Opinions on Love


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2006
This is just about people's opinions on Love

Please don't let this get out of hand!

Be respectful don't Disrespect anyone because of they're opinion and please PLEASE Don't go on a Dissin' Spam Spree.

Thank you.
Fall_And_Faint said:
This is just about people's opinions on Love

Please don't let this get out of hand!

Be respectful don't Disrespect anyone because of they're opinion and please PLEASE Don't go on a Dissin' Spam Spree.

Thank you.

First off, well said.

I think that love is a really great thing. It can be hard to find, I will admit, but people have to realize that love is not something that just 'happens'. Love takes work, and trust, between two people. Both people have to want it for it to work. Right now, I am in love with my girlfriend and we both know how much work it takes, but we continue to build our relationship.
I think love is a great thing for someone to have, because it gives people a reason to be alive, if they have no other...and its just amazing to know that you will always have someone and somewhere to run..
I Won't dis anyone but I'm just gonna say this once
Love is a waste of time brings nothing but chaos in the end you can think
You'll be in love forever but sooner or later you can't
neglect that you are going down hill and you regret everything
also that it is something I despise :p don't know why
I have a love of abstract things.
I have a love of beauty, of the abnormal, and the demented. By beauty, I do not mean the standards and ideals of society today. I mean what is asthetically pleasing to me, and that could be anything.
Right now, I do not beleive in loving one person. I beleive in polyamour.
Without love, we cannot live. Love doesn't have to exist in just one form of a person, it can be love of music, nature, words, random objects, even, but there has to be love. Humans are not humans without love.
I love lots of things, those things i love i am extremely protective of...if you hurt them i hurt you sort of thing.

The word love makes me think of music and my friends.
I think i use the word too much, but not in the sense of if i had a boyfriend "I love you" because i know if i get tooo attatched to them i would be sad if we broke up.
I know i told my ex that i loved him a few times, it was something really hard for me because i have a theory that i lose everyone i love so i try to not get attached but we are best friends so best friend love is still love i guess.
I think there's just one big love for everyone. You just gotta find it. It can be a hard way till you find it though.
i used to think love was crap because i was in a mentally abusive relationship, it made me think that you had to be hurt by someone to make them love you.

now everything is so diffrent, i am actually in love with someone and its great. love in my opinion is when you can be yourself with someone and they love who you are and wont change anything about you.

ppl used to say to me that you know when you have met the person your meant to be with, but i didn't belive it, untill i met andy. from the first time i saw him i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

the only thing i can say about love is that it takes along time to find your soul mate and you get hurt alot along the way, but its all worth it in the end :)
ive never been in love
well at least i dont think i ever have been

but i dont think its such a bad thing, i made the mistake of asking my mum to explain it when i was little
was slightly confusing but she said something that stuck..she said that when ur in love you have done the one thing it is so hard to do, youve accepted that person for everything that they are, even what makes them human (eg their bad points)

i dunno, i dont think itd be a bad thing, just slightly scary>.<
I used to think that love doesn't mean a thing...till I fell in love with a friend of mine...however, we were together for 4 months but then he broke up with me, saying:"I love you so much but just as a friend.". This was one hard experience but a very usuful one too...
3 days after that shock I met another guy...I'm with him right now...this relationship lasts for 4 month now... In the beginning I didn't let myself to get all crazy about him...cuz of that past (first) love...
However, now I think that love is just something what we all need...without it we can't be... Love saved me from my state of depression... Of course love means suffering too but...this is what it takes to be happy...at least for some moments...

For me...I just know that I need to be loved...and of course I give love back... :p

ps: we're still good friends with that first bf... :thumbsup:

Oh, sorry for sharing my stupid love story with you...I'll just shut up now...
love can be good but only when that certain person feels the same way. but about what happened to me i dont think i can ever love again. with the bad part of love comes anger, pain, betrayal, and revenge. i personally think i can endure that remendous amount of feelings. but now that i have my outlook has been changed. part of me thinks it a chemical reaction in the brain but the other part says its a feeling released from the heart. but one love i will always remeber is the love between a family. family love is one of the best feelings in the world...everything else sucks. yes humans cant live without love but with the masked pain it brings comes cruelity (sp?) it feeds on the darkest parts of the human heart it blinds us and we cannot see what is still out there. simply its just another form of pain. but without pain you cant be happy.
"sin dolor no te haces feliz"
love? love is beautiful. love is out there somewhere.. waiting for me.. and i for it.

ok, i sound like a cheesy poet. anyways, yeah, love is a great thing.. and i'm here waiting for it to find me. honestly, i don't believe teenagers can be "in love." like Clogz said, yes.. love is something you have to work at. it takes time. but i think it takes a lot more time than what the majority of teens think. i dont want to say that i think you have to live with someone to love them, because that sounds dumb. but its kind of what i think. i believe you have to be "unified" with them... you have to be there in the hardest of times with them, them with you.. and in the beautiful times. you have to gain trust, but be willing to forgive. love isn't getting "butterflies" every time you see, hear, or think of them. it's about getting tired and annoyed of that person, but sticking with them anyway. that's not what it's all about, but it's what people dont think love is. divorce is such a joke. people get tired of their wife/husband and they think they can just leave and everything will be alright? no.. (ew. that sounded kind of rude. chill people. don't get mad just because your opinion may differ. this is just mine.) but yeah. anyway, my brain is shutting down, so my computer probably should too. that's all i have to say about love right now... as negative as it may sound.
I think you spelt that right, anyway

I dunno if this will make sense but here it goes-

It's kinda hard to understand how the body does all these things, like Breathe, Digest, So forth all tons of stuff, then you wonder if it's just another thing your body is doing like a action, or if your heart feels it, cause like I dont think there is a organ SPECIFICALLY for emotions, I know the brain but the heart doesn't really even have ANYTHING to do with emotions, people just use it for some reason.
^ Agreed.

I have no idea how to explain love, or rather specifically, being in love. But I definitely would like to experiance it and be able to explain what it is one day. Hm one day lol =] All I know is that I currently love my family, my friends and aspects of my life that I really do treasure.

I'm not going to go out and find "love" though as many teens seem to be doing these days, I believe it'll happen when it happens, and I'll be glad when it hits you when you least expect it. That's always the best way. I will approach it with an open mind though, but yeah, I have no idea what to expect. I've never been in love with a guy, and well... from what other people tell me, it's hard. The feelings you have for a person... it can tear you apart etc. Butttt I have seen and I know couples who seem very much in love :) It's dead sweet and I like to coo all over them :D