Peeing on the goddamn toilet seats.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
Is it profound or thoughtful? No.

Does it piss me off? Hell yes.

I go into the restroom at the grocery store, and it's like someone's let loose a tropical storm in there. Seats completely soaked. And this is the WOMEN'S bathroom. What the hell are these chicks DOING, that they can miss that badly? And I know my concience, or at least my obsessive sense of cleanliness would kill me before it let me leave a public restroom after having sprayed my urine around the joint.

I think this problem could be easily solved if all bathrooms were rigged with security cameras, and every time someone left piss on the seat, a gnome popped out of the ceiling and shot them.

...That was random. I guess I'm feeling weird and pissed off today.
It's ****ing disgusting and no one appreciates it. What's messed up is when it's in a Female bathroom. How do they even manage to do that? It's nasty and I hate public bathrooms. I avoid using them unless I absolutely have to anyways, but sometimes it's unavoidable and people should be ticketed for pissing on the seats! :mad:
I have heard, on many occasions, that women trash their restroom far more than men do.....

Now i have seen many a mens restroom in my day and they are quite nasty. In every establishment i have worked in i have found this to be true..

Seems odd to mee...maybe not even true..

Perhaps they walk into a restroom and let loose the frothing estrogen beast from within...
Have you ever seen the two foot prints on each side of the toilet rim?
Is that some type of ritual? Or just plain paranoia?
I've seen Harold and Kumar, I know it's true, women will play BATTLESHITS together, that's why they flock together when they go.

I have heard, on many occasions, that women trash their restroom far more than men do.....

Well, whoever told you that was a very wise individual. It's true. Apparently some females were not raised to know what a trash can is. It's disgusting and it ashames me to know that people like that exist. :(

I've seen Harold and Kumar, I know it's true, women will play BATTLESHITS together, that's why they flock together when they go.

I don't know how true that is. ;) Personally I've never seen it, but hell if a movie says it, it's gotta be true! :p Seriously, I have no idea why females flock together like they do when they go to the bathroom. It's irritating because all of my friends do that. Everytime they have to go they ask me to go with them, they use the bathroom, then leave. It's a pointless ritual, but some people hold it very dear. :p
I know when i go to public RR's i do the whole hover thing but i DO NOT piss on the toilet seats. I dont know how chicks piss everywhere. ITs like big Ok i just think ppl are nasty sometimes
cynthiaa89 said:
I don't know how true that is. ;) Personally I've never seen it, but hell if a movie says it, it's gotta be true! :p Seriously, I have no idea why females flock together like they do when they go to the bathroom. It's irritating because all of my friends do that. Everytime they have to go they ask me to go with them, they use the bathroom, then leave. It's a pointless ritual, but some people hold it very dear. :p

Well at least when the gays do it there is a point to flocking.........

....who doesnt like a game of show and tell :eek:
Well at least when the gays do it there is a point to flocking.........
Maybe the gays originated this practice. Lol. Who knows. ;)

It just seems to me like my friends can't do anything by themselves. I know they can wipe their own asses. I wish I could explain that to them. It's not like someone going to steal them from the bathroom. Seriously.
cynthiaa89 said:
It just seems to me like my friends can't do anything by themselves. I know they can wipe their own asses. I wish I could explain that to them. It's not like someone going to steal them from the bathroom. Seriously.

ok i have a plan

Next time you go out over indulge on laxitives or something.....then go have a nice mexican dinner......go to the bathroom..but insist someone comes (or everyone) with you...

take this biggest loudest crap of your life...

next time they wont want you in there with them.....

problem solved.......course your dignity may get flushed...but ahh well
ok i have a plan

Next time you go out over indulge on laxitives or something.....then go have a nice mexican dinner......go to the bathroom..but insist someone comes (or everyone) with you...

take this biggest loudest crap of your life...

next time they wont want you in there with them.....

problem solved.......course your dignity may get flushed...but ahh well

You may have just came up with the most brilliant thing I have ever heard. No one will probably talk to me after that, but why should I care? I'll never have to go to the bathroom when I don't need to go ever again. :D YAY!
You genius! :p
LOL, good idea, Vortex. I actually get uncomfortable when people want to come into the bathroom with me... I'm one of those people that go to great lengths to make sure they're alone when they relieve themselves. XD

What also gets me is when, at school, a whole TEAM of little girls will swarm into the bathroom together and sing, joke, or talk loudly about the intimate details of their ****. I mean... I thought only little old men did that, really.
What an interesting thread. So, of course, here I am. I always pop up where I'm not wanted. Anyway, let's see....even though I am a girl myself, I still don't understand this...flocking behaviour. Is it for protection? Is it for gossip? I have no idea. I, myself, don't MIND if someone tags along as long as I'm not, you know, trying to be alone for obvious reasons--I assume they have something to say, and when they do come along, they either have to go or they DO have something private to say. If someone ever came along for no reason, I'd be pretty...confused. Anywho, so I don't know why someone would go to the bathroom with you if they didn't have something to say or they didn't have to use the restroom themself.

