one of my drawings

stupidsoul1 said:
wow that is so awesome it does look like mike lol
please post some other stuff u drew because ur really great at it

man i shouldnt of given up drawing....

hah It does look like Mike in a way.....Its a really good drawing.Thats something I could never draw.Its too hard to draw o_0 lol
thanks for all the comments :thumbsup: I'll have to get some more stuff scanned, then I'll post. It sucks that I haven't had that much time to draw now a days, it's tough, the college takes up much of my time. But I'll post some other drawing soon... I'll probably give a shot at drawing LP, or at least some of the members... it'd be cool :D
thats cool....can't wait to see more of your drawings ...maybe I should draw something but I think that the best drawing I could ever make in my life is a picture of a bunch of stick people...o_O I SUCK AT DRAWING!! lol

AT least your very good at it! lol