Once Again...The Useless, Worthless, Unscrupulous ******s Of L.A. Strike Again!!

Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Yep..I say "******" all the time. :D

I hear from other members that your the master of comebacks and this is the best you can do?

I guess I was hoping that you would address the question I posed as to why you assert that today the word '******' is acceptable when used to descibe low life black criminals. I'm not a drum beating anti-racist liberal, but I do find your lack of tact when dispersing the name disturbing.

All i'm protesting is the use of blanket terminology to describe low lifes by solely addressing there skin color. Just seems so 19th century.
Jhony5 said:
I hear from other members that your the master of comebacks and this is the best you can do?

I guess I was hoping that you would address the question I posed as to why you assert that today the word '******' is acceptable when used to descibe low life black criminals. I'm not a drum beating anti-racist liberal, but I do find your lack of tact when dispersing the name disturbing.

All i'm protesting is the use of blanket terminology to describe low lifes by solely addressing there skin color. Just seems so 19th century.

I agree. Any low life who chooses to practise the same behaviour needs a buckshot enema.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Yep..and that's all I need to say on this topic. Period.



That was like you said "im a great fighter" then you run away like a ho.

I'm laughing at you little man, laughing at you.
OHHHHH, christ. I was just jabbing at ya.

Thats my pathetic story. I get high and start verbal conflicts with people via the internet.

You were supposed to get all huffy and call me a bitch er sumptin.

Well anyway, im gonna go drag some ******s from the back of my four wheel drive. Then me and my white trash friends are gonna go lure some faggots to a secluded area and beat them till their straight.
The context in which it is used today is pretty much correct (blacks back then just so happened to be unfortunate to be not AS educated as the slavemasters so thus the word was spilled onto all blacks) but unfortunately, due to its past useage and association with the atrocities from way back when, I doubt it would be an appropriate to say in public because alot of people to this day still believes it means ALL black people. Now why would they choose a variation of a word that means black as an offensive word, I really couldn't tell you. I rarely use the word here, but for the sake of argument I use it here from time to time (I have already explained why.) but in person...it is a word best not spoken of for the reasons above. Such a jaded history due to stupid racial ideologies.
Jhony5 said:
Well anyway, im gonna go drag some ******s from the back of my four wheel drive. Then me and my white trash friends are gonna go lure some faggots to a secluded area and beat them till their straight.
Okay..have fun :)
RoyalOrleans said:
As much as I love black people, I have to say that they would not be where they are today without slavery.

That is a good point. There have been alot of influences due to blacks being brought here. Although we wish they were brought here under better circumstances but what's done is done. All we need to do now is kill this useless "color" boundary and alot of our country's problems will be down the drain.
Outlaw2747 said:
That is a good point. There have been alot of influences due to blacks being brought here. Although we wish they were brought here under better circumstances but what's done is done. All we need to do now is kill this useless "color" boundary and alot of our country's problems will be down the drain.

I'm a realist not a rascist, so don't make any assumptions by my following statement...

Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, refuse it or ignore it; the afro-american people owe their success and proliferation to the white race. There would be no hip-hop, Kobe Bryant, or descent Runningbacks if the nation's white ancestry hadn't have brought them over in boats.

Better circumstances? The nation's forefathers never thought of blacks as equals. They were little more than monkey-children and property. There was no mention of slavery being legal or illegal in the Constitution, it was assumed that the rich 1% of the population would have slaves, keep slaves, or sell slaves. The yoke of the nation was pulled by blacks.

That being said, you've got to believe that racism is a fictional almost laughable term. Rascism does not exist any longer... though prejudices still apply. I have mine, you have yours, and I'm sure everyone posting on GF have theirs.

I'm quite open with my prejudices... I hate ******s. This doesn't only apply to those degenerate, knuckle dragging, welching, mooching jungle bunnies that sit on a stoop claiming they are owed something by the whiteman; no... this refers to sorry white trash, spics, wops, kikes, micks, etc, etc...

