Pakistan girl axed to death by her Muslim family

On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 12:33:37 +1000, James A. Donald
<> wrote:

>If one hands stuff out to holly warriors, they are not going to return
>it, nor tell one precisely what they did with it.

They weren't holy warriors at the time. There was nothing religious
in their battle at all. They were freedom fighters resisting an
invasion by an empire to the north.

Money isn't always dollars, but dollars are always money.
Picture of the day
On Dec 5, 7:21 pm, "Sanders Kaufman" <> wrote:
> "Allah666Satan" <> wrote in message
> > On Dec 5, 2:36 pm, "Sanders Kaufman" <> wrote:
> >> What's TRUELY deranged is your desire to anonymously defend Rev. Bush's
> >> mistakes... like this one.

> > This isn't an act of terrorism, it is an Islamic honor killing of one
> > of their own.

> No more so than the US's death penalty is a "Christian" honor killing.
> > So very very clearly, this has nothing to do with the Pakistani gov't
> > or with Bush.

> It only seems that way from the perspective of those of you who support the
> death penalty on religious grounds

And again, we are talking about a FAMILY KILLING THEIR CHILD ON
No other religion in the world gives a family the authority to axe
their child to death for any action by the victim.

> > It is just one more example of Islam's violence, even
> > against their own.

> Yeah - like how executing that Jewish couple during the cold war was an
> example of Christian violence.
> So what?

Not the topic, and typical of you Muslim scum not dealing with your
religion's image of violence, but deflecting to something else. All
very typical and deceptive. Please slit your throat now.
On Dec 6, 10:52 pm, "Sanders Kaufman" <> wrote:
> "James A. Donald" <> wrote in
> > James A. Donald
> >> But that was not what you said, you said " The weapons
> >> that Reagan sent to Afghanistan did not
> >> go astray," But they did, some 600 Sidewinders went
> >> astray

> > They went into the hands of people who used them against
> > our enemies but declined to keep records that could be
> > used subsequently hang them. That is not "astray".

> So you're going to believe a guy who misplaced rocket-bombs, when he says
> that even though he has no records, you should take his word of honor that
> when he lost them, he lost them responsibly ?

The US made a big mistake in trusting Muslims. Yes, killing
communists was important and still is, but we poorly chose Muslims for
an ally, for they are equally as dangerous.