Penguins are so gay


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
Recently a children's book has been released based on a true story about two "gay" penguins that raised a daughter penguin in the NY city zoo.

This children's book is attempting to be introduced into elementary school libraries. Just curious what y'all think of this.
My opinion. Highly unnecessary to create this in a children's format. Seems like a preemptive attempt by the 'gay agenda' to format a child's mind to acceptance of same sex couples. Like I said, unnecessary at the very least.

The couple have since split and joined up with female penguins.
**** off you homophobic wanker.

Let the kids have some fun time without your overiding rednecked ****ed-up scenario that your cousin Cleetus cornholed you in the barn when you were seven.

Not one of our kid's TV heroes actually had a gender connection.
Eh, I kind of have to go with J5 on this one. All of you know I have no problem with homosexuality but it seems the PC liberals are purposely trying to influence the opinion of others by starting at a young and impressionable age.
builder said:
**** off you homophobic wanker.

Let the kids have some fun time without your overiding rednecked ****ed-up scenario that your cousin Cleetus cornholed you in the barn when you were seven.

Not one of our kid's TV heroes actually had a gender connection.

Whoa...reel yourself back in there, meathead.

I simply don't know how to feel about such a thing. The book doesn't just show two male penguins raising a baby. It suggests that they are in love. It bothers me that its done in a children's format and they want it in school libraries.

That being said. I see how it could be useful in teaching children to be accepting of same sex couples. I'm not upset or angry about this. Just....well it seems unnecessary. Children have enough of a time understanding the concept of procreation without throwing this new twist in. Explaining to a child how mommy and daddy make a baby is one thing. Explaning how daddy and daddy make a baby....well WTF do I do with that?

Why is the term "Homophobe" always used in a manner to suggest one is afraid of gays because he/she either want to engage in homosexual relations, or they had been raped by a homosexual? ****ing silly ass stereotype, Builder.
I'm not scared of gays. I don't hate gays. I question the motives of a children's book about gay animals. All I can say is WHY.
Phantom said:
Eh, I kind of have to go with J5 on this one. All of you know I have no problem with homosexuality but it seems the PC liberals are purposely trying to influence the opinion of others by starting at a young and impressionable age.

The agenda of a story about 2 Penguins? I've noticed that they snuck in some japs and ******s into our school books too; the bastards are brainwashing our kids into thinking those animals are people! :rolleyes:

The idea is that it shouldn't at all matter that there were gay or not. Theres nothing wrong with normalizing tolerance. Let kids read about gay penguins, I doubt they're going into any sexual detail like "2 daddies, 4 beaks..". If kids read 'Pengu The Penguin' they have a little penguin with a mama and a papa (who are in love), nothing wrong with shwoing them that it isn't always/ dosn't have to be the case.
I understand that. There is nothing wrong with teaching tolerance at a young age but like J5 said, this seems like agenda-pushing. I'm not going to picket the library but this just seems a little too PC for me.
Posted by Eisanbt:
Let kids read about gay penguins, I doubt they're going into any sexual detail like "2 daddies, 4 beaks..". If kids read 'Pengu The Penguin' they have a little penguin with a mama and a papa (who are in love), nothing wrong with shwoing them that it isn't always/ dosn't have to be the case.
Your completely missing my point. Your too busy trying to be PC and all ****in nice about it.

Its not that I think they are teaching kids that homosexuality is OK, and thats what making me angry. Its that children, elementary school children BTW, can't even grasp the idea of heterosexuality and reproduction. You think a child isn't smart enough too notice theres two daddys and no mommy? Enter complicated questions. All for the sake of the gay agenda.
Now are we as society saying lets throw this curve ball at them too?
As I said earlier......
Explaining to a child how mommy and daddy make a baby is one thing. Explaining how daddy and daddy make a baby....well WTF do I do with that?

Seriously people. Address that issue and get over your PC hang-ups about anti-gay statements. This isn't an anti-gay issue. I'm talking about confusion being added to a very young child's attempt at learning normal mating/reproduction issues. Ewwww I said NORMAL. I'm a ****ing fag basher now, look at the monster everybody. Get over it.
It is how it is. NORMALLY men and women pair up and mate and rear the young. Dispute it and your a liar.

Flat out, this is a thinly veiled attempt by those whom wish to normalize same sex couples in our society too assimilate young children into the process of acceptance. Sounds good at first glance. Why not teach little kids to be accepting of gay couples? BECAUSE ITS FREAKING WEIRD TO DO THAT TO LITTLE KIDS, THATS WHY. They're kids, little kids. They don't need that **** in their library. My issue, my only issue, is that young children have no business trying to tackle this issue.

I've noticed that they snuck in some japs and ******s into our school books too; the bastards are brainwashing our kids into thinking those animals are people!
Ohhhhh for fux sake buddy. Thats a completely unrelated issue and you know it. That sounds like some ****ing **** I'd expect to hear from the ACLU. Children are naturally accepting of different races. If they aren't accepting of them, its because their parents taught them to hate.

That was a cheap ass distraction technique. Stick to the issue.

Do you honestly think its a good idea to introduce little children to homosexual relations guised a cutesy cartoony fun book?
my primary concern with this is that, the penguins arn't gay, the male often cares for the chick and two males makes no difference. to try and portray something that is not true as fact dusturbs me deeply, especally when it is being given to kids, they don't know anything and rely on us to teach them facts, not fiction.

i'm not getting on the ****ing 'impressonable kids' bandwagon, becouse it dosn't matter, if they're gonna be gay, they're gonna be gay, same with straight people, but if you want to try and FORCE one way or the other on me or others, well, go sit on a stick of TNT.

kid's don't need this ****, they are too young to understand it (hence why i don't care for the impressionable plea) and this will only **** up society more.

am i anti-gay? no, i'm anti-FAG. difference? i consider a gay person to be someone attracted to the opposit sex. a FAG on the other hand, is gay, but hates you and thinks your less than them if you're not gay or don't accept them walking around your kids in tight leather and rainbow chains.

and a fag is something you smoke......
Huh. Thats actually a very good point. What really struck me was the cover art for the book. Showing the two males nuzzling each other affectionately. Notice the two males aren't even looking at the baby Penguin. Their eyes are locked in some kind of homosexual stare, a precursor to hopping behind the rocks and getting a quick bufu in before feeding time. A child wouldn't notice this. But I did. And it wreaks of pushing an agenda.