And as for walking in and finding an unsanity seat, I know all about that. You think it's bad to discover it--I used to be the one who had to clean it. My FAVOURITE part is when the toilet gets clogged and I walk in and there's a stranger's **** floating around. That's definitely a low point in one's life, let me tell you.

And on the subject of 'piss all over the seat,' there are only three ways it could have happened barring a straaange mechanical failure.
a) the person has something wrong with them and can't aim or...something (it's even harder to understand in the women's bathroom)

b) they were PISS DRUNK (pardon the pun) and the store owners or what have you didn't notice or didn't care

or c, which I suspect) the asshole did it on purpose. Sometimes, seriously, there's NO WAY they could have missed that badly. I just LOVE in the women's bathroom when there's piss on the BACK OF THE SEAT. How is that even.....possible? It's either deliberate.....or this person is so drunk they've sat on it backwards...or this gal has something she REALLY needs to tell her friends. And since they're in the bathroom--the conversation haven--she might as well do it then.

That's my two cents on the matter. Wasn't that......interesting.
Silver_dragon87 said:
What an interesting thread. So, of course, here I am. I always pop up where I'm not wanted. Anyway, let's see....even though I am a girl myself, I still don't understand this...flocking behaviour. Is it for protection? Is it for gossip? I have no idea. I, myself, don't MIND if someone tags along as long as I'm not, you know, trying to be alone for obvious reasons--I assume they have something to say, and when they do come along, they either have to go or they DO have something private to say. If someone ever came along for no reason, I'd be pretty...confused. Anywho, so I don't know why someone would go to the bathroom with you if they didn't have something to say or they didn't have to use the restroom themself.

And as for walking in and finding an unsanity seat, I know all about that. You think it's bad to discover it--I used to be the one who had to clean it. My FAVOURITE part is when the toilet gets clogged and I walk in and there's a stranger's **** floating around. That's definitely a low point in one's life, let me tell you.

And on the subject of 'piss all over the seat,' there are only three ways it could have happened barring a straaange mechanical failure.
a) the person has something wrong with them and can't aim or...something (it's even harder to understand in the women's bathroom)

b) they were PISS DRUNK (pardon the pun) and the store owners or what have you didn't notice or didn't care

or c, which I suspect) the asshole did it on purpose. Sometimes, seriously, there's NO WAY they could have missed that badly. I just LOVE in the women's bathroom when there's piss on the BACK OF THE SEAT. How is that even.....possible? It's either deliberate.....or this person is so drunk they've sat on it backwards...or this gal has something she REALLY needs to tell her friends. And since they're in the bathroom--the conversation haven--she might as well do it then.

That's my two cents on the matter. Wasn't that......interesting.
I kinda figured the Custodial Arts was your true calling in life, I guess I no longer have to wonder...:rolleyes:
Custodial arts? Is that how PC we are now? Anyway, I really wouldn't care if I were a custodian. I enjoy working alone, quietly, on something that....well, I like knowing what the hell I'm supposed to be doing and how to do it. Anyone can clean--I say it's an easy job that deserves more respect. I can't believe people make fun of trash collectors or custodians--they're doing noble work, doing it well, and doing it without complaint. Do YOU want to scrub and disinfect your own damn bathroom? I didn't think so. Let the lady/gentleman do his or her job and pay 'em as they deserve.

Anyway, that's my brief rant which stems from stupid punks at school making fun of custodians. SOMEONE has to unclog toilets and clean blood off the floor when some moron runs in the hall and crashes into a window.

.................Anywho. What I'm saying is respect the custodian, and I wouldn't care if said custodian were me. I have no desire to 'make something of myself.'
If you do a good job as well as Leon Spinks does here in town, you have MY seal of approval.:D

Look at him, he went from being a boxing Heavyweight Champ worth millions to piss boy janitor at our YMCA, and everyone still loves him.:eek:

Hell, I buy him a beer every now and then !!

Good ole' Leon !!
