Opinions on Love

Love to me is the most sacred thing in the world. It's something I cannot live without. I have been deeply in love... and got hurt. Yet I never despair I know that it's just a matter of time and patience... Yacky is right "good things come to those who wait"... :)
i don't think i would let myself fall in "love" with a guy till I'm old enough...I don't like the feeling of being vunerable...and I think being in love would make you vunerable, like your opening yourself up so much to just one person...and I won't be ready to do that for a while.

I don't know if that made sense...but whatever...
broken_angel said:
i dont know what to believe any more since me and my bf broke up. He's the reason why i'm even on this site, 'cause i asked for advice over what to get him for a present because he really likes LP.
I really want him back. it's like everyday is so much more darker without him 'cause he was/is my light.

awwwww i remember you, i thought it was really sweet that you came on here to do something for your bf. sorry you guys split it must be hard.
Love is...um...love is...lets just say love is like a nice welcome hug when you get home from school, got back from a trip, reunions...love is also like bunches of flowers waiting for you when you get back home from the hospital.
love is:

friendly words...

"i love love...love is you....therefore, i love you" ♥♥♥

You wanna know what i think about love...
I think love is something that you have to wait a long time for, It can't just be something you say.
love is like a drug, you can't live without it. Love is a strong word, and to tell you the truth I'm sort of scared of it... when i find love i want it to feel special, something that i know wasn't just a one time thing.. something that i think i have now with this one boy.. i hope it stays this way but i know it won't we go to different schools and were both 2 years and some months a part.
Well, one of my firends said that LOVE is only a human instinkt for his weakness that he cant live alone... But I disagree, I think love is much more than that. Love is a feeling, u feel to someone. Its a special feeling. So if u feel something special to someone, that means she or he is a special person for u. Love can bring a lot of pain, though love can bring a lot of happyness.
love... [yes I'm posting again... SHUT UP]

some people say "I love you so much I'd die for you".

Has that ever really happened? They [with no hesitation or second thoughts] would jump in front of a gun for you, be stabbed, burned, hung, etc. just for you. I, honestly, think that someone who could do that is in love. No hesitation, no nothing. If they could die for someone without a hesitation or second thought then that's love.

but then as I stated earlier... everyone gets hurt. Now your alone. so what are you going to do for the one that you love? If someone did that for me... If someone died in my place... I wouldn't be too far behind them. I'd committe suicide because they loved me that much. Even if I didn't love them back. buts thats just me.

I find it hard to put my heart into something KNOWING that no matter what happens... I'm going to get hurt physically & most of all emotionally. So I find it hard to believe in love. Even though... I, myself, have fallen in love [but that was LONG ago] & I fell out of love... quickly.

So whats the definition of love anyway?
love is the best thing in the entire world, but i think that its fondly mistaken as lust. i have been in love twice now though. i think that first loves are always the best because you don't really have this huge guard up. then you get your heart broken and it really takes someone special to fall for again.

i also think that love is different from what most people consider it to be.

then again, i'm way more of a romantic than a cynic.. maybe i'm just weird.