one thing i hate about myself.

i split from my husband 5 years ago hun and i've been trying to build my confidence since then and it doesnt work. andy is a great help, he tells me everyday that i'm beautiful, so maybe in 9 years time all the wonderful things he says to me will cancel out the nasty things my ex said.

i thought of one more thing i like about myself.....i'm very kind and caring, if anyone has a problem i try to help and i give good advice :)
keep thinking, keep thinking!!!!
i barely know you and i can still tell you theres a lot of great things about you. You should be just forgetting what your ex said. Your too good of a person to let that asshole's words drag you down at all!
Hmmm, what do I hate about myself?

Yup, I'm also not that good when it comes to speaking in front of crowds or even just a group of people...I get too nervous...
I also kinda hate that I'm not a really talkative person...and that I'm kinda without imagination...
And I hate that sometimes I get to thrust people too's not good...

I think those are the main things...

Oh, and that I spent too much time on the internet...cuz I have no
keep thinking, keep thinking!!!!
i barely know you and i can still tell you theres a lot of great things about you. You should be just forgetting what your ex said. Your too good of a person to let that asshole's words drag you down at all!

geez, if your ex said those things to you, he didnt deseve you at all!!!!!!!!!!

just forget that sh*t and think about how great you are as a person!! :D
i hate that i sometimes blush a little when i go out with nice girls, damn happned to me yesterday when we spoke and i looked into her eyes i blushed and she teased me (in a nice waY) but that sucked lol
i hate that i sometimes blush a little when i go out with nice girls, damn happned to me yesterday when we spoke and i looked into her eyes i blushed and she teased me (in a nice waY) but that sucked lol
Ha ha, blushing...I know that one...hate it!
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
How about the fact that I can't really name one thing that I don't hate about myself. (Other than a few obvious ones, like I'm not living on the streets etc)
You're being too negative about yourself then...cuz I'm sure you have positive characteristics that you just can't hate...look into and don't be so harsh on yourself...:)
What's funny, is like, in these threads, you can be cute and say

"what i don't like about myself the most is the fact that I know (so and so)"

which is really pretty funny if you think about it