Palin leaves door open for possible Senate run

If she had spent the money on essential state sevices, rather than simple vote buying, I'd have some respect for the decision. I hope the GOP veers back to a limited government philosophy that it once stood for.
hugo said:
If she had spent the money on essential state services, rather than simple vote buying, I'd have some respect for the decision. I hope the GOP veers back to a limited government philosophy that it once stood for.

She gave this out before she was vetted. And she was already the Governor so she didn't buy votes for the governorship either. We knew about this check for at least a year before she was Vetted.
And like Alaska votes matter that much. With I think two elector votes and the last polling place to close we can see who is the president before we even hit the polls sometimes.
And stimulating our economy and helping gas spenditures, it was spent on essential state services.
hugo said:
If she had spent the money on essential state sevices, rather than simple vote buying, I'd have some respect for the decision. I hope the GOP veers back to a limited government philosophy that it once stood for.
Snaf can say for sure, but I'm pretty sure they still had a large budget surplus after the "energy rebate".
Old Salt said:
Snaf can say for sure, but I'm pretty sure they still had a large budget surplus after the "energy rebate".

Well we did before the crash on Wall Street. Our permit fund took a 10 million dollar drop. Something like that.
snafu said:
Well we did before the crash on Wall Street. Our permit fund took a 10 million dollar drop. Something like that.

She's a new world order scum commie pig..
Old Salt said:
Don't hold back, wez. Tell us what you really think of her.

hahahaha... I kid.. How the hell would I know?

I just tend to have a problem with "authority" in general.. Specially when they involve "God".. :rolleyes:
ImWithStupid said:
I was just messin' around. The place was a bit dull so I thought I'd infuse some confrontation.

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Well, I was bored and felt like swearing :)


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hugo said:
"To help Alaskans with high gas prices, she gave a one-time $1,200 tax rebate and repealed the state?s 8-cents-a-gallon gasoline tax for a year. The funds for these consumer rebates will come from a windfall profits tax she imposed on oil companies last year."

I call that socialism.

snafu said:
Well the 8 cents a gallon repeal can't be considered socialism but the winfall profits were the result of the oil companies inflating the price of gas. So it was givin back to the public.

hugo said:
How were the oil companies inflating the price of gas?

snafu said:
Although we drill and refine gas up here we pay some of the highest gas prices in the nation. Why would that be? • Dual Alaska inquiries examine high gas prices

snafu said:
In 2006, the Republican majority in Congress granted Louisiana and other Gulf of Mexico states, 37.5% of the revenues from new offshore oil and gas leases. Alaska was specifically left out of this provision and has since lost out on more than $900 million in revenues from oil and gas leases in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.

Since 2006, Louisiana has received millions of dollars in revenues and expects to receive more than $40 billion over the next 50

So enough about fussy bunnies.:rolleyes:

I would like your rebutle to this hugo.
snafu said:
So enough about fussy bunnies.:rolleyes:

I would like your rebutle to this hugo.

#1) I don't like the concept of a windfall profits tax. It infers that corporations can make too much profit and therefore government must step in to redistribute the wealth.

#2) Giving every Alaskan a check, regardless of what they have contributed to the state's coffers, is philosophically akin to giving people who pay no taxes a tax cut. It is income redistribution. The money should have been spent on the proper functions of government such as roads and bridges and police forces and shooting wolves.

#3) I am sure, as many income redistribution programs are, that it was quite popular. Politicians are always running for reelection or the next position. Start handing out checks to people it is vote buying regardless if it is a Democrat or Republican doing it.

There is nothing wrong with states battling the federal government for their share of funds. It is sad they have to do so. Consumers are the ones who ultimately pay for most of the taxes imposed on oil companies
hugo said:
#1) I don't like the concept of a windfall profits tax. It infers that corporations can make too much profit and therefore government must step in to redistribute the wealth.

#2) Giving every Alaskan a check, regardless of what they have contributed to the state's coffers, is philosophically akin to giving people who pay no taxes a tax cut. It is income redistribution. The money should have been spent on the proper functions of government such as roads and bridges and police forces and shooting wolves.

#3) I am sure, as many income redistribution programs are, that it was quite popular. Politicians are always running for reelection or the next position. Start handing out checks to people it is vote buying regardless if it is a Democrat or Republican doing it.

There is nothing wrong with states battling the federal government for their share of funds. It is sad they have to do so. Consumers are the ones who ultimately pay for most of the taxes imposed on oil companies

Yes I agree with the the ill concept of the winfall tax. But the gready oil companies that get their product from this state (rape as some would say) should have compensated my state without government intervention as they had to do in the lower 48.

Theres a fine line when it comes to capitalism an socialism.
snafu said:
Yes I agree with the the ill concept of the winfall tax. But the gready oil companies that get their product from this state (rape as some would say) should have compensated my state without government intervention as they had to do in the lower 48.

[ame=]YouTube - Milton Friedman - Greed[/ame]
hugo said:

Yeah I saw that before. So it brings us back to socialism. A company can't sell a product to poor people. And the greedy could not have become rich without the poor society owning the land and taking advantage of that.
You wash my back and I was yours and everybody's clean. Now if I use my soap on your back but you use dirt whose cleaner?

Like it or not we are a socialistic society living in a capitalistic country.

So my Governor saw this and gave back to the owners of the land what they deserved. It was not redistribution.
snafu said:
Yeah I saw that before. So it brings us back to socialism. A company can't sell a product to poor people. And the greedy could not have become rich without the poor society owning the land and taking advantange of that.
You wash my back and I was yours and everybody's clean. Now if I use my soap on your back but you use dirt whose cleaner?

Like it or not we are a socialistic society living in a capitalistic country.

You have seen it at least twice now. You still do not comprehend it. What makes a scoiety rich and what creates a middle class is free market economies . When you subsidize sloth and failure you simply perpetuate poverty, and poverty's friends crime and drug abuse. not allieve it. When government redistributes wealth society is poorer for it.
hugo said:
You have seen it at least twice now. You still do not comprehend it. What makes a society rich and what creates a middle class is free market economies . When you subsidize sloth and failure you simply perpetuate poverty, and poverty's friends crime and drug abuse. not alive it. When government redistributes wealth society is poorer for it.

No I understand totally. We could not create wealth without free market. yes.
But you just double talked this in to oblivion. How can we do this , especially with an non reusable resource without government intervention? Without out guidelines? Without equability?

Can I go into your backyard, find oil, push you out of the way and create wealth for myself?