one thing i hate about myself.


its been real
Mar 8, 2006
South Africa
well everybody has go that one thing they dont like about them self.

i hate the fact that i cant speak oral infront of alot of people eventhough i love talking
yeah, its a common problem! Like i sang a solo infornt of a whole church at xmas but ask me toread something out NO WAY! theres a few things you should remember though when about to give a presentation.
-everyone in the class knows you so its not like there complete strangers.
-everyone is the the same position as you, dreading having to do their own presentation.

meh, you just have to calm down a bit before hand.
I hate speaking out loud infront of everyone too.... it scares me so much! I generally speak reeeeeally fast in an attempt to get it outta the way faster, but I just end up sounding awful!

My confidence needs major improvement. I think I'm getting better though.
Meh, I used to have this issue, but I sorta 'broke out of my shell' as its put.
I just blag things now and add a few jokes/comments to make people laugh. As a Drama Student, i've gotten used to it now :)
I hate my shyness. I can hardly talk to people I don't know without mumbling up the words or something. I can definately not speak in front of a crowd either without being nervous as hell.

I also hate how huge a procrastinator I am, and how I tend to tell people what I think they wanna hear...
I think that's a problem a lot of people you shouldn't really worry about it
Take some Drama classes bro, that helped me in a HUGE way. I can remember, before I took those drama classes i was one of the quietest kids at school.
If I feel scared about saying anything to anyone, I make sure I am afraid of it for a long time, because with me, fear just wears off.

What I hate about myself, is probably my social skills. I just don't get along with people, mainly because I'm too loud and nerdy. As I said on myspace, the cool people hate me because I'm too nerdy, and the nerds hate me because I'm too aggressive and loud.

To make this less "I hate myself" sounding, I'll say what I love about myself most too. Thats probably my ability to manipulate people, I'm damned good at that!
also shyness... If I know someone then its no problem to open up and do a lot of **** and stuff but if I don't know a person I'm like the little child who is hiding behind his mothers skirt... lol
although its not always like this but mostly...
I hate the fact I'm so shy and can't make friends because of it. >_<
I blame the teachers in Grade school that told me to stop talking so much...just look what happen. I don't talk at all!!! XD
also shyness... If I know someone then its no problem to open up and do a lot of **** and stuff but if I don't know a person I'm like the little child who is hiding behind his mothers skirt... lol
although its not always like this but mostly...
oh and I'll add talkin on phone... -.-
that's even a bigger problem for me than talkin to someone in person
it would be easier for me to list the one thing i like about me bacause when i was married my husband told me everyday i was fat ugly and useless and when someone does that for 9 years you kinda belive it, so here goes...

i like my eyes, they are green and kinda pretty, everything else i hate.
noo..allie...don't say this.... "everything else i hate" ....... if you don't like nothing else about yourself just say "i have pretty eyes" you did.... but don't then countinue with " i hate everything else.." will help you respect who you are...and then.... slowly you will find more and more things about yourself that you like.... i know because it's something i did... and now i fell good about myself *hugs*
I hate that i cant stick up for myself and just say no. And because of it people walk all over me.When someone needs something like a favor or money they turn to me. ~_~
noo..allie...don't say this.... "everything else i hate" ....... if you don't like nothing else about yourself just say "i have pretty eyes" you did.... but don't then countinue with " i hate everything else.." will help you respect who you are...and then.... slowly you will find more and more things about yourself that you like.... i know because it's something i did... and now i fell good about myself *hugs*

i split from my husband 5 years ago hun and i've been trying to build my confidence since then and it doesnt work. andy is a great help, he tells me everyday that i'm beautiful, so maybe in 9 years time all the wonderful things he says to me will cancel out the nasty things my ex said.

i thought of one more thing i like about myself.....i'm very kind and caring, if anyone has a problem i try to help and i give good advice :)