one of my drawings


Humanoid Typhoon
Aug 23, 2004
I got to scan some drawings at a friends house the other day, so I'm going to post one them. They're not LP related, but anyway I though I might post them :p I had to reduce the size of the pic a lot, and it's still big, but maybe some of the detail won't be seen so well :\ Oh well, here goes:
that looks awsum nice work.. I can't draw so I think people who can are friggin awsum
Thanks for the replies, guys, you rule :thumbsup: if you see something you need to point out, like what could be improved, please tell me so. I want to be better at drawing, so you can help me at that :)
Wow,your draw is awesome,my congrats 2 u shirakawa_otori,I know u said it that the draw wasn´t related to LP but the guy on the skate looks like Mike lol,sorry about that,it´s just he has like a resemblance.
Once again my congrats 2 u,u are an awesome artist.
When it comes about drawing I really suck,I´m not good at it*cries*
Dude that's pretty wicked. But what's funny is, that awhile ago I gave you the tip of leaning over your board while you ollie, and he's not what-so-ever. And I totally understand that you probably didn't keep that in mind on the drawing, I just thought it was funny, lol. Great work.
Yeah Spud lol drawing skateboarders is kinda hard for me because of that, I have to keep the tecnique in mind, and most of the times I can't lol and then the drawing is not "correct". It's even harder because as I'm only a begginer skateboarder, I'm not myself familiar with them. I know lots of tricks by reading and watching videos about it (which is important for drawing to, to know the movements of the body and so), but not by performing them, so I guess that makes it harder to draw lol Thanks for the comments :thumbsup: