ONe line to say

To any of them: "You guys are the best, I look up to you as musicians and as people."

Yeah......I have nothing creative. :(

Nice one Allied. That would be great.
mike - teehee, look we are twinsies! *id wear the same sweatshirt*
chester - duh huh nah mah ch ger *faints*
joe - weeeeeeeeeee
rob - man u rock, those beats u throw out are kik arse!
brad - Hi Brad * does the little girlie thing with arms and the foot kicking the dirt* lol
Pheonix - Id prob ask him to sing the pokemon song with me....dont know why though.

That is what i would say to them. :D
I would tell to the LP guys that they are the best band in the world and that I´m thankful for founding them cuz everytime I listen them I feel better.
To Mike I woul ask him:would u like to be teddy bear to hug?*LOL,random thought o_O*
Phoenix:Can I play X-box with ya?:p
Funny comments every1:thumbsup:
2 Chester ''You're the most perfect thing that walks this Earth..I love everithing about u''

2 all the members ''Can I perform with u'' :)