People copying your stuff and showing it to everyone before it should have been shown


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
So Asmodai and I are taking a video production class at school.
First project: Film what you want, but film it so you have to put the shots in order manually.
Ok, can do.
So we filmed our friend dressed in drag and being crazy. We showed it to some of our friends, who weren't in the class. The video itself was pretty hilarious, so we didn't want it to have too many people see it before the presentation day.
Presentations are Wednesday.
Apparently, someone copied the video onto their laptop today (I had no clue they even had it, because Asmodai had the disc, not me). This someone then went and showed absolutely everyone in the school. So now the presentation is basically moot(sp??), because everyone's seen it.
I know there's other things to be pissed off about, but I put a lot of work into the presentation. This person, as far as I'm concerned, didn't even have permission to copy it. I didn't even know about the copy until I was horded by people after school today saying they saw it.
So anyway, that's what's bothering me today.
Meep. I actually DID give him permission to copy it, but he'd asked if he could burn a copy for himself because he liked it so much.

Okay, I figured this would be fine, considering he'd already seen it, and it IS a pretty great little movie.

The boy should have at least ASKED before showing it to everyone and their cousin... we had some good suspense built up, too.