

Jun 25, 2006
Just a curious question. (yes this is my first post) Is anyone familar with the band Orgy? They've done such songs like "Blue monday" and "Stitches" just to name the popular songs. To the Orgy fans on here: Give it up for Jay Gordon! Come on now the man's a musical madman!!
why don't mske 'em popular when they release new stuff,m?
the band's nice..don't listen to 'em much coz it's too soft 4 me
^^^It dosen't have to be daeth- metal screaming bloody murder music, I like it the way it is. But yeah, their new album's a bit disapointing. :rolleyes:
Orgy is coming back album end of next year. And they've done a cover of Prince's Doves don't cry or whatever the songs' called. They're also working on the new site. So they are coming back, and they're gonna kick major ass no matter what happends. So what they sell 100,000 copies. It dosen't have to go platnium. To be honest with you all these bands that sell records don't deserve it. These "new" bands have no idea what's coming- I'm talking about My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, and all the other "popular" bands- what goes up must come down. And it's a pain in the ass to dig outta that hole. *coughLINKINPARK cough*!

It pisses me off people judge Orgy because of their looks. They wear make-up. Wow, so what. Come on people- let the boys express themselves! Look at Panic! At the Disco. They wear makeup, and no one has ever called them gay. Oh, but we all go after Orgy, that's right. The so-called "gay band". They don't have to follow any stupid trend. So please people don't judge a band by their looks.

I can promote Orgy no matter what time. They haven't released an album yet, so what-let them work. You bitch about LP taking too long too. They have personal lives, and they're no here to please all of us fans. I'm not being mean at all so don't take this the wrong way.
sporky_orgy said:
Panic! At the Disco. They wear makeup, and no one has ever called them gay
i know you're just trying to make a point. but come on- do a little research. orgy is awesome, people call panic at the disco gay all the time.
Okay, yea, I love orgy, great band!!! But you offended me by putting down some more main stream bands... I mean I like all those bands.. I like most bands. Except screamo bands. but yea, orgy is amazing!
Orgy ****ing rocks. I love all of their members, a lot. They're all really cool and I can't wait to hear some of them on Chaz's solo album ^_^
They're really nice guys...I've met them more than once and got to hang with em'. Real fun to be around. Lol, Ryan's naked drunk ranting!!! A long time ago- like six years ago I helped move their roadcases. You see, if you move their roadcases for them you get drugs. Not like I wanted drugs. And the groupies they used to have! Don't even get me started!