone over our pain and misery (funeral industry) if it so suits their agenda. We have some serious agreements, I believe. Cheers!