Basically, any group of people of any given race that do not wish to excel and make the most out their life. Those people who abhor labor and hardwork, but bitch and moan when the welfare check is late. I'm talking about those lazy, degenerate ****s that steal from mailboxes. I'm talking about anybody and anyone who demand respect for doing nothing.
RoyalOrleans said:
Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, refuse it or ignore it; the afro-american people owe their success and proliferation to the white race. There would be no hip-hop, Kobe Bryant, or descent Runningbacks if the nation's white ancestry hadn't have brought them over in boats.

well that's just as bad as blacks saying "the white race owes us for slavery..."
you can't go back hundreds of years and contradict yourself - but if there are ignorant black people thinking white people owe blacks and ignorant white people thinking blacks owe whites then why not just cut all the racist, ignorant bullshit and call it even;- forget all the crap that happened in none of our lifetimes and move forward peacefully. I'm tired of people digging up old garbage - how are we supposed to move forward if we keep looking back?!
well that's just as bad as blacks saying "the white race owes us for slavery..."
you can't go back hundreds of years and contradict yourself - but if there are ignorant black people thinking white people owe blacks and ignorant white people thinking blacks owe whites then why not just cut all the racist, ignorant bullshit and call it even;- forget all the crap that happened in none of our lifetimes and move forward peacefully. I'm tired of people digging up old garbage - how are we supposed to move forward if we keep looking back?!

Looking back? you mean like "wheres my reparations?"... or maybe, "400 years of oppression!"... that kind of looking back?

The current generation of black people in this country are owed NOTHING! Not a god damned dime! You were never slaves... You don't know the anguish your ancestors went through... We as white people know as much about it as you do... THROUGH SCHOOL AND SPEAKING WITH ELDERS!

You want to be something in this society as a black man... Take some lesson from Outlaw, Bill Cosby, Colin Powell... etc.... If I were forced to describe ANY of these people to anyone who didn't know them, I would say they were AMERICANS, patriots, scholars, actors.... I wouldn't even mention the fact that they were black!

Sometimes I honestly think that maybe the black people LIKE the social crutch of inequality! You sure seem to try hard enough to keep yourselves from joining the American fabric...
Lets not forget, people, that their own BLACK countrymen sold the slaves into slavery (can you say, trade sugar cane and rum for a brotha'?) to the rich European, English and American WHITIES to begin with. Just a little tidbit in case you forget the root of the situation :)
well that's just as bad as blacks saying "the white race owes us for slavery..."
you can't go back hundreds of years and contradict yourself - but if there are ignorant black people thinking white people owe blacks and ignorant white people thinking blacks owe whites then why not just cut all the racist, ignorant bullshit and call it even;- forget all the crap that happened in none of our lifetimes and move forward peacefully. I'm tired of people digging up old garbage - how are we supposed to move forward if we keep looking back?!

You ought not let Jesse Jackson hear you talk like that.
Man.... **** Jesse Jackson.
well that's just as bad as blacks saying "the white race owes us for slavery..."
you can't go back hundreds of years and contradict yourself - but if there are ignorant black people thinking white people owe blacks and ignorant white people thinking blacks owe whites then why not just cut all the racist, ignorant bullshit and call it even;- forget all the crap that happened in none of our lifetimes and move forward peacefully. I'm tired of people digging up old garbage - how are we supposed to move forward if we keep looking back?!

Oh... and Whities do feel sympathy toward the Darkies plight, I mean we gave them Atlanta. Sorry about the whole slavery thing.
RoyalOrleans said:
Oh... and Whities do feel sympathy toward the Darkies plight, I mean we gave them Atlanta. Sorry about the whole slavery thing.
Don't forget about New Orleans...they can come back and get it anytime they wish now. :p
fullauto said:
Looking back? you mean like "wheres my reparations?"... or maybe, "400 years of oppression!"... that kind of looking back?

The current generation of black people in this country are owed NOTHING! Not a god damned dime! You were never slaves... You don't know the anguish your ancestors went through... We as white people know as much about it as you do... THROUGH SCHOOL AND SPEAKING WITH ELDERS!


Oki Doki!! good job of practicly saying what I just said.. :rolleyes:
but in a more buyest way....WHATEVER!!

As I said before - nobody owes anybody anything because it was in none of OUR lifetimes!!! So I dont wanna hear **** from ANYONE - black,white,purple, dog, alien - WHAT-the-****-EVER!!!! oKAY :)
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Lets not forget, people, that their own BLACK countrymen sold the slaves into slavery (can you say, trade sugar cane and rum for a brotha'?) to the rich European, English and American WHITIES to begin with. Just a little tidbit in case you forget the root of the situation :)
Slavery is still quite common in some prats of Africa today.