P.E.T.A.-Do you buy their ****?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
Peta uses propaganda to sell their opinion of what we should eat. They use outrageous methods to tell us what is the definition of animal cruelty. In my opinion peta has taken what could be a useful cause and molested it by overstating their claims. Recently they have even said that people shouldn't eat fish as they are more intellegent then domesticated animals.

Here is an article sighting yet another example of how peta commits crime while pushing their agenda.
Just wondering what your thoughts are concerning meat and its relation to animal cruelty. If ya have the fortitude for it check out what animal cruelty really looks like.
When I worked in a packing house, I worked on the kill floor. Well, one day I got ahold of a baby calf embryo, it was about the size of a quarter.... On a dare... I ate it.


**** P.E.T.A.
Well that was absolutely mortifying to wach to say the least (I only watched the first one...the message was clear and didnt need to click any others)

Unfortunately I could NEVER be a vegetarian. Simply because i only like a very small handfull of vegetables...and they are the typical ones (corn, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and peas...and thats about it)...Ill be damed if i will live off those for the rest of my life...

I think their message is good. These animals dont deserve to live such a miserable existance for our bennefit...


Does the lion care if the zebra it just bit into its neck bleeding and in pain care? The grizzly bear doenst care if it chomps on a fish thrashing for its life (or a human female in a tent who happens to be menstrating)..The spider doesnt care if the moth it just bit is thrashing around in pain. The Snake could care less if the mouse its swallowing whole is in pain. Your cute pet dog is having fun mowing on the rodent it just caught still jerking around in pain. The house cat is having a grand ol' time munching on a bird wing while it is trying to get away. The republican is licking blood off of its fingers of all the 3rd world countries it just bombed. The owl has no problem getting its pretty white feathers all red from the chipmunk it has in its beak. The hippo doesent even care that its in the water to eat plants when its stepping on bottom feeders and fish. Hell the monkeys(insert any species here) doesnt mind when it fights another one of its own kind off in dominance.

Nature is a VERY cruel thing. But we were given a brain with a conscience and these types of things do strike a big nerve....

I approve of their message (hell their name)....People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.....By Zeus love that!...But im not gonna go gnaw on the trees because of their message (after all...we shouldnt depleat our resources).

Now...with all their resources they get to promote vegetarianism...Why dont they buy up a huge chunk of land. Raise all these animals that are being treated so horribly in the name of "dinner" and raise and slaughter them ethically? Then sell the stuff in their name. I certainly would pay a little more for it? Then maybe they could get donations AND a profit eh?

Myself I couldnt see holding a job where i throw live animals around like they are "people i hate and want to see suffer"

Maybe its just me!
I agree that peta has some good points of awareness that they bring to light, however they overshadow these points by taking it to far. At first they seem like a well meaning group of concern citizens. Then when you dig into their society it becomes fast apparent that they are fanatical tree huggers who condemn anyone who eats cheese or drinks milk.

Althought there best work is done exposing the insanly inhumane work done by medical science. Although much of this work is nessasary, it seems as though the scientist could take some measure to not torture these animals so. This is a link to their site which documents what i'm reffering to. Again this is disturbing to say the least.
Jhony5 said:
I agree that peta has some good points of awareness that they bring to light, however they overshadow these points by taking it to far. At first they seem like a well meaning group of concern citizens. Then when you dig into their society it becomes fast apparent that they are fanatical tree huggers who condemn anyone who eats cheese or drinks milk.

Althought there best work is done exposing the insanly inhumane work done by medical science. Although much of this work is nessasary, it seems as though the scientist could take some measure to not torture these animals so. This is a link to their site which documents what i'm reffering to. Again this is disturbing to say the least.
not even going to bother to click that one...I have had a few drinks and the first one was enough. But that is true. These are HIGHLY educated scientists...You would think they would have a better conscience then to treat an animal like a toy that doesnt feel pain...right?
A "planet of the apes" scenario seems appropriate, doesn't it. Maybe I shouldn't give them any ideas.
I may be an animal lover and all but guess what? Humans were MEANT to be omnivorous (plant and meat eating for you layman folks). Therefore, I WILL NOT let some tree-hugging assclown tell me what I should and should not eat. If I want lobster, I will eat it. If I want chicken, I will eat it. If I want pork, I WILL EAT IT. We as people are bound by enough rules as it is. The weed smokers can't smoke without being arrested, you cannot own operational high powered machine guns in your home, military guys are technically cannot speak down about the president. The LAST THING we need is for some reject to control our natural instinct to prey on other living beings. They can go to hell, they are doing more harm than good.
So I watched all the links and read them. Glad I have a strong stomach - if people thought the first one was terrible, the second video....wow...

Okay, in a nutshell, this is what I think.

I understand that humans are meant to be omnivorous, I'm not condemning meat eaters to an eternity in hell - eating meat is not wrong. What I have a problem with is how the animals are treated pre-slaughter. They can't even begin to form what is a half-decent life. They are given nothing except daily torture and inhumane treatment. They at least deserve to be able to walk on their own four legs before they die.

PETA is very right in basically everything they advocate, in terms of animal cruelty. I mean, LOOK how the animals were treated - only a sick person could condone such behaviour towards animals. I mean - we don't treat ourselves like that (yes, there are cannibals in this world, and cannibalistic native cultures that DON'T have a problem with peopleeaters), so why is it okay to treat other living, and breathing animals like they are nothing.

I don't support animal cruelty, I don't support or condone the way the pre-life slaughtering is done (and even the slaughtering could be done in a better, faster way), but homo sapien sapiens were designed to have meat as part of our diet, just like the millions of other animals on this planet.
Yeah, I agree on the torture part. All testament to the dominance of humans. But I'll tell you what. I bet the punk asses would feel pretty ****ed up if they got beat up everyday and whipped and kicked and ****. And they need to stop for another reason, if we are going to eat that animal, I want it healthy before it hits my plate, not all banged up and sick and maimed.

