Pearls Of Wisdom

From my dear old dad, to keep negros out of the watermellon or corn patch hang a root over the entrance. It's a culture thing Royal Orleans will get, the southern blacks fear spirits and if you hang a root over your doorway or gateway and invite them over for drinks they won't enter under the root! It's a voodoo thing.
70 Ladies, when going in for a makeover....dont expect a miracle

71 Remember dimples are only on the cheecks on your face...

72 theres always room for jell-o
79. God doesn't love you.

80. Taking a dump is not the same as leaving a dump.

81. When someone says to you, "Grow up!", simply reply "Maybe later.".

82. A gut from eating too much is shameful, a gut from drinking beer is a source of pride.

83. Cheap beer should only be consumed from a can.