Palin rejects stimulus money


New member
Palin raised the notion of hiring more teachers, only to lay them off later. She also said some of the federal money has strings attached, such as the state having to adopt and police uniform building codes if it accepts energy efficiency money.
Palin also mentioned the nation's multitrillion-dollar debt, saying, "We can't keep digging this hole."

I think it is prudent of her to include the peoples idea's even if it means taking the money which I hope she dosn't.

Protesters tell Palin take stimulus funds: Politics |



New member
Actually, no, I heard Palin repeat it over and over during the campaign. She'd say it as she was dragging her kid around like she actually cared.
Nope, ain't gonna convince me otherwise, she's doing it for her own political ambitions.


Sorry, I guess you watched way too, much MSDNC with Keith Olberman and didn't see that Palin already increased spending for special needs students before her child was born.

Seriously though, aren't you sick of Kool-aid yet?



New member
Actually, no, I heard Palin repeat it over and over during the campaign. She'd say it as she was dragging her kid around like she actually cared.
Nope, ain't gonna convince me otherwise, she's doing it for her own political ambitions.


Alaskan Natives are taken car of by the Alaskan Native Corp from contractual oil revenue and investments in that. They get free medical care in one of the most pristine and modern medical centers in America. The rest of the minorities have to deal with medical cost like the rest of America but we are a pretty rich state thanks to the people of Alaska to allow ourselves to open up our resources. We don't need the money but some states may. When Sarah was campaigning she was doing it for the country and not for a self sustained state. Big difference.

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