P.E.T.A.-Do you buy their ****?

There are plenty of vegetarians that are not animal right extremists. I used to love meat, but sense I have had the kids I just haven't been craving it. I eat much smaller portions now. There are some people out there who just don't have a taste for it.
How in the hell do vegetarians survive without protien and other nuitrents provided from meat? Do they live off supplements? These ****ers have to be disgustingly rich or something.

Yea I'm against people cutting animals throats, skinning them alive and stuffing them in shoebox sized cages in the name of profit, but getting rid of meat altogether isn't a good idea.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
How in the hell do vegetarians survive without protien and other nuitrents provided from meat? Do they live off supplements? These ****ers have to be disgustingly rich or something.

Yea I'm against people cutting animals throats, skinning them alive and stuffing them in shoebox sized cages in the name of profit, but getting rid of meat altogether isn't a good idea.

To be quite honest, I know a vegan (a very annoying little bitch to boot) and her family is very well off. She looks and smells like a walking tofu stick. Oh... I'd nail her but I'd have to cork my nose. I'm afraid that if I were to make here sweat, she'd smell like boiled asparagus.
you have your facts completely wrong. I found the following at www.askcarla.com (one of PETA's websites):
"We feed so much grain to animals in order to fatten them up for consumption that if we all became vegetarians, we could produce enough food to feed the entire world. In the U.S., animals are fed more than 80 percent of the corn we grow and more than 95 percent of the oats. The world's cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people
wallofhorses said:
you have your facts completely wrong. I found the following at www.askcarla.com (one of PETA's websites):
"We feed so much grain to animals in order to fatten them up for consumption that if we all became vegetarians, we could produce enough food to feed the entire world. In the U.S., animals are fed more than 80 percent of the corn we grow and more than 95 percent of the oats. The world's cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people
wallofhorses said:
wow thats really sad. You eat a cow fetus to go against PETA. I bet your real proud of your accomplishment.

No, I ate it because I was hungry. But aside from that

**** PETA

Outlaw2747 said:
I may be an animal lover and all but guess what? Humans were MEANT to be omnivorous (plant and meat eating for you layman folks). Therefore, I WILL NOT let some tree-hugging assclown tell me what I should and should not eat. If I want lobster, I will eat it. If I want chicken, I will eat it. If I want pork, I WILL EAT IT. We as people are bound by enough rules as it is. The weed smokers can't smoke without being arrested, you cannot own operational high powered machine guns in your home, military guys are technically cannot speak down about the president. The LAST THING we need is for some reject to control our natural instinct to prey on other living beings. They can go to hell, they are doing more harm than good.

I like animals too (like cats and dogs) but man, coming from a farming state, who raises pigs, cows and chickens for pets? We raise them for food! How can you kill them in a humane way to be made into steaks? PETA does take it way too far. Go J Lo for wearing fur. Screw PETA. Man, think a cow living on a farm in a pasture doesn't step in his own ****? I am a steak and potatoes kind of girl, and I guess I was raised knowing they were meant for food. Although this girl from Colorado this past weekend had no clue where steak came from. She just thought it came from the grocery store (duh). We had her about throwing up, it was hilarious!
If everyone in the world had a vegan diet:

We would need lots of fields to grow the crops on. In order to make room for cropland, we need to clear forests and drain wetlands, therefore removing habitat and killing animals.

Then after the crops are planted, they need fertilizers and pesticides which dont exactly do wonders for the environment or the ground-water.

After that it's harvest time, and animals who happen to be living in the fields will get run over and chopped up in the thousands by the harvesting equipment, which is belching out not-so-environment friendly emissions.

There you go
wallofhorses said:
you have your facts completely wrong. I found the following at www.askcarla.com (one of PETA's websites):
"We feed so much grain to animals in order to fatten them up for consumption that if we all became vegetarians, we could produce enough food to feed the entire world. In the U.S., animals are fed more than 80 percent of the corn we grow and more than 95 percent of the oats. The world's cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people
I think a lot of people miss the point including P.E.T.A. they are a buch of extremists that are out for personal gain. I think that group is full of ****. for many people(myself included), its not about eating meat or not eating meat. its about the conditions the animals live in and all the **** that is injected and fed to them. does mad cow dissease ring a bell? lets face it, the meat industry is concerned about money and profit. who isnt? they are gonna cut corners, treat the animals any kind of way, and put all kinds of **** on your plate just to make a buck. To be honest, i love meat and will be the first to say it! although i am vegetarian, i used to eat meat and do love the taste and texture. **** all of you animal activists that think i'm an asshole for saying it! If I were in a rural area where i could hunt for my own meat, ya damn straight i would eat it! the animal wouldnt linger everyday facing a depressing fate, and it wouldnt be shot up with who knows what kinda drugs. Call me crazy, but thats my two cents!
chartreusechick said:
I think a lot of people miss the point including P.E.T.A. they are a buch of extremists that are out for personal gain. I think that group is full of ****. for many people(myself included), its not about eating meat or not eating meat. its about the conditions the animals live in and all the **** that is injected and fed to them. does mad cow dissease ring a bell? lets face it, the meat industry is concerned about money and profit. who isnt? they are gonna cut corners, treat the animals any kind of way, and put all kinds of **** on your plate just to make a buck. To be honest, i love meat and will be the first to say it! although i am vegetarian, i used to eat meat and do love the taste and texture. **** all of you animal activists that think i'm an asshole for saying it! If I were in a rural area where i could hunt for my own meat, ya damn straight i would eat it! the animal wouldnt linger everyday facing a depressing fate, and it wouldnt be shot up with who knows what kinda drugs. Call me crazy, but thats my two cents!

The steroids and hormones that they inject into the chicken, I so richly enjoy, has made my penis grow three inches.

Thanks Chicken!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Correction: WE don't have grain or beef, the CORPORATIONS have that stuff

Pedel your communism elsewhere;) :D ... The food growers association is probably the least corrupt entity in all of wall street... Not to say that the Corporations aren't power hungry retards, but not that one...
fullauto said:
We feed most of the whole world now! Besides, who the **** wants to feed the entire world... Most of Africa alone can't handle a concept of not out breeding you food supply... **** em... let them grow thier own food...
You're absolutely correct in this! The best thing we could ever do for Africa is to stop meddling! However, the U.S. is failing as the agricultural head of the world:

"Sometime in the next 10 years Brazil will probably pass the U.S. as the world's largest agricultural producer. Brazil is now the world's largest exporter of chickens, orange juice, sugar, coffee, and tobacco. Last year, Brazil passed the U.S. as the world's largest beef producer. As a result, while we bear record trade deficits, Brazil boasts a $30 billion trade surplus (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004)."

Oh, and don't forget:

"As of last June, the U.S. imported more food than it exported (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004)."

Both of these are experpts from:


America No. 1? I think not.