Palin leaves door open for possible Senate run



WASHINGTON (AP) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday she would consider serving in the Senate if God gave her the opportunity and Alaskans wanted her to take the job. The state's senior senator, Republican Ted Stevens, fell narrowly behind as the count resumed in his re-election bid....


Read the full story.
NewsBot said:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday she would consider serving in the Senate if God gave her the opportunity and Alaskans wanted her to take the job. The state's senior senator, Republican Ted Stevens, fell narrowly behind as the count resumed in his re-election bid....


Read the full story.

God is in charge choosing American senators?

Well I'll be damned...

Thank God she lost... Don't need any morality police roaming the streets ready to smite me..
wez said:
God is in charge choosing American senators?

Well I'll be damned...

Thank God she lost... Don't need any morality police roaming the streets ready to smite me..

And thank God your keep proving what an idot you are. The quote was that of the jouranalist. Not hers.

She said, "if they call an audible on me, and if they say they want me in another position, I'm going to do it. ... My life is in God's hands. If he's got doors open for me, that I believe are in our state's best interest, the nation's best interest, I'm going to go through those doors."

Moron. I suppose you're one of the morons that thought she said that the war in Iraq was "God's plan" too.

You're such an impressionable idiot, and continue to prove it.

I guess you being the impressonable idiot you are, it explains why you would support a former SNL writer, and failure at everything he ever tried afterword as someone qualified for US Senator. One of the highest offices of the land.
ImWithStupid said:
And thank God your keep proving what an idot you are. The quote was that of the jouranalist. Not hers.

She said, "if they call an audible on me, and if they say they want me in another position, I'm going to do it. ... My life is in God's hands. If he's got doors open for me, that I believe are in our state's best interest, the nation's best interest, I'm going to go through those doors."

Moron. I suppose you're one of the morons that thought she said that the war in Iraq was "God's plan" too.

You're such an impressionable idiot, and continue to prove it.

I guess you being the impressonable idiot you are, it explains why you would support a former SNL writer, and failure at everything he ever tried afterword as someone qualified for US Senator. One of the highest offices of the land.

Calling Wez an idiot and a moron doesn't make you look intelligent or strengthen your opinion.

It just makes you look like an arsehole.
Anna Perenna said:
Calling Wez an idiot and a moron doesn't make you look intelligent or strengthen your opinion.

It just makes you look like an arsehole.

To not look at the actual quote, and to take what was said as fact, as they did when they said Palin said that the Iraq war was God's plan, when that isn't what she said made them appear as idiots, just as wez taking her statement out of context to appear as it wasn't made wez appear as an idiot.

Research what you portray or you are an idiot.

I challenge you to find any quote I commented on as being out of context. Before I commented, I checked references and context.

Get off your Obama high horse and try to be a bit unbiased for a minute.

I understand that you want to find any chance you can to call me an arsehole, but maybe you should just chill out, quit your hating and check yourself.
"To help Alaskans with high gas prices, she gave a one-time $1,200 tax rebate and repealed the state?s 8-cents-a-gallon gasoline tax for a year. The funds for these consumer rebates will come from a windfall profits tax she imposed on oil companies last year."

I call that socialism.
ImWithStupid said:
And thank God your keep proving what an idot you are. The quote was that of the jouranalist. Not hers.

She said, "if they call an audible on me, and if they say they want me in another position, I'm going to do it. ... My life is in God's hands. If he's got doors open for me, that I believe are in our state's best interest, the nation's best interest, I'm going to go through those doors."

Moron. I suppose you're one of the morons that thought she said that the war in Iraq was "God's plan" too.

You're such an impressionable idiot, and continue to prove it.

I guess you being the impressonable idiot you are, it explains why you would support a former SNL writer, and failure at everything he ever tried afterword as someone qualified for US Senator. One of the highest offices of the land.

Perhaps you missed her interview with Greta Van Susteren when God this and God that came spewing out of her own mouth...Check it out..

btw.. what's an idot?
wez said:
Perhaps you missed her interview with Greta Van Susteren when God this and God that came spewing out of her own mouth...Check it out..

btw.. what's an idot?

