pay up


New Member
Jul 4, 2006
I feel really bad for the hundreds of people who have lost out regarding the farepak hamper thing,what really gets my back up is why cant the government pay up,yes its tax payers money but i would rather it go to them than refuges who walk into this country and get everything for nowt,or why cant the lottery pay the money,they have saved to give there familys a good xmas and the bastards have took the money and run,its just not right that they will have to suffer, when people can come to this country say" me asylum" and "i speak no english" and they have a 4 bedroomed house, fully furnished a car and just about anything they ask for! they walk found like they have all the rights and we are the ones who shouldnt be in our country,oh it pisses me off! so come on pay ****ing up,make them have a good xmas as THEY PAYED FOR, DO THEY HAVE TO GET CRISIS LOANS as i have herd they might have to do!! bullshit!! give them there money!! they sholdnt have to pay it back!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
they walk found like they have all the rights and we are the ones who shouldnt be in our country
WTF is so hard about proof reading your post? I'm sorry but I just don't speak down syndromese.
dem not pays cuz conspirissy.

(it's ok... I explained in his language. Due to my numerous fettishes, I have been forced to learn it for online dating purposes.)