They are just a bunch of pussies that's all. I bet if they went in with the animal without any weapons except what nature gave them they'd fall like a ton of bricks.
PETA IS full of ****. IT'S A PROVEN MEDICAL FACT that vegetarianism is NOT healthy. There are so many cases of people having all kinds of **** wrong with them such as severe protein defiencies from vegetarian diets. And from what I've seen, you have to be ****ing rich to have a vegetarian diet. I went into a health store that sells all organic crap, and it had to be the MOST EXPENSIVE FOOD STORE I'VE BEEN IN.

And like they said earlier, it's really no different than how animals rip eachother to shreds in nature.
Alec Baldwin... truelly a ****ing moron.... He rails against how we treat our food, but defends the assholes who cut other human's heads off simply to make a point...
"Alec Baldwin... truelly a ****ing moron...."

LOL for some reason that phrase made me think of Team America. :D That guy is a flaming hypocrite.
Livestock aeem no different to me then Vegitables, however they do have feelings of pain and tourment and thats kinda a scetchy area.

He is a, to some sick, proposition; We developpe cloning technology and use it to make animal 'shells' Shells are a fully functional body that has no brain and therefore cannot feel. These occur fairly regularly in nature. SO if we could pump out these clones without feeling or thought then they really would be no different then vegitables. (Cept the couldn't feed themselves) I know it sounds kinda gross and possibly sacreligious but just a thought.
Jhony5 said:
Peta uses propaganda to sell their opinion of what we should eat. They use outrageous methods to tell us what is the definition of animal cruelty. In my opinion peta has taken what could be a useful cause and molested it by overstating their claims. Recently they have even said that people shouldn't eat fish as they are more intellegent then domesticated animals.

I thought you said it was nasty, I was disappointed.

Here is an article sighting yet another example of how peta commits crime while pushing their agenda.

If they want dead pets to spread Propaganda, I have quite a collection of them in the fields a couple miles from my home. Shot them each personally for sport.

Just wondering what your thoughts are concerning meat and its relation to animal cruelty. If ya have the fortitude for it check out what animal cruelty really looks like.

I was looking for a new recipe for chicken soup. Now I don't have to visit www.allrecipies.com .

Now VEGETARIANS, they are the real problem, they destroy mother earth like no other animal.

They destroy our life giving plants by eating them and depleting the world of vital oxygen and ozone protection.

Sure there all for saving a ****ing tree too, but that's only because bark taste better with age.

Look at all the innocent life giving Potatoes,Broccoli,carrot and other such vegetables that are vital to earths Eco system that are eaten by the vegetable eating savages.

Science has for many years tried to figure out a way to save the environment.

Anybody with half a brain knows that mother Earth will heal itself. It does this by creating plant life that produces life giving oxygen to us oxygen breathers.

Support your mother Earth and all the beauty of nature by NOT EATING IT.. Eat the animals instead... there just using up our oxygen anyway.
Didnt the human race begin to get bigger brains and begun the eventual evolution to what we are now right when we started to eat meat?
Vortex said:
Didnt the human race begin to get bigger brains and begun the eventual evolution to what we are now right when we started to eat meat?

I don';t see why we can't come up with a standard decency law to ensure that at least while they are here.... they don't suffer UNNECESSARILLY! But they are always going to have to suffer... because we will never stop haveing the taste for PROTEIN YUM YUMS!

Here is a good example of the Hypocracy that I can't tolerate from these ****ing hippy-dippy, grapenut eatin *****s....

My friend has a wife who is a vegan... won't even be in the same zip code as anything that was made with animal products, let alone eat them.... But one night I had a party at my house and she was there... she was getting pretty drunk and developed a bit of a stomache problem.... I did the good host think and offered her some tea with honey in it.... She snarled at me with disgussed and said, "Yuk... honey is bee vomit... how do you expect me to drink bee vomit?".... So I said, "Well, you're pretty tanked on yeast ****, so I didn't think it would make a difference!"..... She cried! ...... ;)
Not to mention, Alec Baldwin is a *****. He has NEVER made a descent film or has NEVER been a box office draw! His brother Stephen is a retard... he followed up The Usual Suspects, which was a fabulous movie, with Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore. Daniel Baldwin had a recurring role on Homicide: Life on the Streets and that is all I can recall of his work. William Baldwin hasn't done **** since Backdraft.

So in conclusion, never trust what a Baldwin has to say. They are a desperate lot and will stop at nothing to make money.
PETA started out where every interest group starts out and ended up where the majority end up. Good intentions to $$$$. The worse the video the more money they get. I wouldn
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
PETA IS full of ****. IT'S A PROVEN MEDICAL FACT that vegetarianism is NOT healthy. There are so many cases of people having all kinds of **** wrong with them such as severe protein defiencies from vegetarian diets.

What a pile of crap!!

The following are quotes from famous Vegetarians, some of humanity's most Learned and Esteemed People. (and some from very wise meat inspectors)

"Our task must be to free ourselves . . . by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
-Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
-Thomas Edison, inventor
"If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth -- beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals -- would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?"
-George Bernard Shaw, playwright, Nobel Prize 1925
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."
-Leonardo da Vinci, artist and scientist
"I don't eat chicken anymore. I won't eat it. I won't allow it in my house."
-Rodney Leonard -U.S. Poultry inspection
"Based on my experience in Los Angeles, my advice to the public is not to eat meat."
-Gregorio Natavidad-meat inspector
"Some people are still going to want to eat meat...we do agree though that vegetarianism is a healthier diet."
- David Stroud of the American Meat Institute
"The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of