Come on wez, I'm just messin' with you. Stirin' the pot a bit. I didn't realize you were so sensative.

It was touching to see Anna defend you though. :D
hugo said:
"To help Alaskans with high gas prices, she gave a one-time $1,200 tax rebate and repealed the state?s 8-cents-a-gallon gasoline tax for a year. The funds for these consumer rebates will come from a windfall profits tax she imposed on oil companies last year."

I call that socialism.

Well the 8 cents a gallon repeal can't be considered socialism but the winfall profits were the result of the oil companies inflating the price of gas. So it was givin back to the public.
snafu said:
Well the 8 cents a gallon repeal can't be considered socialism but the winfall profits were the result of the oil companies inflating the price of gas. So it was givin back to the public.

How were the oil companies inflating the price of gas?
ImWithStupid said:
Come on wez, I'm just messin' with you. Stirin' the pot a bit. I didn't realize you were so sensative.

It was touching to see Anna defend you though. :D

I'm sensitive over God Fraud Palin? hahaha... I didn't move this thread out of the news bot..:rolleyes:

Anna is a dream come true...
ImWithStupid said:
To not look at the actual quote, and to take what was said as fact, as they did when they said Palin said that the Iraq war was God's plan, when that isn't what she said made them appear as idiots, just as wez taking her statement out of context to appear as it wasn't made wez appear as an idiot.

Research what you portray or you are an idiot.

I don't recall disagreeing with your reasoning. Please don't assume that I did.

ImWithStupid said:
I challenge you to find any quote I commented on as being out of context. Before I commented, I checked references and context.

I don't care (?)

ImWithStupid said:
Get off your Obama high horse and try to be a bit unbiased for a minute.

You were acting like an arsehole, plain and simple. My post didn't go any deeper than letting you know that. Obama certainly had nothing to do with it. So, get off your over-assumptive over-reactive freak chair and take it how it was given.

In other words - chill out :)

ImWithStupid said:
I understand that you want to find any chance you can to call me an arsehole, but maybe you should just chill out, quit your hating and check yourself.

I understand that you tend to blow most of my posts way out of proportion, and try to twist them into everything that they're not. Because you're a hater, and completely unchilled.

There was no need to call Wez a moron and an idiot over and over again. You looked like a hateful arsehole to me. So I let you know about it.

End of story.

Peace :D
In 2006, the Republican majority in Congress granted Louisiana and other Gulf of Mexico states, 37.5% of the revenues from new offshore oil and gas leases. Alaska was specifically left out of this provision and has since lost out on more than $900 million in revenues from oil and gas leases in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.

Since 2006, Louisiana has received millions of dollars in revenues and expects to receive more than $40 billion over the next 50
hugo said:
"To help Alaskans with high gas prices, she gave a one-time $1,200 tax rebate and repealed the state?s 8-cents-a-gallon gasoline tax for a year. The funds for these consumer rebates will come from a windfall profits tax she imposed on oil companies last year."

I call that socialism.

Besides this was for royalties not redistribution.
snafu said:
Besides this was for royalties not redistribution.

Ahhhhh.. the wonders of the English language.

I didn't kill innocent people, I sustained collateral damage. See, I'm the victim here...

It isn't a tax to redistribute wealth, it's a fee to pay royalties..
wez said:
Ahhhhh.. the wonders of the English language.

I didn't kill innocent people, I sustained collateral damage. See, I'm the victim here...

It isn't a tax, it's a fee..

I think I made this clear before but If I'm standing on it, it's mine. ;)
Anna Perenna said:
I don't recall disagreeing with your reasoning. Please don't assume that I did.

I don't care (?)

You were acting like an arsehole, plain and simple. My post didn't go any deeper than letting you know that. Obama certainly had nothing to do with it. So, get off your over-assumptive over-reactive freak chair and take it how it was given.

In other words - chill out :)

I understand that you tend to blow most of my posts way out of proportion, and try to twist them into everything that they're not. Because you're a hater, and completely unchilled.

There was no need to call Wez a moron and an idiot over and over again. You looked like a hateful arsehole to me. So I let you know about it.

End of story.

Peace :D

I was just messin' around. The place was a bit dull so I thought I'd infuse some confrontation.

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