Penguins are so gay

Jhony5 said:
I'm really lost as too what you meant by all that. A baby isn't an egg. It was to some degree at one point. You need to make yourself more clear. Ummm...WTF in hell are you trying to say?

I were saying ta ya dat it wud appear dat sometines in the bush animals are born without the ability to reproduce; they are sterile. My post was to mockingly show that just because something happens which does not serve the purpose of furthuring the growth of the species does not mean that it dosn't happen naturally, or commonly.

Eisanbt said:
Sarcasm is best done overtly, like whacking your target with a shovel. Otherwise it can be misinterpreted during the deciphering process. Even with the explanation, I cannot make sense of your previous sarcastic remark.

Eyesinbutt said:
My post was to mockingly show that just because something happens which does not serve the purpose of furthering the growth of the species does not mean that it doesn't happen naturally, or commonly.
Just because something occurs naturally, doesn't mean it can't go against nature itself.
Example. Some humans are born with such egregious mental defects that they are entirely incapable of taking care of themselves. Sociopaths are another good example of the unnatural development of a natural organism. All these things, mental defects, sterile born animals and the like, go against the natural order of things. They are in effect, a mistake. An error. Sad as it is, they exist in defiance of nature.
If the natural order didn't involve variation and deviation than the procaryote-Jhony5 would have a hard time typing a response now wouldn't he? The poor Hemihegetotherium trilobus was most certainly a unnatural species by this logic; not only was it different from the Hemihegetotherium dilobus but it didn't evolve/survive to this day. Surly an example of disruption to the natural order of never ending consistency...<--(More sarcasm)
Eisanbt said:
The poor Hemihegetotherium trilobus......... Hemihegetotherium dilobus
The Hemiwhosayswhathe****therium?

My point stands as to the unnatural act of Penguins trying to fertilize a rock (an act of reproduction), while shunning the females he needs to produce an actual egg for him to fertilize. Attempting to fertilize and procreate is a natural action. Attempting to do so to a rock suggests a defective brain function and is entirely unnatural.

The book ignores the actions of these penguins as dysfunctional. Instead it attempts to highlight the fun and sweet side of what is in reality, a self-destructive behavior.
In a world with 6 billion homo sapiens it is hard to argue homosexuality is a problem for the species.
hugo said:
In a world with 6 billion homo sapiens it is hard to argue homosexuality is a problem for the species.
True, and the odds of homosexuality ever becoming a threat to the human specie's existence is highly improbable. However too truly gauge the merits of any behavior, one must ask "What if everyone did this". If everyone was gay than the human species would die off within 80-100 years. We all know this will never happen, so to use this as a reasoning for hating the homosexual is in err.
What if no one raised food? We'd all be dead as soon as our canned goods ran out. Does this mean everyone should be required to at least have a garden? The fact is homosexuality was a problem for nomadic warriors who needed every soldier they could get. It is no longer a problem. We are aborting 100's of thousands of individuals and feebly trying to reduce immigration.
Hugo said:
Does this mean everyone should be required to at least have a garden?
No. Every person should though, do something to contribute to society. By either having a job or paying taxes.
Jhony5 said:
No. Every person should though, do something to contribute to society. By either having a job or paying taxes.

But there are a lot of people that should not be reproducing.
Jhony5 said:
Notice the article states that the school in question has moved this book to the non-fiction section. While the book itself straight up says the penguins are "in love". This is a fictitious statement and presumes to know the emotional commitments of these wild animals.

THAT is unbelievable. An animated children's book being moved into the non-fiction section? Sounds like agenda pushing at its finest. You make a good point: nobody knows what is going on inside the mind of the penguins.

This is where the supporting argument that "homosexuality is natural, even in nature" crumbles without fail.

Exactly- homosexuality is not what nature intended. Reproduction is not possible with two members of the same gender.

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