One person...


New member
I'm thankful I haven't had any really close loved ones die, or ones I remember so I couldn't say that. But it is a really nice thought though Brokenangel! How sweet!

Lol thanks Keza! As long as I get to eat good food, I'm uhh... pretty good lol. (I get all this food stuff from Matt o_0 **** you *pokes with a spork*)



New member
Man why did u poke me with a spork :(

u know that they are extremely deadly there not only a food reveloution but also used in the military for close combat :( so please say sorry



New member
Lol aww I upset you heh. Sowwy ^.^ Sorry with a cherry on the top and all the extra deal. (Chocolate sprinkles, marshmellows, walnuts, rainbow sprinkles, raspberry sauce, whippy cream etc ;) )

Get back to the topic!

I would like to eat dinner with ***** Wonka (Johnny Depp) because... uhh... <3


Suicide King

New member
I would love to have brunch with Conan O'Brien. It would be like a fantasy come true.

And Vash, if that lunch were to take place, I think it would have to be forever labeled as history's most awesome lunch. XD

I would love to have brunch with Conan O'Brien. It would be like a fantasy come true.
And Vash, if that lunch were to take place, I think it would have to be forever labeled as history's most awesome lunch. XD
**** yeah it would. XD It would be interesting to say the least. ^^

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