For a child to see this isn't going to warp their mind and turn them all gay.
Its just not the best idea, from a developmental standpoint, to expose small children to something so unusual. I use the term "unusual" speaking from a child's point of view.
eisanbt said:
The agenda of a story about 2 Penguins? I've noticed that they snuck in some japs and ******s into our school books too; the bastards are brainwashing our kids into thinking those animals are people! :rolleyes:

yes, i agree, not a gay agenda, but wrong none the less, and oh dear lord, don't tell me your retarded enough to think that's a decent defence. as for animals being people, PENGUINS CAN'T BE GAY YOU ****ING RETARDS, animals ARE NOT simple versions of our way of thought process, they function compleatly different, they are incapable of preceving GAY and STRAIGHT, they dont **** the same sex, why? becouse they only have sex to reproduce, and man+man DOES NOT = a kid, no matter what they try in bed.the two penguins were simply acting on bacic instinct of survival of the species, they made sure one of their number survived, then they found female penguins to further expand on that number. to twist it into 'they are gay! yay!' bullshit is beyond wrong, it dusturbs the scientist in me, AND my bacic moral standards.
Phantom said:
I read the penguins actually did have sex, though.
Yes, they did bufu or what not.

When I was a teenager there was a gay dog in our neighborhood named pepper. It would run up to male dogs and literally butt**** them right where they stood. I swear straight up , the looks on the poor rape victims he assaulted was classic. Utterly confused yet intrigued. Until penetration occurred. However this same dog would **** females, males, whatever. I think it was more that the dog was horny than gay.
now, adressing the 'agenda' of gay people....

i don't think this an agenda to make everyone gay, or to make kids love gay people, i do however think that it is an attempt to 'ratonalise' same sex relationships.

what many don't notice/mention with SOME same sex relationships is, the minds of the particapents are actually slightly different from that of your 'average member' of that sex, some even have the mental structure of the other sex. so the whole 'help, i'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body' joke has substance lol ;)

but being serious, i do think that this is trying to make it seem more 'normal' to people that do not have that preferance, i beleave that if you want to be gay, good for you, but that is being different from the norm, so if it's that important to you, then be different, don't make me call you the same, if you need to convince everyone else that it's ok for you to do something before you will do it yourself, than you must beleave what your doing is wrong, and so you shouldn't do it.

in short, if your gonna be different, be different, but don't expect me to help you or say 'you can do it, it's not a bad thing' when you're apprehensive, if you don't feel right, go get some *****, if that feels right, stick with the *****.

now, have i confused you yet?
Phantom said:
I read the penguins actually did have sex, though.

did they **** eachother becouse there were no females around?

did you concider that they were just being dumb ****ing animals? (no pun intended) animals DO NOT **** eachother for pure pleasure, it dosn't happen, a dog will hump your leg, why? it is chemically compelled to do so, it's NOT the dog exploring inter-species relationships becouse it has another sexual prefrence from 'Rex' over in the jone's yard. you are all not getting the point, the animal is not gay, it is not intrested in the same sex, it is intrested in planting it's seed, usually, animals avoid the same sex and go for the other sex, but sometimes they just try to reproduce with everything, animals **** other species, same sex, couches, legs, logs, rocks, whatever, but that does not mean they are thinking in a way that we do when they do it. they're 'horny' not 'gay'
Hell, I don't know! LOL! I am not an expert on animal homosexuality. I just read the article J5 posted at the beginning of the thread. It said the two males ran off females and had sex with each other.
Msixty said:
and they tried to hatch a rock, what's your point?

Duh...Der... to answer your question in your previous comment:

Msixty says (typos fixed :D): Did they **** each other because there were no females around?

Phanny-Bo-Banny says: It said the two males ran off females and had sex with each other.

We're they gay? Don't know. Don't care. Don't care to know. Homosexuality is a private thing for man or penguin.
well, they went ahead and got together with females anyway, so maybe they dont like the ugly ones? if that's the case, i'm sure they would run you off to :D

they are with females, so they aren't totally gay, they problably were just being dumb birds, after all, they don't have a very big brain. (are you related?)

yeah yeah, i'm using childish insults, but hey, i got my point out there, and all your doing is copying from the origanal article, so i think i'll just make fun of you till i find something worth commenting on maturely (and i doubt it will come from you)
Msixty said:
...maybe they dont like the ugly ones? if that's the case, i'm sure they would run you off to :D


We've got a comedian in the house!

they are with females, so they aren't totally gay, they problably were just being dumb birds, after all, they don't have a very big brain. (are you related?)

You're a riot! Stop, stop! You're killing me!

No, the penguins probably weren't really homosexual but when I asked them for a interview, they declined to comment.

yeah yeah, i'm using childish insults, but hey, i got my point out there

Your point was to prove you are an idiot, poor debater, and bad at grammar? Success!

and all your doing is copying from the origanal article

Copying, no. Using it as my resource? Well, DUH. It's the only source I was offered.

so i think i'll just make fun of you till i find something worth commenting on maturely (and i doubt it will come from you)

Oh, please do. You're easier to debunk than Koko.

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